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SanDiego版 - 【游行求助】现在求发一个英文的活动发动和邀请采访贴(10个包子)
slogans for Friday's rally (转载)Jeniffer阿姨,买新灯具户外家具,lowes好还是家得宝好
今天游行的总结、反思及下次游行的呼吁UCSD 附近妇产医生和医院推荐
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请大家推荐提供rebate的buyer agent?版上有人有2009 hawaii entertainment book吗?
圣地亚哥这里的老中们一个个的怎么张的moving sale(entertainment center study table)
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话题: chinese话题: our话题: jimmy话题: kill话题: killing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7788
谢谢被抬举做公关老太 :) 好同意版主提议,请哪位网友们英文好的赶紧帮写一个英文
寄信人: enjoylifexu (熙来攘往)
标 题: Re: 【游行】游行同工征募及更新
发信站: 未名空间 (Thu Oct 31 14:39:40 2013)
来 源: 75.
发帖数: 5964

【在 p*********n 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢被抬举做公关老太 :) 好同意版主提议,请哪位网友们英文好的赶紧帮写一个英文
: 活动号召贴出来好去非华语媒体那公关了。
: 寄信人: enjoylifexu (熙来攘往)
: 标 题: Re: 【游行】游行同工征募及更新
: 发信站: 未名空间 (Thu Oct 31 14:39:40 2013)
: 来 源: 75.
: 我现在也没有啊,你要不发个游行求助?或者可以找网友帮忙。

发帖数: 1825

【在 p*********n 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢被抬举做公关老太 :) 好同意版主提议,请哪位网友们英文好的赶紧帮写一个英文
: 活动号召贴出来好去非华语媒体那公关了。
: 寄信人: enjoylifexu (熙来攘往)
: 标 题: Re: 【游行】游行同工征募及更新
: 发信站: 未名空间 (Thu Oct 31 14:39:40 2013)
: 来 源: 75.
: 我现在也没有啊,你要不发个游行求助?或者可以找网友帮忙。

发帖数: 1825
还有可以请老余,805MM, 全美MM帮忙写。他们几个英文都很厉害。

【在 p*********n 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢被抬举做公关老太 :) 好同意版主提议,请哪位网友们英文好的赶紧帮写一个英文
: 活动号召贴出来好去非华语媒体那公关了。
: 寄信人: enjoylifexu (熙来攘往)
: 标 题: Re: 【游行】游行同工征募及更新
: 发信站: 未名空间 (Thu Oct 31 14:39:40 2013)
: 来 源: 75.
: 我现在也没有啊,你要不发个游行求助?或者可以找网友帮忙。

发帖数: 7788
谢谢喜妹喜妹, 我没有101的联系方式啊。要赶快找个现成帮手。

【在 x**m 的大作中提到】
: 找北大101,经常帮网友揪错的,英文一定很棒!
发帖数: 7788
two tears term)啊,好,也谢谢了抬举了,就请妹妹你负责英文这一头,能马上帮我
或News Alert Letter 发给它们。我的邮箱是C*****[email protected]
发信人: JenniferZ http://jenniferzhengrealty.blogspot.com, 信区: SanDiego
标 题: Re: 【游行】游行同工征募及更新
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 31 14:08:20 2013, 美东)
发帖数: 3591
发帖数: 584
Kill Our Debt by Killing The Debtor?
By JuAn93118
Despite the infamous history of Jimmy Kimmel messing with kids, this time,
he had gone too far. At the past Wednesday night, Kimmel introduced a new
segment called “Kids Table” in which America’s youth weighs in on the
politics of the day. If he meant to fire up a controversy, he succeeded; but
if he intended to show his humor, he absolutely failed. The kids’ “
opinion” on debt wasn’t fun. Instead, it was disturbing. When a boy
suggested that we solve the debt crisis by “killing everyone in China”. I,
as a mother of similar aged children, felt disgusted. Haven’t we had
enough of gun abuse? Haven’t we had enough of mass killings? Haven’t we
had enough of TV violence? Sadly, the environment in which we are raising
our children is getting harder and harder. We have to deal with so many
problems that our parents didn’t even need to think about. Gun abuse, cyber
bully, e-pollution (violence displayed in video and online games), just
name a few. We had enough of such culture, if it can be called “culture”.
Can we kill our debt by killing our debtor? ABSOLUTELY! Can we solve our
problems? NO! It’s like, kill the patient to kill the cancer. Will that
work? The keywords, "kill Chinese", are threatening enough. Do Chinese
people take it seriously? I don’t think so. They even posted the video on
Weibo and were joking about it. I feel ashamed. The “kill Chinese” came
from a child's mouth. Children, they are so pure, naive and lovable. Shouldn
't we teach them love? Shouldn’t we teach them peace? Shouldn’t we teach
them responsibility? But where and how did they get the idea of "killing
someone" to escape their responsibilities? It’s a broadcasted program,
people behind those words were not as naive as children, wait a second,
maybe they are? They think this is funny; this is ok. If it’s their idea,
let them say it themselves. Stop using our children to speak out your ugly
mind. Let the children be children!
TAGS: jimmy, kimmel, debt, kids, kill, chinese, violence, education
GROUPS: My life, Sound off
Is An Apology Enough?
By JuAn93118
Jimmy Kimmel did apologize on his show after the broadcasting of “kids’
table”, in which Jimmy and a bunch of 6 or 7 years olds were joking about
“ Kill everyone in China” to solve the US debt crisis. The show, not
surprisingly, caused nation-wide protests. Many Chinese-American picket
Jimmy Kimmel and ABC to protest the promoting of “killing”, especially “
kill everyone in China”.
Unfortunately, Jimmy’s apology wasn’t sincere enough to gain forgiveness
from Chinese-American community. Many more rallies are either undergoing or
on the way. Protests are erupting in many large cities around the America,
from New York to Los Angeles, from Chicago to Miami. “We the people”--
Chinese-American unite to voice our belief: this country should be a better
place for our kids.
We have seen too many mass killings in the past several years. According to
USA Today, there are 226 cases since 2006. Mass killings -- defined by the
FBI as four or more victims, not including the killer -- have occurred
across the U.S. at the rate of about one every two weeks since 2006. Given
2013 alone, there are 25 cases with 116 victims, not mentioning the 27
beautiful lives perished in Newtown December, 2012. (see the chart)
Who would joke about killing? Don’t Jimmy Kimmel and ABC have bottom lines?
As Jimmy and some executives from ABC network mentioned, “They intended to
entertain”. EXACTLY! They intended to “Entertain” by joking about “
Killing Chinese”. I feel so sorry for my Chinese fellows. Chinese-American
is among the hardest working ethnic groups. We contribute enormously in
science and engineering. We pay our tax honestly and timely. We raise our
children to be responsible citizens. We are American! We are Chinese! We
bear our ancestor’s adage: “Actions speak louder than words”. But that
doesn’t mean we don’t have our voice, neither can we take offensive
insults without fighting back. China is our motherland, and America is our
homeland. We cannot do much to help China, but we can do our best to make
America a better place for our children to live, no matter he or she is
yellow, white, black, or brown!
Live simply, simply let others live. Only kill the program.
1 (共1页)
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有人去Night of Entertainment with Chinese Performance of Song and Dance圣地亚哥这里的老中们一个个的怎么张的
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请大家推荐做built in entertainment cabinet的师傅求圣地亚哥买房中介
slogans for Friday's rally (转载)Jeniffer阿姨,买新灯具户外家具,lowes好还是家得宝好
今天游行的总结、反思及下次游行的呼吁UCSD 附近妇产医生和医院推荐
求介绍listing agent买房请教
话题: chinese话题: our话题: jimmy话题: kill话题: killing