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SanFrancisco版 - 阿三国首都发生种族歧视,导致本国青年被群殴至死 (转载)
三哥要和美国死磕了,查老美在印度挣钱的税。 (转载)绝了!一个白人老美程序员这么评价老中和老印 (转载)
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话题: delhi话题: india话题: tania话题: indians话题: police
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 21627
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: choming (请抵制“十万强插”计划!), 信区: Military
标 题: 阿三国首都发生种族歧视,导致本国青年被群殴至死
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 6 13:51:19 2014, 美东)
'Are you from China?' College student, 20, killed by racist thugs in New
Indians from a part of nation near Myanmar and China say they face
discrimination in rest of the country for their 'Asian' features
He was a slight young man, who sported hipster eyeglasses and a wispy
moustache. He had dyed his spiky hair blond, but that was not the only thing
that made college student Nido Tania stand out in the Indian capital.
Tania was from northeastern India, a narrow strip of territory wedged
between China and Myanmar, whose people say they face discrimination in the
rest of the country for having "Asian" facial features. When Tania, 20,
stopped in a dairy to ask for directions on Tuesday afternoon, the
shopkeeper taunted Tania for not knowing his way around, saying, "Are you
from China?" and making fun of his hair.
The incident escalated into a violent altercation in which several men
thrashed him with sticks and steel rods, friends and officials said.
He died in his bed the next day, succumbing to severe injuries to the chest
and brain, according to preliminary medical results provided to his family.
The incident has sparked outrage in New Delhi, which was already reeling
from a spate of high-profile rape cases, and has added to a growing sense of
insecurity in a capital that is aiming to be a showcase for India's growing
economic might.
Protesters shout slogans outside a police station in New Delhi on Saturday.
Many people have criticised the response of the Delhi police to the young
man’s beating and death. Photo: AP
Hundreds of protesters rallied on Saturday in Lajpat Nagar, the market where
the beating took place, calling it a hate crime and demanding that the
assailants be prosecuted.
"This was a racist hate crime," said Albina Subba, an advertising writer
originally from the northeast Himalayan town of Darjeeling.
"Our community is often targeted like this … We look different, so it's
easy for people to see we're not from Delhi."
She added: "We have little faith in the Delhi police, but this time we want
them to take action."
"This happens every day in Delhi. Each and every one of us has experienced
discrimination because of our physical features," said Sophy Chamroy, a 22-
year-old student from the northeastern state of Manipur.
India's 1.2 billion people have many languages and customs but, as with the
rape cases, racially motivated assaults seem to occur in New Delhi and other
major cities with regularity. Many victims from the northeast are young
people who have migrated to the capital for school or job opportunities
lacking in their poorer home areas.
Last year in New Delhi, three students from Manipur were beaten by
neighbours. In a separate case, a 21-year-old beautician from Manipur was
found dead in her apartment with injuries to her face and toes. Police
labelled it a suicide and dropped the case but many suspected she was slain.
So widespread is the discrimination against people from northeastern India
that the federal government in 2012 passed a law that punishes the use of a
racial slur with up to five years in prison. Still, activists say,
authorities rarely enforce such laws and police are as likely to participate
in discrimination as intervene to stop it.
"You don't know what is on the minds of people in Delhi, because these
incidents keep on recurring," said Geetartha Barua, an official with the
state government of Arunachal Pradesh, where Tania lived.
Tania was in New Delhi on vacation and going to visit an ailing friend in
the area near Lajpat Nagar when he walked into the dairy, friends said.
Tania smashed a glass display case in anger after being taunted, prompting
the shopkeeper and several other men from the market to set upon him and a
friend. The shopkeepers called the police, who got Tania to pay about US$120
for the broken glass. The police did not take any action against the
assailants, Barua said.
Police officers let Tania go, but when he passed the shop a second time the
attackers beat him again, said Jotam Toko Tagam, the former president of a
New Delhi organisation for students from Arunachal Pradesh. When he reached
his sister's flat, where he was staying, he complained of pain and was
bleeding from his wrist. He fell asleep early on Thursday morning after
applying balms across his body, Tagam said. Around 1pm the next day, friends
tried to wake him but found his body cold and limp. Brought to a nearby
hospital, he was pronounced dead on arrival, Barua said.
The case sparked an outcry across Indian media and websites with many
criticising the response by the Delhi police. Three men reportedly have been
detained for questioning. Barua said police did not open a murder
investigation until 24 hours after Tania had died, after the incident had
begun to make news.
"We are being forced to go exert pressure on different quarters to get the
police to investigate this matter properly, at a time when the situation is
very sad," Barua said.
Centuries of British Colonial rule did not civilise India. Basically Indians
are very parochial, racist and because of the evil caste system have very
little respect for human rights especially rights of minorities and women.
Bride burning over dowry disputes, hundreds of rapes per day, organised
riots against Christians, Sikhs and Muslims is what India is really all
about. One can only get the impression that Indians cannot rule India as
well as the British. A lot of Indians also forgot that the British saved
India from the Japanese invasion in WW2. If not for the British India would
have been destroyed by the Japanese and the loot all, kill all and burn all
policy in China repeated all over India. The Indian mind is that of a pygmy.
Starting a border war with China at the instigation of the CIA and promise
of American and British support which came too late as the war was lost
before the aid arrived, Indians are still upset at being defeated by an
inferior race the Chinese. To this day, Indians still hold a grudge
especially the Indian media. So by insulting a Chinese looking boy from
North East India, some Indians feel they are taking revenge on the defeat
they only have themselves to blame by underestimating the enemy, just like
the idols of the Indians the Japanese did when they made a surprise attack
on Pearl Harbour only to be totally defeated with just 2 atomic bombs. India
just a country more of a mess.
发帖数: 27968

【在 c*****g 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: choming (请抵制“十万强插”计划!), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 阿三国首都发生种族歧视,导致本国青年被群殴至死
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 6 13:51:19 2014, 美东)
: 一个印度东北邦(也就是藏南)的南青年在首都新德里问路,
: 因为长得和Chinese一个样(印度境内,在藏南,及靠近缅甸地区的居民,是东亚黄种
: 人),
: 就被群殴至死
: 可以看出:阿三骨子里就是巴不得把咱们这些Chinese打死
: ABC的鸡毛可是嘴上说说,所谓信奉“非暴力”的阿三们可是真做。

1 (共1页)
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三哥铁路又出事:Fire on Indian Train Kills Dozen (转载)SJSU,CMU,GTech被烙印占领了?
话题: delhi话题: india话题: tania话题: indians话题: police