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SanDiego版 - 洛杉矶移民与海关执法局ICE内部发生火并
news ZTsigh.. 20 kids, 7 adults
Gunman robs Carmel Mountain sandwich shop包子求1岁半小孩family care UTC 92122
变态啊, 好像那个gunman又是VT的。。。有时候觉得美国的医疗保险也挺cd的!
[美国]美加州增40万亚裔可领医药卡the third dead bird
请问买lcd电视去walmart还是bestbuy报名结束啦---招人去看Stars on ICE,本周四晚报名截至(请版主
哪里躲海啸阿不是我征,请直接联系lizmm --认真征男友(CA) (转载)
Kid Toys and Accounting books 4 sale, UTC/(858) 568-8758哪里买thinkpad t61的风扇?
大家的GPS放在车里面那里?阿拉斯加上当记(1)--- Ice Ice Baby (转载)
话题: ice话题: agent话题: long话题: fbi话题: beach
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 264
(LONG BEACH, Calif.) — A federal immigration agent shot and seriously
wounded a co-worker during a Thursday evening workplace confrontation before
another agent pulled his weapon and shot the gunman to death inside a
Southern California federal building, the FBI said.
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were shot on the seventh
floor of the Glenn M. Anderson Federal Building in Long Beach, about 20
miles south of downtown Los Angeles.
(PHOTOS: The Most Notable Assassins in U.S. History.)
The 5:54 p.m. Thursday shootings were described by the FBI's Steven Martinez
as a case of "workplace violence involving two federal agents in their
office space." He offered no other details about what led to the initial
But the Los Angeles Times, citing multiple law enforcement sources, reported
Friday that the initial shots were fired by an agent at his supervisor
during an unspecified dispute. "Another agent, working nearby, intervened
and fired his weapon to prevent additional rounds being fired at the victim,
" said Martinez, the assistant director in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles
The gunman died at the scene and the wounded agent was hospitalized at St.
Mary Medical Center. ICE Special Agent in Charge Claude Arnold would only
say he was stable.
(PHOTOS: Shooting Tragedy Strikes in the U.K.)
St. Mary's hospital trauma director James Murray told KCAL-TV that the
injured agent had multiple gunshot wounds, but he didn't give details. The
victim's vital signs were "good for now," Murray said.
The names of the dead gunman, the victim and the agent who fired the final
rounds were not released.
There were conflicting early reports about the number of people shot, with
local authorities saying two were dead and one wounded, while ICE said one
was dead and one wounded.
The Long Beach federal building houses ICE, the Internal Revenue Service and
the U.S. Probation and Parole Office. "At times like this, words honestly
seem inadequate. When something like this happens in our offices, it's
incomprehensible," Arnold said.
Along with the FBI, the shooting was being investigated by ICE's Office of
Professional Responsibility and Long Beach police.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2107142,00.html#ixzz1mewQYvCI
发帖数: 9094
I thought the title meant that an immigrant fires at ICE.
发帖数: 7797
是的, 还在调查中。。。
1 (共1页)
阿拉斯加上当记(1)--- Ice Ice Baby (转载)请问买lcd电视去walmart还是bestbuy
Costco 有cupcakes卖么??哪里躲海啸阿
有娃在icetown上过滑冰课吗?教练怎么样啊?Kid Toys and Accounting books 4 sale, UTC/(858) 568-8758
SD County的property tax到底是怎么收的?大家的GPS放在车里面那里?
news ZTsigh.. 20 kids, 7 adults
Gunman robs Carmel Mountain sandwich shop包子求1岁半小孩family care UTC 92122
变态啊, 好像那个gunman又是VT的。。。有时候觉得美国的医疗保险也挺cd的!
[美国]美加州增40万亚裔可领医药卡the third dead bird
话题: ice话题: agent话题: long话题: fbi话题: beach