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Salon版 - China No Longer Bars BALD Taiwanese from Entry (转载)
Taiwan Air Force pilot who defected to China wants to return homeHuawei (转载)
华裔日本人为何无人参选众议院选举?Chen Shui-bian to Write More Books
A Taiwanese Bike Maker in ChinaFear in Taiwan as trade pact with China looms
Most Taiwan Youth Consider Themselves Only TaiwaneseTaiwan tells China it is an 'independent state.'
Taiwanese Bomb Survivor in Pune, IndiaChina stamp fetches record price
Taiwanese Disapprove Pres. Ma's China Policies: Official Polls'Living Funerals' in Taiwan
US Census and Taiwanese AmericansChina's Navy
Fiji Allows Taiwanese Visa-free; EU to FollowPromoting English in Taiwan
话题: taiwanese话题: china话题: bald
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
【 以下文字转载自 Travel 讨论区 】
发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Travel
标 题: China No Longer Bars BALD Taiwanese from Entry
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 10 19:42:28 2010, 美东)
China cancels visa restriction on bald Taiwanese. AFP, June 10, 2010.
1 (共1页)
Promoting English in TaiwanTaiwanese Bomb Survivor in Pune, India
Indians Boast: Chiese, Japanese Come/Evolve From UsTaiwanese Disapprove Pres. Ma's China Policies: Official Polls
馬英九是「豬狗畜牲」US Census and Taiwanese Americans
当权者道德标竿影响着人类命运Fiji Allows Taiwanese Visa-free; EU to Follow
Taiwan Air Force pilot who defected to China wants to return homeHuawei (转载)
华裔日本人为何无人参选众议院选举?Chen Shui-bian to Write More Books
A Taiwanese Bike Maker in ChinaFear in Taiwan as trade pact with China looms
Most Taiwan Youth Consider Themselves Only TaiwaneseTaiwan tells China it is an 'independent state.'
话题: taiwanese话题: china话题: bald