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SanFrancisco版 - 2 scuba divers die off Calif.'s Monterey Co. coast
CA Lifeguard年薪>12万,硅工情何以堪三藩到monterey走1号路好走吗?
感恩节有留守人员想周六日一块儿到Napa或者再往北走走不?两天一夜Bay Area Wild Flower Chasing (转载)
请教一下,这里有人知道SF GOLDEN GATE PARK 的那个HIKING TRAILS 叫什么??加州海岸线精华(图文并茂版) (转载)
point lobos和point reyes任选其一的话去哪玩,住一晚?
【Big Sur】Hiking @ 09/11【10月30日, Sunday】湾区大型生活类节目--月亮勿扰
有人去过point lobos state reserve吗?普通ABC,文艺ABC, 2B ABC
话题: divers话题: monterey话题: parks话题: department话题: said
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8927
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/news/us/article/2-scuba-divers-die-off-Calif-s-Monterey-Co-coast-4302755.php#ixzz2LmXE3aXl
CARMEL, Calif. (AP) — Two scuba divers have died while diving off the coast
of California's Monterey County, authorities said.
Emergency crews were sent to Point Lobos State Natural Reserve around 2:45 p
.m. Friday where they found lifeguards performing CPR on one of the divers,
said state Department of Forestry and Fire Protection spokesman Daniel
Lifeguards and firefighters used a boat to get to second diver floating just
"At that point, we got in a boat with State Parks lifeguards and located the
second victim floating in the water about 50 feet from the rocks," Capt.
Carlos Aguilera of the Carmel Highlands Fire Department told The Monterey
County Herald.
CPR was also performed on that person, but both divers were pronounced dead
after being taken to a hospital, officials said.
The names, additional details about the victims and what killed them have
not been released, but authorities said one was a male and one was a female.
The reserve where the divers died is a popular diving area about four miles
south of Carmel, or about 90 miles south of San Francisco.
The offshore area forms one of the richest underwater habitats in the world,
with wildlife that includes seals, sea lions, sea otters and migrating gray
whales, according to the state Parks and Recreation Department website, the
agency that operates the reserve.
Proof of certification is required, and diving is permitted only at two
coves within the park, including Whalers Cove, the area where the two
stricken divers were found, the website said.
Parks officials did not immediately return calls to The Associated Press
seeking details of the incident.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/news/us/article/2-scuba-divers-die-off-Calif-s-Monterey-Co-coast-4302755.php#ixzz2LmXU9tUa
发帖数: 4188

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 W**********r 的大作中提到】
: 去过那,还欣赏了半天潜水的呢,没想到这么容易出事:
: Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/news/us/article/2-scuba-divers-die-off-Calif-s-Monterey-Co-coast-4302755.php#ixzz2LmXE3aXl
: CARMEL, Calif. (AP) — Two scuba divers have died while diving off the coast
: of California's Monterey County, authorities said.
: Emergency crews were sent to Point Lobos State Natural Reserve around 2:45 p
: .m. Friday where they found lifeguards performing CPR on one of the divers,
: said state Department of Forestry and Fire Protection spokesman Daniel
: Berlant.
: Lifeguards and firefighters used a boat to get to second diver floating just
: offshore.

1 (共1页)
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多少人真觉得17 miles 好玩?有人去过point lobos state reserve吗?
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CA Lifeguard年薪>12万,硅工情何以堪三藩到monterey走1号路好走吗?
感恩节有留守人员想周六日一块儿到Napa或者再往北走走不?两天一夜Bay Area Wild Flower Chasing (转载)
请教一下,这里有人知道SF GOLDEN GATE PARK 的那个HIKING TRAILS 叫什么??加州海岸线精华(图文并茂版) (转载)
话题: divers话题: monterey话题: parks话题: department话题: said