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SanFrancisco版 - 战斗檄文 --- A public protest letter to ABC
◤我的30秒反歧视演讲词:I do not have a dream!◢Re: 抗议ABC 还可以有一个思路 (转载)
Fire Kimmel for Race-Baiting and Child Abuse纽约地区抗议Jimmy Kimmel Genocide Comments on Kid's Table S (转载)
ABC 开始赖帐了sue jimmy kimmel and ABC for 1 billion dollars
race-baiter child corrupter Kimmel/Disney slogan 大汇总如何提高网上曝光率:抗议Jimmy Kimmel种族歧视言论 Facebook等 (转载)
关于游行口号的建议如何提高网上曝光率:抗议Jimmy Kimmel种族歧视言论 Facebook (转载)
【NOTICE】ABC & Jimmy Kimmel GENOCIDE, HATE SPEECH三藩游行组织策划小组对于ABC道歉的公开信
去ABC门口游行抗议的图片大家再接再厉, Huffington Post更新JK事件报道 (转载)
话题: chinese话题: show话题: kimmel话题: abc话题: kids
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 133
Please feel free to edit it to make it stronger and more solid.
A public protest letter to ABC
-- originally by iminusc (布衣王二)
We are US residents originally from China. We are hard workers, parents and
friends, contributing to this country like all other groups. Today we get
together to express our outrages, worries and disappointment brought by the
Kids Table Show - Government shut down from Jimmy Kimmel Live, broadcasted
by ABC. In the show, one kid, when being asked how to avoid paying Chinese
debts, answered “kill everyone in China”, and EVERYONE including the host
laughed. The host even commented that "This is an interesting idea!" Later
on in the show, the host brought up this subject again and specifically
asked "should we allow Chinese to live". And the show ended in laughter.
We request ABC to fire Jimmy Kimmel and issue a formal apology to ALL of its
viewers, because this show promoted hatred, racism and violence, and
particularly, delivered toxic messages to our next generation. It is not a
joke. Joking with genocide in a public show is unacceptable; joking with
genocide of a particular race in a public show is zero-tolerable. It passed
the bottom line in a civilized society. Similar “joke” on Jews was laughed
off in 1930s in Germany, and we all know what happened later.
We were especially angry because this show used naïve kids to spread
thoughts that those adults dared not speak by themselves. This show,
particularly using Chinese as the target, insulted and threatened all
Chinese. Even more, it delivered messages to kids that 1) you can solve your
own problem by killing other people; 2) you have the right to allow other
people to live or not. These messages, unfortunately, have already been
absorbed by our kids. We saw too many school shootings. If such
irresponsible behaviors of the media cannot be stopped, we will have another
Sandy Hook school tragedy soon.
Chinese communities are organizing other protests and activities including
boycotting Disney until our requests are appropriately answered. Today we
stand here to speak out not only for ourselves, but also for all children,
and for a better society that Mr. Martin Luther King had dreamed. Thank you
for your attention.
发帖数: 18403
挺好。 参见下面。 请自由节选使用。
There are several reason why Kimmel has to apologize and be fired:
1. Kimmel says "we owe China 1.3 trillion dollars"
All the kids immediately knew that "1.3 trillion" is a big number, and
launched into the bloodiest and stupidest solution possible. That is a very
strong sign of pre-paration and rehearsal of some kind.
Remember China is a 1/7 holder of US debts, why Kimmel thinks it's funny to
ask the kids about the Chinese, not the Japanese, American and other debtors?
Kimmel is clearly guilty of race-baiting and inciting racial hatred. He
either wrote the scripts or set up the 6 year olds to say something
outrageous and hateful. For Cheap laughs.
2. When the kid said, "Kill everyone in China" (to solve the debt problem),
Kimmel laughed, (someone else laughed off stage) and said it was
NOW, that is a stronger cause of being fired. After his' race baiting, he
got the LAUGH he wanted and AIRED it. If he doesn't understand why he's
fired, he should be fired for brain-deadness and incompetency. GENOCIDE is
NOT for cheap laughs, man.
3. The whole discussion continued in the same vein, with all the little
kids encouraged by the host and laughing.
NOW, Disney do you have a moral stand or what? Are you raising American
kids into kill-killers and lose-losers? Are you for diversity, equality
and human dignity? Or are you for hate speech and cheap laughter?
Disney, prove your stand on protecting our children by FIRING Kimmel
publicly with proper reason. The Chinese is gonna be OK, but you are
going to be boycotted, sued and bankrupted if you do NOT take
发帖数: 887
写的很好. 希望最后一段加上LAWSUIT. FOR EXAMPLE "Chinese communities are
organizing other protests and activities including
boycotting Disney and filing a lawsuit until our requests are appropriately
发帖数: 133
Very good suggestion. Thanks!


【在 c***z 的大作中提到】
: 写的很好. 希望最后一段加上LAWSUIT. FOR EXAMPLE "Chinese communities are
: organizing other protests and activities including
: boycotting Disney and filing a lawsuit until our requests are appropriately
: answered."

发帖数: 3656
"the host commented" might be better as "the host ENCOURAGED"
“passed the bottom line" might be better as "BROKE the
bottom line"


【在 D*****r 的大作中提到】
: Please feel free to edit it to make it stronger and more solid.
: ================================================================
: A public protest letter to ABC
: -- originally by iminusc (布衣王二)
: We are US residents originally from China. We are hard workers, parents and
: friends, contributing to this country like all other groups. Today we get
: together to express our outrages, worries and disappointment brought by the
: Kids Table Show - Government shut down from Jimmy Kimmel Live, broadcasted
: by ABC. In the show, one kid, when being asked how to avoid paying Chinese
: debts, answered “kill everyone in China”, and EVERYONE including the host

发帖数: 133
Great. Thanks!

【在 a*********a 的大作中提到】
: 我冒昧咬个文:
: "the host commented" might be better as "the host ENCOURAGED"
: “passed the bottom line" might be better as "BROKE the
: bottom line"
: and
: the
: host

1 (共1页)
大家再接再厉, Huffington Post更新JK事件报道 (转载)race-baiter child corrupter Kimmel/Disney slogan 大汇总
One message to spread around your friends on ABC/Jimmy Kimmel and protests关于游行口号的建议
ABC 于2013-11-08 就JK事件的书面声明去ABC门口游行抗议的图片
◤我的30秒反歧视演讲词:I do not have a dream!◢Re: 抗议ABC 还可以有一个思路 (转载)
Fire Kimmel for Race-Baiting and Child Abuse纽约地区抗议Jimmy Kimmel Genocide Comments on Kid's Table S (转载)
ABC 开始赖帐了sue jimmy kimmel and ABC for 1 billion dollars
话题: chinese话题: show话题: kimmel话题: abc话题: kids