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Salon版 - National Health Insurance, Taiwan
TaiwanCultural Taiwan (IV)
China Boycotts Pres. MaTaiwan tells China it is an 'independent state.'
The Economist (magazine)Listener: Want Good Care? Try Taiwan.
Taiwan Air Force pilot who defected to China wants to return homeAlcohol Consumption in Taiwan, China etc.
Healthcare in Taiwan, US (and China)'Living Funerals' in Taiwan
Sky is the limit in TaiwanRare Shrimps in Taiwan's Exhibition
Fear in Taiwan as trade pact with China looms奥巴马离沪抵达北京
New Taiwan PM Under ScrutinyTaiwan News
话题: health话题: taiwan话题: insurance话题: national话题: universal
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
David Gauthier-Villars, France Fights Universal Care's High Cost. Wall
Street Journal, Aug. 7, 2009.
My comment:
(a) I did not read the front-page report. However, I was struck by the
illustration titled "Healthy Bites" which showed "Total spending of health
as a percentage of GDP" as well as "Percentage of population with health
(b) There are few research papers on Taiwan's healthcare, which offers
universal coverage. I found o
1 (共1页)
Taiwan NewsHealthcare in Taiwan, US (and China)
Chinese Ambivalent About Democracy in TaiwanSky is the limit in Taiwan
Frenemies: China and TaiwanFear in Taiwan as trade pact with China looms
China to Allow Transshipment on Taiwan StraitNew Taiwan PM Under Scrutiny
TaiwanCultural Taiwan (IV)
China Boycotts Pres. MaTaiwan tells China it is an 'independent state.'
The Economist (magazine)Listener: Want Good Care? Try Taiwan.
Taiwan Air Force pilot who defected to China wants to return homeAlcohol Consumption in Taiwan, China etc.
话题: health话题: taiwan话题: insurance话题: national话题: universal