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Salon版 - Top Contributors of O8B and Romney - interesting (转载)
我老给巴马的信 (转载)Obama's Top Contributors for 2008 - Lehman Bros. #10
靠,真的有 O8M phone 啊。我一直以为是谣言呢 (转载)如果女克林顿 上台,买啥股票比较好一点?
The Obama Administration To Sell Arms急问:Allen & Overy 或 DLA Piper 服务收费标准
成龙说我的中国最好 - 感想 (转载)DLA Piper这个所咋样?
Top Contributors of O8B and Romney - interesting (转载)LA附近招统计专业的公司都有哪些
Top Contributors of O8B and Romney - interesting加拿大会计师资格考试 6名华裔登上全国荣誉榜
Top Contributors of O8B and Romney - interesting (转载)共和党再败纯属自作孽
Top Contributors of O8B and Romney - interesting (转载)请问Deloitte Consulting LLP这个公司怎样?
话题: university话题: romney话题: top话题: o8b
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3620
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: KingofMS (你太有才了), 信区: USANews
标 题: Top Contributors of O8B and Romney - interesting
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 7 16:47:12 2012, 美东)
The organizations themselves did not donate , rather the money came from the
organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and
those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include
subsidiaries and affiliates.
University of California $491,868
Microsoft Corp $443,748
Google Inc $357,382
DLA Piper $331,715
Harvard University $317,516
US Government $299,923
Deloitte LLP $283,606
Sidley Austin LLP $283,269
Stanford University $238,803
Comcast Corp $234,037
Time Warner $230,088
Kaiser Permanente $197,087
Columbia University $195,574
Skadden, Arps et al $191,828
US Dept of State $175,672
Wells Fargo $170,448
University of Chicago $168,238
National Amusements Inc $167,342
JPMorgan Chase
1 (共1页)
请问Deloitte Consulting LLP这个公司怎样?Top Contributors of O8B and Romney - interesting (转载)
问个offer选择Top Contributors of O8B and Romney - interesting
myvisajobs.com 的最新统计数据Top Contributors of O8B and Romney - interesting (转载)
今年不会H1b抽签Top Contributors of O8B and Romney - interesting (转载)
我老给巴马的信 (转载)Obama's Top Contributors for 2008 - Lehman Bros. #10
靠,真的有 O8M phone 啊。我一直以为是谣言呢 (转载)如果女克林顿 上台,买啥股票比较好一点?
The Obama Administration To Sell Arms急问:Allen & Overy 或 DLA Piper 服务收费标准
成龙说我的中国最好 - 感想 (转载)DLA Piper这个所咋样?
话题: university话题: romney话题: top话题: o8b