★性别: 女
★年龄(属相): 鼠
★所在地(至少明确state): CA bay area (south bay)
★职业情况(学生还是工作): 过渡期
★简单的物理参数(身高/体重): 160
★当前婚姻状态(从没结过婚/曾婚/丧偶): never married
★联系方式(email/IM/站内): s********[email protected] (msn also)
I just got here from San Diego where I have been studying my master degree
specialized in Piano Pedagogy. I came here for my job. Let me introduce
myself a little bit. I originally from Shanghai, 25 years old. Since I just
got south bay, I want to know more and more friends to hang out. If you are
interested i