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Salon版 - 亚裔SAT要比白人高140分 (转载)
亚裔SAT要比白人高140分 (转载)宋美龄, an American special agent and American Hero!!!
中国第一次发射岸对舰导弹威摄美军亚裔SAT要比白人高140分 (转载)
gay圈外F才叫严重 (转载)亚裔SAT要比白人高140分 (转载)
外f数据来了 (转载)亚裔SAT要比白人高140分 (转载)
US Census and Taiwanese Americans亚裔SAT要比白人高140分 (转载)
RE: Only the black Americans are not the racist people in亚裔:聪明反被聪明误?
靠,真的有 O8M phone 啊。我一直以为是谣言呢 (转载)普林斯顿的华裔学生如是说
话题: asian话题: americans话题: sat话题: admissions话题: whites
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3150
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: saiholmes (saiholmes), 信区: USANews
标 题: 亚裔SAT要比白人高140分 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 13 10:29:24 2013, 美东)
发信人: saiholmes (saiholmes), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 亚裔SAT要比白人高140分
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 13 10:29:09 2013, 美东)
Some Asian American groups, such as the 80-20 Education Foundation, have
been among the most vocal and visible in opposing what's broadly termed
affirmative action. They believe getting rid of race considerations will
work to the advantage of Asian Americans, who on average have held more
extracurricular leadership positions and have higher test scores and grade-
point averages than whites, yet have the lowest acceptance rate to elite
private universities.
They are not wrong to worry about Asian admissions. The circumstantial
evidence for a "bamboo" ceiling on Asian admissions is mounting. According
to a 2009 study by sociologists Thomas Espenshade and Alexandria Radford,
Asian Americans must score 140 points higher on the SAT to have the same
chance at admission to private colleges as whites. College enrollment trends
show that the percentage of Asian Americans in many Ivies has stayed flat
— between 15% and 18% — in the last 20 years, even though the college-age
population of Asian Americans has doubled.
1 (共1页)
我老人家不怕泼粪.US Census and Taiwanese Americans
关于AA,我有好多问题RE: Only the black Americans are not the racist people in
[转发] A parent wrote: "I am shocked by this racial preferences"靠,真的有 O8M phone 啊。我一直以为是谣言呢 (转载)
亚裔SAT要比白人高140分 (转载)宋美龄, an American special agent and American Hero!!!
中国第一次发射岸对舰导弹威摄美军亚裔SAT要比白人高140分 (转载)
gay圈外F才叫严重 (转载)亚裔SAT要比白人高140分 (转载)
外f数据来了 (转载)亚裔SAT要比白人高140分 (转载)
话题: asian话题: americans话题: sat话题: admissions话题: whites