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SanDiego版 - !!!UCSD事件结果出来了!!!
First victory大家是否赞同删除UCSD的帖子?
UCSD 道歉信贴在他们学院的网站上了 (转载)建议让那个UCSD化学系的教授也来抗议!
有local news报道UCSD事件了 (转载)!!UCSD情愿书已好,请签名!! (转载)
!!!UCSD事件急需帮助!!!**发包子了--发给在UCSD Petition Letter上签名的ID
怒了,UCSD化学教授公开歧视华裔 (转载)Trump获得少数族裔支持
protest ucsd professor here.读了这两条消息, 我猜你应该明白Kubiak是什么样的人.
UCSD 必须立刻解雇Chemistry Professor Clifford P. Kubiak !!! (转载)请Atlantis版主回应
话题: ucsd话题: american话题: chinese话题: kubiak话题: 80
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 91
兴地告诉大家,我们的工作终于换来了成果。经过80-20 Initiative的创建主席,前
德拉维州副州长,吴仙標(S.B. Woo)博士与UCSD长达一个多月的交涉和不懈努力,我们
1)吴博士将我们的抗议信交给加大总校长Dr. Mark Yudof后,他很快回复并委派加大
圣地亚哥分校的常务副校长Dr. Suresh Subramani来负责处理这件事
2)Dr. Subramani邀请了三位UCSD德高望重的华裔教授,与Kubiak同系的诺贝尔奖得主
Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD))就该事件展开的调查。
4)Dr. Subramani和UCSD的其他副校长联名给全校发了一封公开信,严厉谴责了这个违
a)加入80-20 促进会:http://www.80-20initiative.net/

newsletter, 但只有2000位愿意付$35/个人或$50/家庭的年费成为会员,以实际行动来
美国人常见并行之有效的方式为自己谋福利。(Give a man a fish and you feed him
for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.)如果您是美
,更多地了解这个组织,并加入80-20的会员吧。【* 美国法律对促进会(Political
Action Committee)有严格定义】。
b)80-20还有一个非牟利性的教育机构80-20 Education Foundation (http://www.80-20educationalfoundation.org/)这个组织的目的是帮助更多亚裔参政议政,并学会用美国民主的各项举措来维护自己的权利。在UCSD事件发生之初,有许多朋友问怎么样给我们捐钱。我觉得这是给80-20教育资金会捐钱是除了加入80-20以外最好的一个平台。第一,您不必是美国公民或永久公民才能参加。第二,由于这是一个501(c)-3的组织,您的捐款能够免税。
欢迎您和我们一道携手为我们自己,更为我们出生在美国的儿女们, 来缔造一个更完美
的美利坚合众国! Let us work together to make this nation a more perfect
发帖数: 91
发帖数: 91
From: "Kubiak, Clifford"
Date: July 1, 2011 9:40:15 AM EDT
To: "SB Woo"
Cc: "Subramani, Suresh"
Dear Dr. Woo,
In thinking over the events of the past month, there are a few points that I
wanted to clearly state. I strongly believe in equal opportunity, justice,
and dignity for all people of different ethnic origins. I grew up with
these beliefs, and I never abandoned them.
It is most regrettable that an unacceptable derogatory statement appeared in
the website of my laboratory. I sincerely apologize to the entire Chinese
community, which has my highest respect and in which I have many dear
friends, from many years of enjoyable associations.
I take full responsibility for this most unfortunate happening.
Cliff Kubiak
Clifford P. Kubiak
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of California - San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0358
发帖数: 91
发帖数: 91
Dear Dr. Woo:
I want to thank you for your assistance over the last few weeks in helping
us to respond to the concerns raised by the UC San Diego Chinese-American
community. As you know, upon learning of the offensive webpage we took
immediate steps to remove it and to issue sincere apologies to our community
. Our Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination also
initiated an immediate review, the outcome of which has been communicated to
you by the faculty involved in the process. Your involvement, however,
sensitized us further to the gravity and urgency of the issue and your
advice led us to have broader conversations within the UC San Diego
community. Specifically, we have now issued a campus communication, signed
by all academic Vice Chancellors and our Vice Chancellor for Research
reminding everyone of the UC San Diego Principles of Community, and of their
responsibilities to create an environment that is respectful and free from
discrimination. A copy of that communication is attached. I have also
talked with our Academic Deans about these issues and asked them to discuss
with department chairs and I will raise the issue directly with the chairs
myself when next we meet.
Please be assured that UC San Diego values diversity, equity, and inclusion
as essential ingredients of academic excellence. In a community as large
and diverse as ours it is impossible to guarantee that there will never be
ugly incidents. However, when such incidents are brought to our attention,
we will confront them and respond appropriately. On a related note, I would
like to let you know that in support of this commitment the campus is
presently searching for a Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
- a newly created position at UC San Diego which will report directly to me.
The new Vice Chancellor will be charged with assessing the effectiveness
of all diversity and outreach programs and services on campus, and will be
expected to lead UC San Diego to measurable improvements in organizational
climate and in the recruitment and retention of a diverse community.
Again, I thank you for your assistance in helping us to defuse this matter.
Best regards,
Suresh Subramani
Executive Vice Chancellor
发帖数: 1706
Finally, after one month of investigation, I am so excited to see the fact
that the Chem Prof. didn't know the contents of the web page, and he is
sincerely sorry for the insensitive joke...
Hey ... sounds like the same results the univ. published back then??
发帖数: 10121
谁给个摘要: 这是说SB们签完字倒底赢没赢?
发帖数: 1706

【在 e******e 的大作中提到】
: 谁给个摘要: 这是说SB们签完字倒底赢没赢?
发帖数: 3922

【在 u**********n 的大作中提到】
: 亲爱的朋友,
: 您一定还记得一个月以前,我们大家群起群力在48小时就筹集到1000多个对加州大学圣
: 地亚哥分校(UCSD)辱华网站事件的抗议签名。之前,mitbbs上各网友的积极参与和
: UCSD学生会同学们在百忙之中抽时间组织的抗议示威活动也是功不可没。今天我们很高
: 兴地告诉大家,我们的工作终于换来了成果。经过80-20 Initiative的创建主席,前
: 德拉维州副州长,吴仙標(S.B. Woo)博士与UCSD长达一个多月的交涉和不懈努力,我们
: 得到了以下回应:
: 1)吴博士将我们的抗议信交给加大总校长Dr. Mark Yudof后,他很快回复并委派加大
: 圣地亚哥分校的常务副校长Dr. Suresh Subramani来负责处理这件事
: 2)Dr. Subramani邀请了三位UCSD德高望重的华裔教授,与Kubiak同系的诺贝尔奖得主

发帖数: 1706
我更脑残,居然把后面两篇给看了. 三位华裔教授好像政协委员,拍拍手鼓鼓掌. 那篇公
开信,没有说哪个实验室,哪位教授负责的... 通篇文字新华社统发稿。 如果今天接受这样的结果,又何必当初气势汹汹? 那个s.b. 博士的作用,除了请大家捐钱,又是什么呢?

【在 g*******e 的大作中提到】
: 我脑残,居然看完了第一帖!
怒了,UCSD化学教授公开歧视华裔 (转载)UCSD教授的道歉简直是个joke!
protest ucsd professor here.大家是否赞同删除UCSD的帖子?
UCSD 必须立刻解雇Chemistry Professor Clifford P. Kubiak !!! (转载)建议让那个UCSD化学系的教授也来抗议!
发帖数: 6402
Is this all you guys wanted? I thought you wanted to have that chemistry
professor fired. Collecting more than 1,000 signatures is just for this
result that you already knew ? time not so well spent - IMHO.

【在 u**********n 的大作中提到】
: 亲爱的朋友,
: 您一定还记得一个月以前,我们大家群起群力在48小时就筹集到1000多个对加州大学圣
: 地亚哥分校(UCSD)辱华网站事件的抗议签名。之前,mitbbs上各网友的积极参与和
: UCSD学生会同学们在百忙之中抽时间组织的抗议示威活动也是功不可没。今天我们很高
: 兴地告诉大家,我们的工作终于换来了成果。经过80-20 Initiative的创建主席,前
: 德拉维州副州长,吴仙標(S.B. Woo)博士与UCSD长达一个多月的交涉和不懈努力,我们
: 得到了以下回应:
: 1)吴博士将我们的抗议信交给加大总校长Dr. Mark Yudof后,他很快回复并委派加大
: 圣地亚哥分校的常务副校长Dr. Suresh Subramani来负责处理这件事
: 2)Dr. Subramani邀请了三位UCSD德高望重的华裔教授,与Kubiak同系的诺贝尔奖得主

发帖数: 18987
发帖数: 5637
发帖数: 1706
I don't think so. As I pointed out, the letter to all staff doesn't have
any specific information. And there are no mentioning of specific steps to
take to prevent this from happening again, expect for referring to an
existing policy document.
I am glad you find peace in this meaningless fight.

【在 s*********5 的大作中提到】
: 我们的目的是提高这件事的认识。不能人家骂了你,打了你,你就悄悄走了。很明显,学校听到了我们的声音。以后相信同学们要公开开这种玩笑之前要想想了。这是我们要的。
: Dr.Woo没有让大家捐钱。但是没有80-20,我们绝对到不了今天。这件事可能就不了了之了。学校现在给我们了个交代。三位华裔教授的信也很支持学校的调查,我们要求的公开信学校也发了,甚至还增设了一个副校长的位置。试问大家还想要什么?很可惜我们中国人常像一盘散沙,不支持80-20这样的组织,以后就更没地方说话了。

发帖数: 1706
And please don't exaggerate this 80-20. Except the involvement of those 3
prof. I am not seeing the results published today is any materially
different from the original results, where no one was happy and hence got
the 80-20 involved.
Why all of the sudden everyone should be happy with the same results? A new
job being created that would help local economy??
Now let's take a look at what these 3 profs. said:
From their letter, they basically said: yeah we did what you asked us to do.
Here you go, and we are off the hook.


【在 s*********5 的大作中提到】
: 我们的目的是提高这件事的认识。不能人家骂了你,打了你,你就悄悄走了。很明显,学校听到了我们的声音。以后相信同学们要公开开这种玩笑之前要想想了。这是我们要的。
: Dr.Woo没有让大家捐钱。但是没有80-20,我们绝对到不了今天。这件事可能就不了了之了。学校现在给我们了个交代。三位华裔教授的信也很支持学校的调查,我们要求的公开信学校也发了,甚至还增设了一个副校长的位置。试问大家还想要什么?很可惜我们中国人常像一盘散沙,不支持80-20这样的组织,以后就更没地方说话了。

发帖数: 5637
世界上的事情很多是要give and take的。要不然怎么才能双赢呢?这件事整个谈判的
我对我们的所作所为问心无愧,更理解SB Woo走一步的艰辛。所以我要帮他的组织大声
发帖数: 5637
发帖数: 17878
I'm glad the investigation has a satisfactory result.
I'm happy the professor has been proven to be innocent, although he should
and had taken full responsibility for overlooking the contents on his
I think UCSD has done a great job throughout this matter.

【在 u**********n 的大作中提到】
: 亲爱的朋友,
: 您一定还记得一个月以前,我们大家群起群力在48小时就筹集到1000多个对加州大学圣
: 地亚哥分校(UCSD)辱华网站事件的抗议签名。之前,mitbbs上各网友的积极参与和
: UCSD学生会同学们在百忙之中抽时间组织的抗议示威活动也是功不可没。今天我们很高
: 兴地告诉大家,我们的工作终于换来了成果。经过80-20 Initiative的创建主席,前
: 德拉维州副州长,吴仙標(S.B. Woo)博士与UCSD长达一个多月的交涉和不懈努力,我们
: 得到了以下回应:
: 1)吴博士将我们的抗议信交给加大总校长Dr. Mark Yudof后,他很快回复并委派加大
: 圣地亚哥分校的常务副校长Dr. Suresh Subramani来负责处理这件事
: 2)Dr. Subramani邀请了三位UCSD德高望重的华裔教授,与Kubiak同系的诺贝尔奖得主

发帖数: 59
发帖数: 1706
我不否认学生会的努力。 问题是今天的结果和当初的结果完全一样,用词上也没有实
质变化。 为什么当时不满意今天就满意了? 或者因为“我们”参与了,所以就满意了?

【在 c******u 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得现在这个结果已经很好了!!!
: 我收到学生会发的邮件第一反应是,他们能有始有终地做这件事很了不起。
: 现在这个处理也是他们坚持不懈努力的结果。而且很多学生还是在考试期间忙这件事,
: 很感谢他们的付出!
: 我觉得校方还是很重视和配合的,也做了相应的措施。
: 另外,反对歧视弱势群体这也不是一天两天能万成的,也需要大家长期的努力。
: anyway,很感谢UCSD学生会组织了大家向校方表达我们的意思。也谢谢他们把结果及时
: 告诉我们。我对这个结果还是挺满意的。

!!UCSD情愿书已好,请签名!! (转载)读了这两条消息, 我猜你应该明白Kubiak是什么样的人.
**发包子了--发给在UCSD Petition Letter上签名的ID请Atlantis版主回应
Trump获得少数族裔支持Prejudice是火柴, The Chinaman是导火索, MITbbs是炸药
发帖数: 14069

【在 u**********n 的大作中提到】
: 亲爱的朋友,
: 您一定还记得一个月以前,我们大家群起群力在48小时就筹集到1000多个对加州大学圣
: 地亚哥分校(UCSD)辱华网站事件的抗议签名。之前,mitbbs上各网友的积极参与和
: UCSD学生会同学们在百忙之中抽时间组织的抗议示威活动也是功不可没。今天我们很高
: 兴地告诉大家,我们的工作终于换来了成果。经过80-20 Initiative的创建主席,前
: 德拉维州副州长,吴仙標(S.B. Woo)博士与UCSD长达一个多月的交涉和不懈努力,我们
: 得到了以下回应:
: 1)吴博士将我们的抗议信交给加大总校长Dr. Mark Yudof后,他很快回复并委派加大
: 圣地亚哥分校的常务副校长Dr. Suresh Subramani来负责处理这件事
: 2)Dr. Subramani邀请了三位UCSD德高望重的华裔教授,与Kubiak同系的诺贝尔奖得主

发帖数: 692
我不想说I told you so, 可是...
I told you so.
发帖数: 2218
I think this is a satisfactory outcome too.
Someones of known names put their signatures on a open letter, I take it
with a lot more respect and trust than vomits from some ignorant internet "

【在 u**********n 的大作中提到】
: 亲爱的朋友,
: 您一定还记得一个月以前,我们大家群起群力在48小时就筹集到1000多个对加州大学圣
: 地亚哥分校(UCSD)辱华网站事件的抗议签名。之前,mitbbs上各网友的积极参与和
: UCSD学生会同学们在百忙之中抽时间组织的抗议示威活动也是功不可没。今天我们很高
: 兴地告诉大家,我们的工作终于换来了成果。经过80-20 Initiative的创建主席,前
: 德拉维州副州长,吴仙標(S.B. Woo)博士与UCSD长达一个多月的交涉和不懈努力,我们
: 得到了以下回应:
: 1)吴博士将我们的抗议信交给加大总校长Dr. Mark Yudof后,他很快回复并委派加大
: 圣地亚哥分校的常务副校长Dr. Suresh Subramani来负责处理这件事
: 2)Dr. Subramani邀请了三位UCSD德高望重的华裔教授,与Kubiak同系的诺贝尔奖得主

发帖数: 3591


【在 g*******e 的大作中提到】
: 我不否认学生会的努力。 问题是今天的结果和当初的结果完全一样,用词上也没有实
: 质变化。 为什么当时不满意今天就满意了? 或者因为“我们”参与了,所以就满意了?

发帖数: 33
发帖数: 5245
Mark g Tudor是我们学校的前校长。。呵呵
发帖数: 5637
现在,学校听到了我们的声音loud and clear,上面的每一项就是我们一点一点争取来的。他们
是‘in between the lines”。具体是什么字眼rumor mill很快就知道了。另外也是由


【在 g*******e 的大作中提到】
: 我不否认学生会的努力。 问题是今天的结果和当初的结果完全一样,用词上也没有实
: 质变化。 为什么当时不满意今天就满意了? 或者因为“我们”参与了,所以就满意了?

发帖数: 2813
发帖数: 5637
互抱团守望的力量。 当这样的事件不期而至的时候,我们只求对得起自己的良心。”
我不知道为什么SB Woo 72岁的老人还愿意帮我们管档闲事儿,人家现在本来是可以安
发帖数: 5637
您还有穷追猛打? 这个网页是两年多前建的“unlinked page".学校虽然没有告诉我

【在 b**g 的大作中提到】
: 既然教授不知情,网页总不是上帝造出来的吧?谁负责的找谁啊,连个替罪羊都找不出
: 来,就偃旗息鼓了,当初白签字支持了

请问这次儿童电影节是纯公益还是商业操作?First victory
小肥羊还有特价午餐吗?UCSD 道歉信贴在他们学院的网站上了 (转载)
让本版某些人失望了,人家要道歉了有local news报道UCSD事件了 (转载)
发帖数: 101
well, could you pls let us know what you did during the whole process in
action?? What were your contributions?? If you don't feel satisfaction
with this results, why don't you come up an idea and do it rather than
blahing right here?
No matter what kind of consequence comes out, at least, they truly did sth.
don't be so picky. Just DO it!


【在 g*******e 的大作中提到】
: I don't think so. As I pointed out, the letter to all staff doesn't have
: any specific information. And there are no mentioning of specific steps to
: take to prevent this from happening again, expect for referring to an
: existing policy document.
: I am glad you find peace in this meaningless fight.

发帖数: 2813


【在 s*********5 的大作中提到】
: 这个我们自然提了,学校也自有处理方法。该校有名有望的同系的,不同系的华裔教授们都满意了,
: 您还有穷追猛打? 这个网页是两年多前建的“unlinked page".学校虽然没有告诉我
: 们那学生的名字,但我估计那厮不是毕业了就是在Kubiak手下日子也不好过。

发帖数: 91
发信人: ucsdchinaman (Chinaman事件), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: !!!UCSD事件结果出来了!!!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 15 21:39:06 2011, 美东)
这个我来解释一下。谈判时要give and take。这个我们自然提了。这个网页是两年多
年前建的“unlinked page".该校现在已经花了很多人力物力调查此事,更重要的是提
发帖数: 150
那些嫌不过瘾的童鞋们,问问自己,从始至终,你自己出了多少力?不管结果怎样, 这
社会办事是要靠本事的, 华人目前也就这力量了。希望一次能比一次强。
发帖数: 25234


【在 s*********5 的大作中提到】
: 我们的目的是提高这件事的认识。不能人家骂了你,打了你,你就悄悄走了。很明显,学校听到了我们的声音。以后相信同学们要公开开这种玩笑之前要想想了。这是我们要的。
: Dr.Woo没有让大家捐钱。但是没有80-20,我们绝对到不了今天。这件事可能就不了了之了。学校现在给我们了个交代。三位华裔教授的信也很支持学校的调查,我们要求的公开信学校也发了,甚至还增设了一个副校长的位置。试问大家还想要什么?很可惜我们中国人常像一盘散沙,不支持80-20这样的组织,以后就更没地方说话了。

发帖数: 59
发帖数: 5637
阅读“The Chosen: The Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard,
Yale, and Princeton"一书。
SB Woo在美国从政多年,他也很乐意把他学到的一些经验和我们分享。SWING bloc
,最低成就的“model citizen"吧。
80-20 is a national, nonpartisan, Political Action Committee dedicated to
winning equal opportunity and justice for all Asian Americans through a
SWING bloc vote, ideally directing 80% of our community's votes and money to
the presidential candidate endorsed by the 80-20, who better represents the
interests of all APAs. Hence, the name "80-20" was created。
发帖数: 1618
Couldn't have said it better.

【在 P****n 的大作中提到】
: well, could you pls let us know what you did during the whole process in
: action?? What were your contributions?? If you don't feel satisfaction
: with this results, why don't you come up an idea and do it rather than
: blahing right here?
: No matter what kind of consequence comes out, at least, they truly did sth.
: don't be so picky. Just DO it!
: to

发帖数: 480

【在 P****n 的大作中提到】
: well, could you pls let us know what you did during the whole process in
: action?? What were your contributions?? If you don't feel satisfaction
: with this results, why don't you come up an idea and do it rather than
: blahing right here?
: No matter what kind of consequence comes out, at least, they truly did sth.
: don't be so picky. Just DO it!
: to

发帖数: 1451

【在 y****i 的大作中提到】
: I'm glad the investigation has a satisfactory result.
: I'm happy the professor has been proven to be innocent, although he should
: and had taken full responsibility for overlooking the contents on his
: website.
: I think UCSD has done a great job throughout this matter.

有local news报道UCSD事件了 (转载)protest ucsd professor here.
!!!UCSD事件急需帮助!!!UCSD 必须立刻解雇Chemistry Professor Clifford P. Kubiak !!! (转载)
怒了,UCSD化学教授公开歧视华裔 (转载)UCSD教授的道歉简直是个joke!
发帖数: 1130
发帖数: 6402

【在 j***z 的大作中提到】
: 支持80-20
: 你们这些人出钱出力了吗?人家出钱出力的争取到了目前的结果你们不但不支持还到处
: 挑刺怎么不让做事的人寒心
: 就是你们这些人,让国人无法团结,你们根本就是汉奸,破坏国人团结的汉奸

发帖数: 14069

【在 j***z 的大作中提到】
: 支持80-20
: 你们这些人出钱出力了吗?人家出钱出力的争取到了目前的结果你们不但不支持还到处
: 挑刺怎么不让做事的人寒心
: 就是你们这些人,让国人无法团结,你们根本就是汉奸,破坏国人团结的汉奸

发帖数: 5637
Internet postings have many light moments. However, on such a matter of community concern, please engage in a serious and substantive discourse when one does not agree with each other. I thank you in advance for that.
Please define any statement precisely. What kind of politician am I supposed to be to participate in such a matter of public concern, and what evidence supports your statement? Just like in the Kubiak case, you will have to base your conclusions on hard evidence to convict someone.
I can tell you point blank I am an ordinary professional just like most of us, who would rather prefer to focus only on my family and my career. However, I am also a concerned citizen who would like to contribute what I can when there are issues that affect our Chinese American community, and therefore affecting me as an individual. However feeble my effort was, at least I devoted my personal time to an issue that I cared about. Working with other concerned citizens, we pushed the issue to a level that is consistent with the current level of the Asian Americans' group political clout and participation. I have no other ambition beyond that other than pointing out 80-20 played an instrumental role in the negotiation with UCSD and that I personally believe it is a good instrument in the coming elections to magnify our group clout. You can feel free to disagree. What other venue do you suggest would be effective? Please let all of us know what they did and how to contact them, I want to join them as well. Whatever one you choose, please participate. Sitting in front of the computer taking pleasure insulting others does not contribute to any solution.
I personally respect SB Woo for his consistent and stubborn effort over the last decade and half to foster greater Asian American clout. He is a first-generation Chinese American who’s risen to the Lieutenant Governor's post. You have to give credit to such an extraordinary accomplishment. If not, why don't you become UCSD president first (so that you can fire Kubiak without hard evidences then get yourself fired for the juvenile behavior.) and then become a governor (pick your state). I would salute you.
To those who said 80-20 is a democratic stooge and ask me who would I vote in 2012 (implying democrat?) You've got to be kidding. Before the politicians and each party issue verifiable and enforceable written commitments as to what they will do for the Asian American community after winning the office, do you expect me to pick who would I vote for? I hope you would put more thought into your own vote and not just like picking a lottery. The whole idea of 80-20 is that we will vote for whichever party who dole out more goodies to the Asian American community. If it is the Democrat, be it. If it is the Republican, be it. Would you please do some research before drawing a one-liner conclusion to scare people? If after the research, you don't like what you see, why don't participate and run for a delegate position so that you can influence any decision 80-20 would make in candidate endorsement? It is a serious business for all involved. I hope people have the common sense on the concept of group clout.
If I go to Obama (well I can't even get near him) and said I want him to sign a binding statement to enforce Department of Labor regulations on behalf of Asian Americans, I will be ignored because I am nothing. If 80-20 goes to Obama and said if you don't sign this you risk up to 300,000 votes on our mailing list and we will mobilize against you in the coming election, he will seriously consider. He did sign such a statement. The Department of Labor had since concluded the 80-20 compiled statistics that Asian Americans do NOT enjoy the full benefits of other ethnic groups in the workplace as valid. We are now starting the review period over whether the Obama administration had live up to its promise in delivery goodies before the next election comes up and what the Republican can offer to EARN our votes. Please remember Bush's Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, a Chinese American, refused to even conduct an investigation to see whether the 80-20 statistics is valid. When John McCain refused to sign the pledge, would you still cast your vote for him just because he might be a winner? Do you want 80-20 to vote the Republican under such a circumstance?
I also respect SB Woo for his involvement in the UCSD incident because he, with 80-20's support, has the political clout to negotiate with the UCSD administration. If you don't believe it, why don't you call up the UCSD chancellor yourself to discuss the matter and see if you can extract more concession?
To those who say you do not have the right to do anything anywhere before you have demonstrated the capacity to solve the world's problems, including the democratization of China and its human rights issues, I want to say I salute those individuals making their endeavors and sacrifices. Each one of us, however tiny our capacities, can do something that affects us in our backyard.
Having choosing to stay in the US, my backyard is San Diego and I feel the UCSD issue personally touched me, therefore I wanted to work with others to do the very little we could. I choose to live in this country in no small part because the United States, however imperfect, has a basic level of the rule of laws which provide the tools an ordinary citizen can use. We are encouraged to participate in and negotiate for our rightful concerns. I personally believe (and you can feel free to disagree) China does not currently have such a system. I always vote with my feet and my action and not empty words. I have voted with my feet to stay here in the foreseeable future (which does not carry any connotation that I do not love China and our fellow Chinese people as some hot heads would suggest. Just to the contrary.) If you chose to fight for a better political system in China, I will cheer you on. To suggest that anyone care to do something about the UCSD incident would either have to be a Chinese Consulate agent to instigate the investigation, or have to be an American government's stooge for accepting the outcome of the investigation, is really an insult to people's intelligence.
Going back to the Kubiak case, if you first reach the conclusion he did it, then focus on gathering evidence only if it support your pre-determined conclusion and ignore anything to the contrary (such as in the WMD conclusion that led to the Iraq war), can this really be called an investigation or just witch hunt? We are all professionals living in this country; we have to behave in a more dignified fashion.
The UCSD administration behaved professionally, and spent enormous amount manpower and other resources on both the investigation itself and the effort in raising awareness. For these efforts, they have earned my respect. (Again you can feel free to disagree.) Even the three Chinese American professors involved are starting to get fatigued by this drawn-out process and preferred to move on. If these well-respected UCSD Chinese American professors are willing to put down their names after participated and contributed to such an investigation in a report which concluded that Kubiak did NOT do it himself (even though he has overall responsibility in policing his own website), are you suggesting they are all stooges of the UCSD administration unless they concur with your pre-conceived conclusion? At least one of the professors knows Kubiak well and he can personally vouched he had not observed any past incident that Kubiak had any racial bias against Chinese Americans over the decade-long associations. Under such a circumstance, do you want to star in a comic show in which MITBBS bloggers accuse UCSD Chinese American professors as liars and the Chinese American professors defending their honors by striking back at the fellow Chinese American as hot-heads? (That would be a really juicy story for the news media of which only people who hate Chinese Americans would enjoy reading.) I have my full confidence and my respect to these professors. What is your evidence to support your view?
I understand the main dissatisfaction is that UCSD declined to reveal the full-content of their confidential report to the general public. However, these professors did participate in the evidence gathering, the full content of the report, and the conclusions. They have vouched the validity of the conclusions with their own reputations. If you believe no one but yourself, why should anyone believe in you? Are you GOD?
It is understandable the UCSD administration does not want to publicize the full report, which may or may not contain the name of the person who actually did or at least being the suspect of such an act. If Chinese Americans have the group clout of what African Americans currently possess (not what they had in the 1950s), we may be able to force UCSD to publish the report. However, we currently do not. Pushing further carries an extreme high-risk of backfire, of Chinese Americans struggling against Chinese Americans. If you review in totality how UCSD conducted its investigation, and how some of the MITBBS bloggers handled their remarks (while hiding behind the anonymity of the internet), it is not hard to conclude who now occupies the moral high ground if the general American public is the jury. Even a novice like me understands politics in the real world involves "give and take". If you are only interested in forcing your demands down someone else's throat, you'd better slowly build up your group clout by participation, over many decades, through organizations such as 80-20. All except one (the name of the offender and his punishment) of our stated goals have been accomplished.
Therefore, I conclude (1) I did the very little I could to facilitate the process that involve many dedicated individuals in a collective effort. I am proud to have fulfilled my civic duty. (2) I am satisfied by the UCSD's effort, especially the outreaching effort. (3) I would not participate in further investigation. If someone wants to carry it on further, please just do it, organize something effective, and not to just trade insults against one others. After all, we are all Chinese American brothers and sisters. Let's be nice to each other. If we don't, who will?
发帖数: 5637
发帖数: 2099
Congratulations! You guys have done a lot to achieve this.
发帖数: 13127


【在 s*********5 的大作中提到】
: Internet postings have many light moments. However, on such a matter of community concern, please engage in a serious and substantive discourse when one does not agree with each other. I thank you in advance for that.
: Please define any statement precisely. What kind of politician am I supposed to be to participate in such a matter of public concern, and what evidence supports your statement? Just like in the Kubiak case, you will have to base your conclusions on hard evidence to convict someone.
: I can tell you point blank I am an ordinary professional just like most of us, who would rather prefer to focus only on my family and my career. However, I am also a concerned citizen who would like to contribute what I can when there are issues that affect our Chinese American community, and therefore affecting me as an individual. However feeble my effort was, at least I devoted my personal time to an issue that I cared about. Working with other concerned citizens, we pushed the issue to a level that is consistent with the current level of the Asian Americans' group political clout and participation. I have no other ambition beyond that other than pointing out 80-20 played an instrumental role in the negotiation with UCSD and that I personally believe it is a good instrument in the coming elections to magnify our group clout. You can feel free to disagree. What other venue do you suggest would be effective? Please let all of us know what they did and how to contact them, I want to join them as well. Whatever one you choose, please participate. Sitting in front of the computer taking pleasure insulting others does not contribute to any solution.
: I personally respect SB Woo for his consistent and stubborn effort over the last decade and half to foster greater Asian American clout. He is a first-generation Chinese American who’s risen to the Lieutenant Governor's post. You have to give credit to such an extraordinary accomplishment. If not, why don't you become UCSD president first (so that you can fire Kubiak without hard evidences then get yourself fired for the juvenile behavior.) and then become a governor (pick your state). I would salute you.
: To those who said 80-20 is a democratic stooge and ask me who would I vote in 2012 (implying democrat?) You've got to be kidding. Before the politicians and each party issue verifiable and enforceable written commitments as to what they will do for the Asian American community after winning the office, do you expect me to pick who would I vote for? I hope you would put more thought into your own vote and not just like picking a lottery. The whole idea of 80-20 is that we will vote for whichever party who dole out more goodies to the Asian American community. If it is the Democrat, be it. If it is the Republican, be it. Would you please do some research before drawing a one-liner conclusion to scare people? If after the research, you don't like what you see, why don't participate and run for a delegate position so that you can influence any decision 80-20 would make in candidate endorsement? It is a serious business for all involved. I hope people have the common sense on the concept of group clout.
: If I go to Obama (well I can't even get near him) and said I want him to sign a binding statement to enforce Department of Labor regulations on behalf of Asian Americans, I will be ignored because I am nothing. If 80-20 goes to Obama and said if you don't sign this you risk up to 300,000 votes on our mailing list and we will mobilize against you in the coming election, he will seriously consider. He did sign such a statement. The Department of Labor had since concluded the 80-20 compiled statistics that Asian Americans do NOT enjoy the full benefits of other ethnic groups in the workplace as valid. We are now starting the review period over whether the Obama administration had live up to its promise in delivery goodies before the next election comes up and what the Republican can offer to EARN our votes. Please remember Bush's Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, a Chinese American, refused to even conduct an investigation to see whether the 80-20 statistics is valid. When John McCain refused to sign the pledge, would you still cast your vote for him just because he might be a winner? Do you want 80-20 to vote the Republican under such a circumstance?
: I also respect SB Woo for his involvement in the UCSD incident because he, with 80-20's support, has the political clout to negotiate with the UCSD administration. If you don't believe it, why don't you call up the UCSD chancellor yourself to discuss the matter and see if you can extract more concession?
: To those who say you do not have the right to do anything anywhere before you have demonstrated the capacity to solve the world's problems, including the democratization of China and its human rights issues, I want to say I salute those individuals making their endeavors and sacrifices. Each one of us, however tiny our capacities, can do something that affects us in our backyard.
: Having choosing to stay in the US, my backyard is San Diego and I feel the UCSD issue personally touched me, therefore I wanted to work with others to do the very little we could. I choose to live in this country in no small part because the United States, however imperfect, has a basic level of the rule of laws which provide the tools an ordinary citizen can use. We are encouraged to participate in and negotiate for our rightful concerns. I personally believe (and you can feel free to disagree) China does not currently have such a system. I always vote with my feet and my action and not empty words. I have voted with my feet to stay here in the foreseeable future (which does not carry any connotation that I do not love China and our fellow Chinese people as some hot heads would suggest. Just to the contrary.) If you chose to fight for a better political system in China, I will cheer you on. To suggest that anyone care to do something about the UCSD incident would either have to be a Chinese Consulate agent to instigate the investigation, or have to be an American government's stooge for accepting the outcome of the investigation, is really an insult to people's intelligence.
: Going back to the Kubiak case, if you first reach the conclusion he did it, then focus on gathering evidence only if it support your pre-determined conclusion and ignore anything to the contrary (such as in the WMD conclusion that led to the Iraq war), can this really be called an investigation or just witch hunt? We are all professionals living in this country; we have to behave in a more dignified fashion.

发帖数: 91
这样的共识和凝聚力。所以,通过和Gmail list几位抗议骨干分子的商量后,考虑到我
发帖数: 2769

community concern, please engage in a serious and substantive discourse when
one does not agree with each other. I thank you in advance for that.
supposed to be to participate in such a matter of public concern, and what
evidence supports your statement? Just like in the Kubiak case, you will
have to base your conclusions on hard evidence to convict someone.
us, who would rather prefer to focus only on my family and my career.
However, I am also a concerned citizen who would like to contribute what I
can when there are issues that affect our Chinese American community, and
therefore affecting me as an individual. However feeble my effort was, at
least I devoted my personal time to an issue that I cared about. Working
with other concerned citizens, we pushed the issue to a : level that is
consistent with the current level of the Asian Americans' group political
clout and participation. I have no other ambition beyond that other than
pointing out 80-20 played an instrumental role in the negotiation with UCSD
and that I personally believe it is a good instrument in the coming
elections to magnify our group clout. You can feel free to disagree. What
other venue do you suggest would be effective? Please let all of us know
what they did and how to contact them, I wan: t to join them as well.
Whatever one you choose, please participate. Sitting in front of the
computer taking pleasure insulting others does not contribute to any
the last decade and half to foster greater Asian American clout. He is a
first-generation Chinese American who’s risen to the Lieutenant Governor's
post. You have to give credit to such an extraordinary accomplishment. If
not, why don't you become UCSD president first (so that you can fire Kubiak
without hard evidences then get yourself fired for the juvenile behavior.)
and then become a governor (pick your state). I wo: uld salute you.
in 2012 (implying democrat?) You've got to be kidding. Before the
politicians and each party issue verifiable and enforceable written
commitments as to what they will do for the Asian American community after
winning the office, do you expect me to pick who would I vote for? I hope
you would put more thought into your own vote and not just like picking a
lottery. The whole idea of 80-20 is that we will vote for whicheve: r party
who dole out more goodies to the Asian American community. If it is the
Democrat, be it. If it is the Republican, be it. Would you please do some
research before drawing a one-liner conclusion to scare people? If after
the research, you don't like what you see, why don't participate and run for
a delegate position so that you can influence any decision 80-20 would make
in candidate endorsement? It is a serious business for all involved. I
hope people have the common sense on the co: ncept of group clout.

【在 s*********5 的大作中提到】
: Internet postings have many light moments. However, on such a matter of community concern, please engage in a serious and substantive discourse when one does not agree with each other. I thank you in advance for that.
: Please define any statement precisely. What kind of politician am I supposed to be to participate in such a matter of public concern, and what evidence supports your statement? Just like in the Kubiak case, you will have to base your conclusions on hard evidence to convict someone.
: I can tell you point blank I am an ordinary professional just like most of us, who would rather prefer to focus only on my family and my career. However, I am also a concerned citizen who would like to contribute what I can when there are issues that affect our Chinese American community, and therefore affecting me as an individual. However feeble my effort was, at least I devoted my personal time to an issue that I cared about. Working with other concerned citizens, we pushed the issue to a level that is consistent with the current level of the Asian Americans' group political clout and participation. I have no other ambition beyond that other than pointing out 80-20 played an instrumental role in the negotiation with UCSD and that I personally believe it is a good instrument in the coming elections to magnify our group clout. You can feel free to disagree. What other venue do you suggest would be effective? Please let all of us know what they did and how to contact them, I want to join them as well. Whatever one you choose, please participate. Sitting in front of the computer taking pleasure insulting others does not contribute to any solution.
: I personally respect SB Woo for his consistent and stubborn effort over the last decade and half to foster greater Asian American clout. He is a first-generation Chinese American who’s risen to the Lieutenant Governor's post. You have to give credit to such an extraordinary accomplishment. If not, why don't you become UCSD president first (so that you can fire Kubiak without hard evidences then get yourself fired for the juvenile behavior.) and then become a governor (pick your state). I would salute you.
: To those who said 80-20 is a democratic stooge and ask me who would I vote in 2012 (implying democrat?) You've got to be kidding. Before the politicians and each party issue verifiable and enforceable written commitments as to what they will do for the Asian American community after winning the office, do you expect me to pick who would I vote for? I hope you would put more thought into your own vote and not just like picking a lottery. The whole idea of 80-20 is that we will vote for whichever party who dole out more goodies to the Asian American community. If it is the Democrat, be it. If it is the Republican, be it. Would you please do some research before drawing a one-liner conclusion to scare people? If after the research, you don't like what you see, why don't participate and run for a delegate position so that you can influence any decision 80-20 would make in candidate endorsement? It is a serious business for all involved. I hope people have the common sense on the concept of group clout.
: If I go to Obama (well I can't even get near him) and said I want him to sign a binding statement to enforce Department of Labor regulations on behalf of Asian Americans, I will be ignored because I am nothing. If 80-20 goes to Obama and said if you don't sign this you risk up to 300,000 votes on our mailing list and we will mobilize against you in the coming election, he will seriously consider. He did sign such a statement. The Department of Labor had since concluded the 80-20 compiled statistics that Asian Americans do NOT enjoy the full benefits of other ethnic groups in the workplace as valid. We are now starting the review period over whether the Obama administration had live up to its promise in delivery goodies before the next election comes up and what the Republican can offer to EARN our votes. Please remember Bush's Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, a Chinese American, refused to even conduct an investigation to see whether the 80-20 statistics is valid. When John McCain refused to sign the pledge, would you still cast your vote for him just because he might be a winner? Do you want 80-20 to vote the Republican under such a circumstance?
: I also respect SB Woo for his involvement in the UCSD incident because he, with 80-20's support, has the political clout to negotiate with the UCSD administration. If you don't believe it, why don't you call up the UCSD chancellor yourself to discuss the matter and see if you can extract more concession?
: To those who say you do not have the right to do anything anywhere before you have demonstrated the capacity to solve the world's problems, including the democratization of China and its human rights issues, I want to say I salute those individuals making their endeavors and sacrifices. Each one of us, however tiny our capacities, can do something that affects us in our backyard.
: Having choosing to stay in the US, my backyard is San Diego and I feel the UCSD issue personally touched me, therefore I wanted to work with others to do the very little we could. I choose to live in this country in no small part because the United States, however imperfect, has a basic level of the rule of laws which provide the tools an ordinary citizen can use. We are encouraged to participate in and negotiate for our rightful concerns. I personally believe (and you can feel free to disagree) China does not currently have such a system. I always vote with my feet and my action and not empty words. I have voted with my feet to stay here in the foreseeable future (which does not carry any connotation that I do not love China and our fellow Chinese people as some hot heads would suggest. Just to the contrary.) If you chose to fight for a better political system in China, I will cheer you on. To suggest that anyone care to do something about the UCSD incident would either have to be a Chinese Consulate agent to instigate the investigation, or have to be an American government's stooge for accepting the outcome of the investigation, is really an insult to people's intelligence.
: Going back to the Kubiak case, if you first reach the conclusion he did it, then focus on gathering evidence only if it support your pre-determined conclusion and ignore anything to the contrary (such as in the WMD conclusion that led to the Iraq war), can this really be called an investigation or just witch hunt? We are all professionals living in this country; we have to behave in a more dignified fashion.

发帖数: 277
大家是否赞同删除UCSD的帖子?**发包子了--发给在UCSD Petition Letter上签名的ID
!!UCSD情愿书已好,请签名!! (转载)读了这两条消息, 我猜你应该明白Kubiak是什么样的人.
发帖数: 658
发帖数: 12463
Good job!大家辛苦了
发帖数: 229
The existing policies are fine and only need to be enforced. The problem is
that people tend to ignore the existence of the policy. If you get people to
hear your voice and they paid attention, the policy will be enforced. Just
like the non-discriminating policy won by black people, many people still
tend to discriminate them, but they can't do it openly.
发帖数: 1424
Well said and well done. Thanks!

community concern, please engage in a serious and substantive discourse when
one does not agree with each other. I thank you in advance for that.
supposed to be to participate in such a matter of public concern, and what
evidence supports your statement? Just like in the Kubiak case, you will
have to base your conclusions on hard evidence to convict someone.
us, who would rather prefer to focus only on my family and my career.
However, I am also a concerned citizen who would like to contribute what I
can when there are issues that affect our Chinese American community, and
therefore affecting me as an individual. However feeble my effort was, at
least I devoted my personal time to an issue that I cared about. Working
with other concerned citizens, we pushed the issue to a : level that is
consistent with the current level of the Asian Americans' group political
clout and participation. I have no other ambition beyond that other than
pointing out 80-20 played an instrumental role in the negotiation with UCSD
and that I personally believe it is a good instrument in the coming
elections to magnify our group clout. You can feel free to disagree. What
other venue do you suggest would be effective? Please let all of us know
what they did and how to contact them, I wan: t to join them as well.
Whatever one you choose, please participate. Sitting in front of the
computer taking pleasure insulting others does not contribute to any
the last decade and half to foster greater Asian American clout. He is a
first-generation Chinese American who’s risen to the Lieutenant Governor's
post. You have to give credit to such an extraordinary accomplishment. If
not, why don't you become UCSD president first (so that you can fire Kubiak
without hard evidences then get yourself fired for the juvenile behavior.)
and then become a governor (pick your state). I wo: uld salute you.
in 2012 (implying democrat?) You've got to be kidding. Before the
politicians and each party issue verifiable and enforceable written
commitments as to what they will do for the Asian American community after
winning the office, do you expect me to pick who would I vote for? I hope
you would put more thought into your own vote and not just like picking a
lottery. The whole idea of 80-20 is that we will vote for whicheve: r party
who dole out more goodies to the Asian American community. If it is the
Democrat, be it. If it is the Republican, be it. Would you please do some
research before drawing a one-liner conclusion to scare people? If after
the research, you don't like what you see, why don't participate and run for
a delegate position so that you can influence any decision 80-20 would make
in candidate endorsement? It is a serious business for all involved. I
hope people have the common sense on the co: ncept of group clout.

【在 s*********5 的大作中提到】
: Internet postings have many light moments. However, on such a matter of community concern, please engage in a serious and substantive discourse when one does not agree with each other. I thank you in advance for that.
: Please define any statement precisely. What kind of politician am I supposed to be to participate in such a matter of public concern, and what evidence supports your statement? Just like in the Kubiak case, you will have to base your conclusions on hard evidence to convict someone.
: I can tell you point blank I am an ordinary professional just like most of us, who would rather prefer to focus only on my family and my career. However, I am also a concerned citizen who would like to contribute what I can when there are issues that affect our Chinese American community, and therefore affecting me as an individual. However feeble my effort was, at least I devoted my personal time to an issue that I cared about. Working with other concerned citizens, we pushed the issue to a level that is consistent with the current level of the Asian Americans' group political clout and participation. I have no other ambition beyond that other than pointing out 80-20 played an instrumental role in the negotiation with UCSD and that I personally believe it is a good instrument in the coming elections to magnify our group clout. You can feel free to disagree. What other venue do you suggest would be effective? Please let all of us know what they did and how to contact them, I want to join them as well. Whatever one you choose, please participate. Sitting in front of the computer taking pleasure insulting others does not contribute to any solution.
: I personally respect SB Woo for his consistent and stubborn effort over the last decade and half to foster greater Asian American clout. He is a first-generation Chinese American who’s risen to the Lieutenant Governor's post. You have to give credit to such an extraordinary accomplishment. If not, why don't you become UCSD president first (so that you can fire Kubiak without hard evidences then get yourself fired for the juvenile behavior.) and then become a governor (pick your state). I would salute you.
: To those who said 80-20 is a democratic stooge and ask me who would I vote in 2012 (implying democrat?) You've got to be kidding. Before the politicians and each party issue verifiable and enforceable written commitments as to what they will do for the Asian American community after winning the office, do you expect me to pick who would I vote for? I hope you would put more thought into your own vote and not just like picking a lottery. The whole idea of 80-20 is that we will vote for whichever party who dole out more goodies to the Asian American community. If it is the Democrat, be it. If it is the Republican, be it. Would you please do some research before drawing a one-liner conclusion to scare people? If after the research, you don't like what you see, why don't participate and run for a delegate position so that you can influence any decision 80-20 would make in candidate endorsement? It is a serious business for all involved. I hope people have the common sense on the concept of group clout.
: If I go to Obama (well I can't even get near him) and said I want him to sign a binding statement to enforce Department of Labor regulations on behalf of Asian Americans, I will be ignored because I am nothing. If 80-20 goes to Obama and said if you don't sign this you risk up to 300,000 votes on our mailing list and we will mobilize against you in the coming election, he will seriously consider. He did sign such a statement. The Department of Labor had since concluded the 80-20 compiled statistics that Asian Americans do NOT enjoy the full benefits of other ethnic groups in the workplace as valid. We are now starting the review period over whether the Obama administration had live up to its promise in delivery goodies before the next election comes up and what the Republican can offer to EARN our votes. Please remember Bush's Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, a Chinese American, refused to even conduct an investigation to see whether the 80-20 statistics is valid. When John McCain refused to sign the pledge, would you still cast your vote for him just because he might be a winner? Do you want 80-20 to vote the Republican under such a circumstance?
: I also respect SB Woo for his involvement in the UCSD incident because he, with 80-20's support, has the political clout to negotiate with the UCSD administration. If you don't believe it, why don't you call up the UCSD chancellor yourself to discuss the matter and see if you can extract more concession?
: To those who say you do not have the right to do anything anywhere before you have demonstrated the capacity to solve the world's problems, including the democratization of China and its human rights issues, I want to say I salute those individuals making their endeavors and sacrifices. Each one of us, however tiny our capacities, can do something that affects us in our backyard.
: Having choosing to stay in the US, my backyard is San Diego and I feel the UCSD issue personally touched me, therefore I wanted to work with others to do the very little we could. I choose to live in this country in no small part because the United States, however imperfect, has a basic level of the rule of laws which provide the tools an ordinary citizen can use. We are encouraged to participate in and negotiate for our rightful concerns. I personally believe (and you can feel free to disagree) China does not currently have such a system. I always vote with my feet and my action and not empty words. I have voted with my feet to stay here in the foreseeable future (which does not carry any connotation that I do not love China and our fellow Chinese people as some hot heads would suggest. Just to the contrary.) If you chose to fight for a better political system in China, I will cheer you on. To suggest that anyone care to do something about the UCSD incident would either have to be a Chinese Consulate agent to instigate the investigation, or have to be an American government's stooge for accepting the outcome of the investigation, is really an insult to people's intelligence.
: Going back to the Kubiak case, if you first reach the conclusion he did it, then focus on gathering evidence only if it support your pre-determined conclusion and ignore anything to the contrary (such as in the WMD conclusion that led to the Iraq war), can this really be called an investigation or just witch hunt? We are all professionals living in this country; we have to behave in a more dignified fashion.

发帖数: 931
Job well done!
发帖数: 1451
发帖数: 8307
唉。。。老中就是受气的命啊。。 人又少 又不团结 又比较懦弱 在中国连TG都玩
不过 怎么可能在外面玩的过白人 还以少胜多 怎么可能?? 老中唯一的出路 就
是像老墨那样一家4,5个那样猛生 没有其他办法 但是老中女又很娇气 又喜欢外F
所以老中必然是最被歧视和欺负的一个群体 这个是绝对的
发帖数: 91
如果你在我们的gmail list里又还没有把ucsdlabrule(at)gmail.com加到你的address
book的话,请在你的spam或junk folder里找一下。如果还有问题,请把你的email地址

【在 m*****z 的大作中提到】
: 刚check了邮箱,没有收到公开信啊????难道是有选择的发?
发帖数: 4282

人不少 就是懦弱 怕事 娇气 不团结 爱互斗 崇洋媚外 自扫门前雪

【在 L***6 的大作中提到】
: 唉。。。老中就是受气的命啊。。 人又少 又不团结 又比较懦弱 在中国连TG都玩
: 不过 怎么可能在外面玩的过白人 还以少胜多 怎么可能?? 老中唯一的出路 就
: 是像老墨那样一家4,5个那样猛生 没有其他办法 但是老中女又很娇气 又喜欢外F
: 所以老中必然是最被歧视和欺负的一个群体 这个是绝对的

发帖数: 5637

【在 r****o 的大作中提到】
: F
: 人不少 就是懦弱 怕事 娇气 不团结 爱互斗 崇洋媚外 自扫门前雪

Prejudice是火柴, The Chinaman是导火索, MITbbs是炸药让本版某些人失望了,人家要道歉了
请问这次儿童电影节是纯公益还是商业操作?First victory
发帖数: 4282


【在 s*********5 的大作中提到】
: 我承认您讲的都对。您说我的帖是广告贴,那您来谈谈其他具体解决办法?
: 另外,如果不是SD的,可否去军贴聊?

发帖数: 4282


【在 s*********5 的大作中提到】
: 我承认您讲的都对。您说我的帖是广告贴,那您来谈谈其他具体解决办法?
: 另外,如果不是SD的,可否去军贴聊?

发帖数: 1451


【在 u**********n 的大作中提到】
: 如果你在我们的gmail list里又还没有把ucsdlabrule(at)gmail.com加到你的address
: book的话,请在你的spam或junk folder里找一下。如果还有问题,请把你的email地址
: 再发给我。
: 公开信的内容基本上和这个上贴差不多。

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发帖数: 5637

【在 m*****z 的大作中提到】
: 我说的是ucsd的邮箱没收到全校公开信
: address

发帖数: 412
发帖数: 1451

【在 s*********5 的大作中提到】
: 见四楼
1 (共1页)
Prejudice是火柴, The Chinaman是导火索, MITbbs是炸药怒了,UCSD化学教授公开歧视华裔 (转载)
请问这次儿童电影节是纯公益还是商业操作?protest ucsd professor here.
小肥羊还有特价午餐吗?UCSD 必须立刻解雇Chemistry Professor Clifford P. Kubiak !!! (转载)
First victory大家是否赞同删除UCSD的帖子?
UCSD 道歉信贴在他们学院的网站上了 (转载)建议让那个UCSD化学系的教授也来抗议!
有local news报道UCSD事件了 (转载)!!UCSD情愿书已好,请签名!! (转载)
话题: ucsd话题: american话题: chinese话题: kubiak话题: 80