

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Salon版 - 馬英九是「豬狗畜牲」
Fear in Taiwan as trade pact with China loomsThe Economist (magazine)
Taiwan tells China it is an 'independent state.'Taiwan Air Force pilot who defected to China wants to return home
'Living Funerals' in TaiwanHuawei (转载)
Japan's Economy. Sigh!National Health Insurance, Taiwan
Taiwan Aquaculture: Grouper 石斑魚Healthcare in Taiwan, US (and China)
看了nytimes那篇threaten的报道Sky is the limit in Taiwan
China Behind Germany's Latest SuccessChen Shui-bian to Write More Books
China Boycotts Pres. MaNew Taiwan PM Under Scrutiny
话题: nov话题: taiwan话题: 2010话题: 豬狗话题: 12
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
(1) 曹明正、彭顯鈞, 陳致中批馬是豬狗 國民黨︰選民會唾棄, Liberty Times, Nov.
13, 2010 (available now).
My comment: City of Kaohsiung is my home town. 高雄人,好樣的.
(2) Peter Enav, Former president plays unexpectedly central role in home
stretch of bruising Taiwan campaign. Associated Press, Nov. 12, 2010.
(3) Joe Palazzolo, Acquittal Threatens US Attempts To Seize Properties
Linked To Ex-President Of Taiwan. Wall Street Journal, Nov. 12, 2010 (blog).
(4) Taiwan strips ex-leader Chen of perks after convictions. AFP, Nov. 12,
发帖数: 6973
I receive the following email. As this series is the only I have posted in
this board in recent days, I assume the email from mitbbs.com refers to the
series. As usual, the original posting is about news stories. Pres. Ma YIng-
jeou has not come out to say he was maligned by these news reports. Under
rights guaranteed by First Amendment to US Constitution, I am entitled to
disseminate news reports out there. It is not I who make any personal attack
(PA). The victim, if any (and Pres. Ma apparently does not think he is),
should pursue his or her legal recourse against journalists/publishers in a
court of law.
寄信人: deliver (自动发信系统)
标 题: 未名空间举报结果通知
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 15 03:22:08 2010)
来 源: mitbbs.com
1 (共1页)
New Taiwan PM Under ScrutinyTaiwan Aquaculture: Grouper 石斑魚
Cultural Taiwan (IV)看了nytimes那篇threaten的报道
Listener: Want Good Care? Try Taiwan.China Behind Germany's Latest Success
Alcohol Consumption in Taiwan, China etc.China Boycotts Pres. Ma
Fear in Taiwan as trade pact with China loomsThe Economist (magazine)
Taiwan tells China it is an 'independent state.'Taiwan Air Force pilot who defected to China wants to return home
'Living Funerals' in TaiwanHuawei (转载)
Japan's Economy. Sigh!National Health Insurance, Taiwan
话题: nov话题: taiwan话题: 2010话题: 豬狗话题: 12