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SanFrancisco版 - Kansen Chu (朱感生) for State Assembly 2014 campaign.
参与了抗议鸡毛的朋友 -- 突然想起那个朱感生议员请不要投票给Kansen Chu, San Jose District 4 Candidate
Kansen Chu 还是 Bob Brunton看到反对 Kansen Chu 的帖子触发的感想
明天(周六), 11am, 请参加和州议员朱感生见面会,谈垃圾场扩建请不要投票给Kansen Chu, San Jose District 4 Candidate
一万签名@change.org --> Kansen Chu会去ABC (转载)大家还是要多联系当地的议员
朱议员确认继续行动(和ABC meeting)集结号!!!周五san jose游行!
朱感生市议员邀请:入籍学习会一万签名@change.org --> Kansen Chu会去ABC
星期二中午圣荷西市政府门前,反对Bob Beckel 游行!请置顶Councilmember Kansen Chu's Petition---Help NEEDED IMMEDIATELY
支持san jose 第四区候选人 KASEN CHU接下来怎么办? (策略总结)
话题: assembly话题: chu话题: kansen话题: state话题: ca
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 67
Kanse Chu spoke out against Jimmy Kimmel and ABC back in November as a
publicly elected official. If you support his campaign for CA Assembly 2014
, please see his office's email below asking for donations.
The deadline for reporting campaign donations is right around the corner!
With less than two weeks away, I am asking for your continued help and
support to reach my fundraising goal for the quarter.
Whether you can spare $25, $50, or $100, please donate at www.kansenchu.com/
Thank you for your support and your donation to help me secure the Assembly
District 25 seat.
Please share this email with your friends and let them know how important it
is we act now.
The maximum contribution for the State Assembly race is $4,100 but any
amount is truly appreciated. Please make your donations online (www.
KansenChu.com) or by checks made payable to “Kansen Chu for Assembly - 2014
.” and sent to 2530 Berryessa Rd., PMB 817, San Jose, CA 95132. In
accordance with California State Law, if you are currently employed, we are
required to provide your employer and occupation information.
Thank you for your continued support and confidence in me. It has been a
great honor and privilege to serve the community. Please do not hesitate to
contact me at k****[email protected].
Thank You,
Kansen Chu
Paid for by Kansen Chu for Assembly 2014 FPPC#1356097
k****[email protected]
2530 Berryessa Road, PMB 817, San Jose, CA 95132
发帖数: 667


【在 M**********f 的大作中提到】
: Kanse Chu spoke out against Jimmy Kimmel and ABC back in November as a
: publicly elected official. If you support his campaign for CA Assembly 2014
: , please see his office's email below asking for donations.
: The deadline for reporting campaign donations is right around the corner!
: With less than two weeks away, I am asking for your continued help and
: support to reach my fundraising goal for the quarter.
: Whether you can spare $25, $50, or $100, please donate at www.kansenchu.com/
: donate.
: Thank you for your support and your donation to help me secure the Assembly
: District 25 seat.

发帖数: 67
I know he said back in November that he would seek a dialogue with Kimmel
and ABC if he had 10k signatures (which he did). However, I haven't heard
anything about him going to southern CA yet.
I made one donation because he spoke out against the hateful speech from
Kimmel and ABC, as a publicly elected official.
However, he hasn't delivered his promise of talking to Kimmel/ABC yet. If
he can deliver on that, I will reward him again by making a second donation.
Just my 2 cents.

【在 j****7 的大作中提到】
: 下文呢?
: 2014
: com/
: Assembly

1 (共1页)
接下来怎么办? (策略总结)朱议员确认继续行动(和ABC meeting)
麻烦大家一定要读, Kansen Chu has only 740 on his petition!朱感生市议员邀请:入籍学习会
【重要提醒】Kansen Chu 的 petition 另一个楼里的链接不是Chu星期二中午圣荷西市政府门前,反对Bob Beckel 游行!请置顶
Kansen Chu的petition是这个,不是那个 (转载)支持san jose 第四区候选人 KASEN CHU
参与了抗议鸡毛的朋友 -- 突然想起那个朱感生议员请不要投票给Kansen Chu, San Jose District 4 Candidate
Kansen Chu 还是 Bob Brunton看到反对 Kansen Chu 的帖子触发的感想
明天(周六), 11am, 请参加和州议员朱感生见面会,谈垃圾场扩建请不要投票给Kansen Chu, San Jose District 4 Candidate
一万签名@change.org --> Kansen Chu会去ABC (转载)大家还是要多联系当地的议员
话题: assembly话题: chu话题: kansen话题: state话题: ca