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SanFrancisco版 - Delusion
Cupertino High School牛啊NPR Exec被抓了现行
硅谷的娃和别处的都不一样 (转载)cisco 9%
贴一个finance方面的junior job。果果的VP大卖股票哈.
Looking for PHP and Front End Web Developers in South Bay (转载)华人代工企业没有品牌,面对价格垄断制裁却受到最大制裁。
Senior Field Applications Engineer中国软件心甘情愿落后印度吗?
码工们来看看,以后该做如何打算黑 cupertino 的来了
Palo Alto从7:50am停电, 晚上快6点通的Top founders/exec. in SV are 50% white & 50% Indian
话题: vs话题: delusion话题: majority话题: us话题: chinese
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2482
Hate to break the delusion thinking Chinese can still win.
Jews are at the top.
WASP are the execs.
Indians took over the mid-to-senior tier.
Chinese are just a bunch of labor workers. Me included.
Majority of us have neither ambition nor skills to get to the top. Be it
entrepreneurial or managerial.
Majority of us don't want to take any risks. Everyone wants a free ride. All
we want is a big house and a stable paycheck, the so-called misleading
American Dream. Our dream jobs are landlords, real estate brokers and loan
Majority of us don't see the forest but trees. Few of us can talk about
industries, ideas and business drives. Heck. Even on the technical side, few
of us can architect and engineer a complete system end-to-end. Plenty of us
are happy to argue among Java vs C vs C++ vs Ruby vs Node.js vs Scala vs
Python vs PHP vs the latest crap invented, while our southern friends
produce shitty products and get the job done. Oh yeah, and I am superior
than you because my algo is 20% faster than yours while the real bottleneck
is at the storage tier.
It's a people business, and if you are in it to win you are gonna take some
risks. Free lunches are hard to come by.
1 (共1页)
Top founders/exec. in SV are 50% white & 50% Indian烙印喜欢躲在中国后面扔泥巴
[video] Yahoo exec and Sex harassment accuserSenior Field Applications Engineer
Re: 谁给总结一下,U家这一年出了多少抓码? (转载)码工们来看看,以后该做如何打算
[合集] 申请三番版版五 (转载)Palo Alto从7:50am停电, 晚上快6点通的
Cupertino High School牛啊NPR Exec被抓了现行
硅谷的娃和别处的都不一样 (转载)cisco 9%
贴一个finance方面的junior job。果果的VP大卖股票哈.
Looking for PHP and Front End Web Developers in South Bay (转载)华人代工企业没有品牌,面对价格垄断制裁却受到最大制裁。
话题: vs话题: delusion话题: majority话题: us话题: chinese