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SanFrancisco版 - Foreign-run VPNs illegal in China
家里的WIRELESS在公司电脑上总是断开终于连上了VPN, 国内上个网真难。
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Cisco Cius & AppHQlos gatos 这个startup
话题: vpn话题: china话题: chinese话题: business话题: companies
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3091
Residents in China have found logging into their Facebook and Twitter
accounts increasingly difficult in recent days, after several popular VPN (
virtual private network) companies have alleged that China's Great Firewall
(GFW) has been upgraded. However, officials and experts in China's Internet
industry have said that it is illegal for foreign companies to operate a VPN
business in China.
Three overseas VPN service providers, Astrill, Witopia and StrongVPN
apologized Thursday that their service to residents in the Chinese mainland
has been blocked due to a recent upgrade of the GFW. Astrill claimed that
most VPN protocols have been blocked, and that many foreign companies have
been influenced.
Fang Binxing, designer of the GFW, told the Global Times Thursday he did not
know of any upgrade to the firewall.
"As far as I know, companies running a VPN business in China must register
with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. I haven't heard
that any foreign companies have registered," Fang said.
Unregistered VPN service providers are not protected by Chinese laws, and
any company running a VPN business should realize they have a responsibility
to register, he said.
An employee from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,
surnamed Li, also confirmed that only Chinese companies and Sino-foreign
joint ventures can apply to establish a VPN business.
While most VPN users in China only use a VPN to access certain websites,
some multinational companies also use it to conduct business operations.
An executive at a large foreign technology multinational corporation in
China, who is also a VPN user, told the Global Times most people can survive
without Facebook, but lacking a VPN could seriously influence business
"You can't block all VPNs without blocking businesses, including Chinese
businesses. China wants businesses to put regional headquarters in China. It
has these economic and business goals that are reliant on modern business
infrastructure," said the executive.
Li suggested that multinational corporations should cooperate with local
companies to build up their VPN networks to complete their own global
communication networks.
its all vpn connections, not just the big providers,
I have my own server setup in my home country, only me using it, and the
are blocking it too.
This new Chinese policy will create dissent among ex-pats working here
in China, who otherwise would have no interest in their Chinese politics
and their regime.
This is bad for Business and its bad for Chinese image,. it makes them look
They want to get ex-pats to keep building up their industry, and now they
attack ex-pats life here.
making it unfriendly and unwelcoming.
1 (共1页)
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软工们机会来了Cisco Cius & AppHQ
家里的WIRELESS在公司电脑上总是断开终于连上了VPN, 国内上个网真难。
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苹果电脑下VPN和remotedesktop要钱吗?紧急求教: 国内翻墙软件
半夜 VPN 鼠标不受控制公司IT 应该看不到我 gmail 的内容吧?
话题: vpn话题: china话题: chinese话题: business话题: companies