

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
SanFrancisco版 - 3 month contractor position for whitebox software engineer in test
50 $ c++ developer (转载)Apple iPhone OS 4 Offers Multitasking, iAd
【JOBS广告】04.15 -- 05.14说一下evo实际使用感觉 (转载)
学校老师问我有没有认识的中国人可以接 PROJECT的iPhone 3G Jailbreak及 iPhone 4 Upgrade疑问
Object Oriented Programming到底有什么好处?iPHONE 3G 升级到4.0后可以downgrade吗?
[JOBS]软件(测试)工程师,最好有一定science背景Job: Test Engineer (Life Technologies, Inc.)
Linkedin is hiring Apps EngineerWP7 Mango 试用体会 (转载)
A PHP programmer is invited to join a stock research group任何时候都有卖空的机会,关键是选对股。 (转载)
我觉得iPad适合两种人:电脑盲和不差钱 (转载)视频:这个老美的勇猛惊呆无数老美老中!!!
话题: skills话题: test话题: whitebox话题: ability话题: experience
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 334
Big company in mountain view, 3 month contractor first, and possible
extension/convert to full time based on performance.
Required skills:
BS or MS in Computer Science, EE or related field.
Extensive programing skills in Java or C/C++/C# programming.
Solid scripting skills in Perl/ Ruby / Python/ JS
Experience writing unit tests, test harnesses and developing/
implementing test automation tools.
Experience with JUnit or TestNG framework preferred.
Excellent analytical, problem-solving, troubleshooting and decision-
making skills.
Must be self-directed, detail-oriented and have excellent written &
verbal communication skills.
Ability to multitask, resolve competing priorities, and meet tight
project deadlines
Ability to work independently and in a team.
Working knowledge of test methodologies, processes and tools.
1 (共1页)
Looking for Dynamics CRM Functional Test in San RamonLinkedin is hiring Apps Engineer
quit phd 应该如何申请opt?A PHP programmer is invited to join a stock research group
今年买房子可以拿8K退税吗?我觉得iPad适合两种人:电脑盲和不差钱 (转载)
50 $ c++ developer (转载)Apple iPhone OS 4 Offers Multitasking, iAd
【JOBS广告】04.15 -- 05.14说一下evo实际使用感觉 (转载)
学校老师问我有没有认识的中国人可以接 PROJECT的iPhone 3G Jailbreak及 iPhone 4 Upgrade疑问
Object Oriented Programming到底有什么好处?iPHONE 3G 升级到4.0后可以downgrade吗?
话题: skills话题: test话题: whitebox话题: ability话题: experience