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SJTU版 - Boston交大校友中秋聚会
交通大学校友滑雪聚会,Jan.22,New Hampshire,US[转载] 2005年ACM全球总决赛TOP 30
Jiaotong Univ. Alumni Reunion in Chicago交大学报有电子版么?
Re: Jiaotong Univ. Alumni Reunion in Chigoing to SJTU for campus recruit next week :-)
SJTU alumni party 4/26 in DC areaA historical picture of Jiaotong university back in 2005.
SJTU ACM Scores (Asian Region/SH) 1997-2001凯原法学院首任院长季卫东[图]
sad news about Prof. Chen, Da in Jiaodadiscussion by XJTU alumni
交大的英文写法FYI: Alumni Annual 6/6/04 in NY
上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院展望未来Night of Shanghai - SJTU/Fudan Alumni
话题: alumni话题: pacific话题: sept话题: 24th话题: social
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19
Mid-autumn festival is coming. Let's meet our fellow alumni and enjoy the
wonderful moment. JTUAANE (JiaoTong Univ. Alumni Association in New England)
is organizing a social dinner gathering on Sept. 24th, 2005. All alumni, their
relatives and friends are welcome!
We'll play games and social together. Food and moon cakes will be served.
Time: 6:30PM, Sept. 24th, 2005, Saturday
Cost : $10 per adult, $5 under 15
Multipurpose room (Room 157) in MIT Sidney-Pacific Graduate House
70 Pacific
1 (共1页)
Night of Shanghai - SJTU/Fudan AlumniSJTU ACM Scores (Asian Region/SH) 1997-2001
Jiao Tong University Alumni Summer Outing to Cape Codsad news about Prof. Chen, Da in Jiaoda
Happy Thanksgiving!交大的英文写法
SJTU-SV and FDAANC invite you to Night of Shanghai on 03/08/2008上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院展望未来
交通大学校友滑雪聚会,Jan.22,New Hampshire,US[转载] 2005年ACM全球总决赛TOP 30
Jiaotong Univ. Alumni Reunion in Chicago交大学报有电子版么?
Re: Jiaotong Univ. Alumni Reunion in Chigoing to SJTU for campus recruit next week :-)
SJTU alumni party 4/26 in DC areaA historical picture of Jiaotong university back in 2005.
话题: alumni话题: pacific话题: sept话题: 24th话题: social