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Salon版 - 廖亦武 + 艾未未
观察:亚当·斯密与中国的发展 (转载)62岁高龄设计师王薇薇泳装照 惊艳好莱坞(组图)
60Y Chicago Officer killed 23Y wife, the 4th wife麦当娜自曝少时曾遭强奸 多次被持枪抢劫(图)
廖亦武 + 艾未未麦当娜自白:曾被强奸曾吻女生 愿为人生冒险(图)
李宇春 ELLE 10月刊 幽默专访 ( 时尚Bazzar 裙装)赫本孙女穿条纹再战祖母经典 粗犷“甜姐儿”惹人爱(组图)
Mockingbird作者Harper Lee要出新书了这算一个成功的外发了8
【2015读书】南方,黑人,Harper Lee免费一年的Harper's Bazaar杂志
LIAO Yiwu's and His New Book受不了这个女人
Chomsky接受名誉博士,北大校方频起乌龙高潮 (转载)无聊贴
话题: harper话题: company话题: chinese话题: liao话题: collins
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
Andrew Jacobs, Dissident Chinese Writer Is 'Ecstatic' After Finding Freedom
in Germany. New York Times, July 13, 2011 (title in print).
"impending publication in the United States of 'God Is Red,' a book by Mr.
Liao about Chinese Christians, and a memoir about his time in jail, 'The
Witness of the 4th of June.'
"Not long afterward, in 1990, he and the others were jailed as “
counterrevolutionaries.” His four years of confinement were characterized
by torture and the terror of watching 20 inmates be dragged out for
execution. Twice, he said, he tried to kill himself. But it was in jail that
Mr. Liao met many of the characters who would fill 'The Corpse Walker.'
"He speaks neither German nor English, and said he was unsure whether to
plunge into learning a new language. 'Germany, the U.S. and Australia have
all welcomed me,' he said. 'But the place I really want to be is China.'
(a) Mr Liao was born in 1958 in Sichuan
(b) Allen Ginsberg
(1926-1997; American poet)
(c) For HarperOne, see HarperCollins
(Owned by News Corp and headquartered in Manhattan; combination of the
publishers William Collins, Sons and Co Ltd, a British company, and Harper &
Row, an American company, itself the result of an earlier merger of Harper
& Brothers and Row, Peterson & Company; Collins was a Scottish printing
company founded by a Presbyterian schoolmaster, William Collins, in Glasgow
in 1819; HarperOne is one of HarperCollins' imprints)
* Harper (publisher)
(James Harper and his brother John, printers by training, started their book
publishing business J. & J. Harper in 1817; After two more brothers joined,
the company changed its name to "Harper & Brothers" in 1833; headquartered
in Manhattan; published Harper's Weekly (1857-1916), Harper's Bazar (
starting in 1867))
Harper's Bazar was later spelled Harper's Bazaar, which Hearst Corp
purchased in 1912.
bazaar (n; Persian bāzār): "a market (as in the Middle East) consisting of
rows of shops or stalls selling miscellaneous goods"
* imprint
(2) 艾未未接受柏林艺大客座教授邀请. BBC Chinese, July 13, 2011.
1 (共1页)
无聊贴Mockingbird作者Harper Lee要出新书了
(转)PF上的,model很赞 Harper's BAZAAR & Video【2015读书】南方,黑人,Harper Lee
有人认识zhang jingna么?LIAO Yiwu's and His New Book
灌水:和老美同事聊天英文从哪来呢?我的一些方法:)Chomsky接受名誉博士,北大校方频起乌龙高潮 (转载)
观察:亚当·斯密与中国的发展 (转载)62岁高龄设计师王薇薇泳装照 惊艳好莱坞(组图)
60Y Chicago Officer killed 23Y wife, the 4th wife麦当娜自曝少时曾遭强奸 多次被持枪抢劫(图)
廖亦武 + 艾未未麦当娜自白:曾被强奸曾吻女生 愿为人生冒险(图)
李宇春 ELLE 10月刊 幽默专访 ( 时尚Bazzar 裙装)赫本孙女穿条纹再战祖母经典 粗犷“甜姐儿”惹人爱(组图)
话题: harper话题: company话题: chinese话题: liao话题: collins