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Salon版 - A Taiwanese Bike Maker in China
China's Industrial ClustersTaiwanese Disapprove Pres. Ma's China Policies: Official Polls
China's Economic FutureUS Census and Taiwanese Americans
中国放松外汇管制动机何在?China No Longer Bars BALD Taiwanese from Entry (转载)
iPhone and China TradeFiji Allows Taiwanese Visa-free; EU to Follow
Taiwan Air Force pilot who defected to China wants to return homeTaiwan Toy Makers
华裔日本人为何无人参选众议院选举?馬克筆塗鴉壁畫 追風少年又遭破壞
Most Taiwan Youth Consider Themselves Only Taiwanese“中国成为第二大工业制造国”
Taiwanese Bomb Survivor in Pune, IndiaIndustry Development in China
话题: china话题: bike话题: taiwanese话题: maker话题: street
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
(1) Andrew Batson, China Inc. Looks Homeward as U.S. Shoppers Turn Frugal.
Wall Street Journal, Sept. 30, 2009.
(a) Note:
(i) Tandem Industries 廣東天任車料有限公司
(ii) Tom Tseng 曾伟立
(iii) Shunde 順德區 (中國廣東省佛山市市轄區之一)
(b) Quote:
"China's exports, after growing for years at a steady 20%-plus rate,
recorded a year-over-year drop last November. They kept falling, and in
August were down 23% from a year earlier.*
发帖数: 6973
The illustration in Wall Street Journal is small.
This is what it says:
"Room to Grow
(i) left panel:
"Despite recent growth, china's household spending remains low relative to
rich countries ...
Europe $6.81 trillion
US 6.68
Japan 1.99
South America 0.88
China 0.78
Africa 0.56
(ii) right panel:
"...and it remains a small share of the country's overall economy
South America 63.0
Africa 61.9
Europe 58.3
Japan 52.1
China 36.7
Source: United Nations
Note: data for 2007

* * *

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: (1) Andrew Batson, China Inc. Looks Homeward as U.S. Shoppers Turn Frugal.
: Wall Street Journal, Sept. 30, 2009.
: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125417559519247515.html
: (a) Note:
: (i) Tandem Industries 廣東天任車料有限公司
: http://tandem.cycleb2b.com/tandem.html
: (ii) Tom Tseng 曾伟立
: (iii) Shunde 順德區 (中國廣東省佛山市市轄區之一)
: (b) Quote:
: "China's exports, after growing for years at a steady 20%-plus rate,

1 (共1页)
Industry Development in ChinaTaiwan Air Force pilot who defected to China wants to return home
China's Industrial Clusters (转载)Most Taiwan Youth Consider Themselves Only Taiwanese
China's Industrial Clusters (转载)Taiwanese Bomb Survivor in Pune, India
China's Industrial ClustersTaiwanese Disapprove Pres. Ma's China Policies: Official Polls
China's Economic FutureUS Census and Taiwanese Americans
中国放松外汇管制动机何在?China No Longer Bars BALD Taiwanese from Entry (转载)
iPhone and China TradeFiji Allows Taiwanese Visa-free; EU to Follow
话题: china话题: bike话题: taiwanese话题: maker话题: street