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Salon版 - Supposedly Inside Story about Pres. Clinton in 1998
China' s Car Boom (转载)Google
其实不少白人对中国人态度也还不错 (转载)Taiwanese Disapprove Pres. Ma's China Policies: Official Polls
China Boycotts Pres. MaThe New Red Scare
美国军队怎样维持空中优势?Obituary of Pres. Ma's Political Life
Taiwan's Press Freedom suffers under the Yoke of Pres. MaProf. Shelley Rigger on Pres. Ma
Taiwan NewsWashington Post Interviews Pres. Ma
It Is Hard to Be Pres. ObamaPres. Ma's Interview with AP
Books About China (转载)Taiwan
话题: clinton话题: pres话题: taiwan话题: story话题: supposedly
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
Hisahiko Okazaki, Enough concessions on Taiwan. Japan Times, Nov. 10, 2009.
My comment:
(a) Hisahiko Okazaki 岡崎久彦
(i) In 1998, Taiwan president was Lee Teng-hui. I doubt he wanted to declare
independence. At the time, Republicans controls Both senate and house of US
Congress. I doubt Republicans would let Pres. Clinton off the hook if US
sat by idly while China attacked Taiwan. Most importantly there was no
desire to declare independen
1 (共1页)
TaiwanTaiwan's Press Freedom suffers under the Yoke of Pres. Ma
余英时:《零八宪章》与刘晓波案ztTaiwan News
Hillary Clinton: Human rights United Nations SpeechIt Is Hard to Be Pres. Obama
The Demos support Clinton have sex with Monica publically.Books About China (转载)
China' s Car Boom (转载)Google
其实不少白人对中国人态度也还不错 (转载)Taiwanese Disapprove Pres. Ma's China Policies: Official Polls
China Boycotts Pres. MaThe New Red Scare
美国军队怎样维持空中优势?Obituary of Pres. Ma's Political Life
话题: clinton话题: pres话题: taiwan话题: story话题: supposedly