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SanFrancisco版 - 犹太人批评SCA5:高等教育的倒退!
炎黄子孙是不屑于SCA5的白人一看这图, 马上就醒了!
请大家马上联系这三位加州犹太政治家赤裸裸的舆论洗脑 - WSJ今天大幅报道:加州大学嫌最好的两个校区黑墨学生收得少
急需word/PDF专家一名,帮助产生给议员的信件。【NOTICE】 反对SCA5 汇总贴
老中都错了,SCA5的问题根本就不是造成不公平竞争!!! (转载)如何找到你区的议员和如何给他们写信
3/2/2013反SCA5 Cupertino Townhall Meeting纪实与感想Ted Lieu真是太恶心了,连删我2条评论
我听到的版本事实Hernandez 暂时撤下,要放到16年大选时公投大家不要慌,过几年大学都没了,随它限制去!
来来来~大家看下Hernandez是如何玩弄数据的~Stay Classy
话题: percent话题: california话题: email话题: fax话题: tel
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3652
source: http://www.jewishjournal.com/thewideangle/item/a_step_backward_in_higher_education
By David A. Lehrer, Richard J. Riordan and Joe R. Hicks*
Special to The Bee
Published: Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014
Last week, a proposed constitutional amendment, SCA 5, passed the state
Senate with a two-thirds vote. If the Assembly takes similar action, the
people of California will soon be voting on whether to reimpose racial and
ethnic preferences on the University of California and the California State
University systems. This is an astounding step backward.
And yet, to read the press release of the measure’s main sponsor, Sen. Ed
Hernandez of Los Angeles, one would think the Legislature has taken a bold
step against bigotry and discrimination by proposing to nullify key
provisions of Proposition 209, enacted by the voters in 1996. Prop. 209, in
the clearest and most unambiguous language possible, simply banned
discrimination: “The state shall not discriminate against, or grant
preferential treatment … on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or
national origin.”
Prop. 209 is neither difficult to understand nor to implement – it simply
means that, at least in terms of public education, the state’s universities
, colleges and community colleges have to be colorblind.
Hernandez made up what he boldly asserts, that “there has been a
precipitous drop in the percentage of Latino, African American and Native
American students at California public universities ... campuses becoming
less diverse and qualified high school graduates being overlooked and
ignored under Prop. 209.”
There is practically nothing in Hernandez’s statement that is accurate, and
yet two-thirds of the state Senate bought his line.
It is indisputable that both in absolute numbers and percentages, minorities
that attend the University of California have increased and exceed the
levels of minority admissions from the pre-Prop. 209 days. At the University
of California in 1996 – the last year prior to Prop. 209’s adoption –
blacks accounted for 4 percent of overall admissions (1,628); in 2013 they
accounted for 4.3 percent of admissions (2,705); they are approximately 6.6
percent of the California population. Chicanos and Latinos comprised 14.3
percent of admissions (5,744) in 1996 and are 27.8 percent (17,450) of
admissions in 2013; they make up about 38.2 percent of the population.
Asians made up 32 percent (12,995) of admissions in 1996 and are 35.9
percent (22,536) in 2013; they make up about 13.9 percent of California’s
population. Whites have plummeted percentage-wise from being 41 percent (16,
465) of admissions in 1996 to 27.9 percent (17,516) in 2013; whites make up
about 39.4 percent of the population.
In the California State University system, the increase in minority
enrollment and decline in the white ratio generally parallels UC’s –
Latinos up from 21.4 percent to 33.9 percent; Asians up from 17.1 percent to
18 percent; whites decline from 47.6 percent to 30.4 percent. The
enrollment percentage of African Americans has declined from 7.6 percent to
5 percent, although the actual numbers increased from 17,539 in 1995 to 18,
175 in 2012, unlike the UC system.
Extrapolated from the most recent numbers available, approximately 72
percent of the Latino high school graduates in California who are UC- and
CSU-eligible are admitted to either the UC or CSU system schools. So much
for Hernandez’s assertion that “qualified high school graduates (are)
being overlooked and ignored under Prop. 209.” Parenthetically,
approximately 52 percent of the state’s eligible white students are
admitted to UC or CSU schools.
Despite Hernandez’s hyperbolic rhetoric, the UC system virtually leads the
country in its admission of talented, socio-economically disadvantaged
students – independent of race or ethnicity – poor kids who need a leg up.
In 2011-12, 41 percent (74,933) of the enrolled students at UC and CSU were
Pell Grant recipient students (i.e. most often undergraduates with family
incomes under $20,000).
At a time when minorities are qualifying for and being admitted on their
merits to the state’s public universities and colleges – independent of
race or ethnicity – in record numbers, and disadvantaged applicants are
being admitted in extraordinary numbers, SCA 5 will reinject divisive
considerations of race and ethnicity into the mix. There simply are no data
that substantiate “grievances” needing such an extraordinary remedy.
Does the Legislature really want to return to allocating admissions on the
basis of race and ethnicity? Whose numbers would be reduced and whose
increased, and why? Does the Legislature want to tell white families in
California that their kids’ admissions percentages will be further reduced
than they already have been post-2009? Do they plan to advise Asian families
that their children are “over-represented” – 13.9 percent of the
population of California yet 36 percent of those admitted at the UC?
The systems of holistic, colorblind admissions and accommodation for socio-
economic disadvantage employed by UC and CSU have done an impressive job of
balancing fairness, access and academic standards. They have followed the
right, and only fair, path forward. Hopefully, the Legislature will not
undermine what has been accomplished and stir up a potentially volatile pot.
*David A. Lehrer is the president of Community Advocates Inc. (www.cai-la.
org), a human relations think tank in Los Angeles. Richard J. Riordan,
former mayor of Los Angeles and former California state secretary of
education of California, is chairman of Community Advocates. Joe R. Hicks is
vice president of Community Advocates.
发帖数: 332
发帖数: 142
发帖数: 264
能不能到各个Jewish Community Center门口去发传单?

【在 B****Q 的大作中提到】
: 谁有渠道可以联系犹太人团体吗,华裔的斗争走不了黑墨的人数路线,只能向犹太人学
: 习啊。

发帖数: 648
发帖数: 9926
这其实sacremento bee的文章 下面就有连结了
本文的网路版本在这里: http://nosca5.blogspot.com/2014/02/sca5.html
反对SCA5, 不要浪费时间, 要这样做才有帮助, 请转发
从我做起, 从现在做起! 我们还来得及反对SCA5. 目前, 加州众议院的80席中, 有55席
民主党, 25席共和党. 对这个法案SCA5的支持是党派分票, 所以我们只需要保证 2个以
上民主党议员勇敢地站出来, 投票反对, 我们就可以让法案胎死腹中. 现在我们可以做
的是写信给代表我们选区的加州众议员, 去他们的网站给他们写.
Step 1: 下面网站里选Act Now有两个请愿投票, 有时间先去投票, 这样才能壮大声势.
这两个网站都需要注册, 但是Change.org和Whitehouse.gov是最常见的请愿网站, 将
来一定该还有用到的机会, 花点时间注册并不吃亏.
美亚团结促进会的United Against SCA5 - Please click here to sign letter to
contact your elected representatives选项在收集反对SCA-5的加州民众资料, 可以
Step 2: http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
Step 3:
可能被影响的民主党州众议员列表, 这一份名单有被精心筛选过, 确定是机率比较高,
不会让大家浪费子弹, 集中火力攻击, 先写好篇文章, 这篇下面有很多范例, 不想写直
接找一篇贴上发给对方也没关系, 最重要是让对方了解有这么多人重视这个问题, 内容
其实不重要, 简单表达意思就够. 但最好是自己能添加一些自己的意见, 能够写一篇自
己的文章是最好, 反正能够发那么多遍, 多花点时间在这里也是值得. 然后将这封信用
Email再加上Facebook用Message发给下面列表所有的人, 我自己试过发一遍, 全部发完
其中中间这种https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/地址的要发比较特别, 一定必须要
是填该选区地址, 才能写电子邮件给他们, 不然不会让你发, 所以如果不是自己选区或
另外除了最简单的发电子邮件外, 也可以打电话, Fax传真, 登门拜访都可以视情况运
Wesley Chesbro (North Coast)
710 E Street, Suite 150, Eureka, CA 95501
Tel: (707) 445-7014 Fax: (707) 445-6607
Email: a********************[email protected]
Richard Pan (潘君达) (Sacramento)
2251 Florin Road, Suite 156, Sacramento CA 95822
Phone: (916)-262-0999 Fax: (916)262-0995
Email: a****************[email protected]
Ken Cooley (Sacramento)
2729 Prospect Park Drive, Suite 130, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Tel: (916) 464-1910 Fax: (916) 464-1915
Email: a*******************[email protected] & k*[email protected]
Mariko Yamada (Southern Sacramento Valley, Wine Country, & North Bay)
725 Main Street Suite 206, Woodland, CA 95695
Tel: (530) 662-7867 Fax: (530) 662-6370
Email: a*******************[email protected]
Marc Levine (North Bay)
3501 Civic Center Drive, Room 412, San Rafael, CA 94903
Tel: (415) 479-4920 Fax: (415) 479-2123
Email: a*******************[email protected] & l***************[email protected]
Rob Bonta (Central East Bay of the Bay Area)
1515 Clay Street, Ste. 2204, Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 286-1670 Fax: (510) 286-1888
Email: a******************[email protected]
Joan Buchanan (East Bay)
2694 Bishop Dr., Ste. 275, San Ramon, CA 94583
Tel: (925) 328-1515 Fax: (925) 328-1514
Email: a*********************[email protected]
Tom Ammiano (San Francisco)
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14300, San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone (415) 557-3013 Fax (415) 557-3015
Email: a********************[email protected] & t*********[email protected]
Phil Ting (丁右立) (San Francisco & San Mateo County)
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14600, San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel: (415) 557-2312 Fax: (415) 557-1178
Email: a*****************[email protected] & p**[email protected]
i**[email protected]
Kevin Mullin (San Francisco Peninsula)
1528 South El Camino Real, Suite 302, San Mateo, CA 94402
Tel: (650) 349-2200 Fax: (650) 341-4676
Email: a*******************[email protected] & k***[email protected]
i**[email protected]
Rich Gordon (San Francisco Peninsula suburbia into Silicon Valley)
5050 El Camino Real, Suite 117, Los Altos, CA 94022
Tel: (650) 691-2121 Fax: (650) 691-2120
Email: a*******************[email protected]
Paul Fong (方文忠) (Silicon Valley)
2105 South Bascom Avenue, Suite 160, Campbell, CA 95008
Tel: (408) 371-2802 Fax: (408) 371-2809
Email: a*****************[email protected] & p**[email protected]
Bob Wieckowski (East Bay and Silicon Valley)
39510 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite 280, Fremont, CA 94538
Tel: (510) 440-9030 Fax: (510) 440-9035
Email: a***********************[email protected]
Mark Stone (Monterey Bay)
701 Ocean Street, 318-B, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Tel: (831) 425-1503 Fax: (831) 425-2570
Email: a******************[email protected] & i**[email protected]
Das Williams (Santa Barbara and Ventura)
101 W. Anapamu Street, Suite A, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Tel: (805) 564-1649 Fax: (805) 564-1651
Email: a*********************[email protected] & das.williams2014@gmail.
d**************[email protected]
Ed Chau (周本立) (San Gabriel Valley)
1255 Corporate Center Dr. Ste 306, Monterey Park, CA 91754
Tel: (323) 264-4949 Fax: (323) 264-4916
Tel: (626) 403-3033 Fax: (626) 403-3022
Email: a*****************[email protected] & e*************[email protected]
Mike Gatto (Eastern end of the San Fernando Valley)
300 East Magnolia Boulevard, Suite 504, Burbank, CA 91502
Tel: (818) 558-3043 Fax: (818) 558-3042
Email: a******************[email protected] & [email protected]
Al Muratsuchi (South Bay, Beach Cities and the Palos Verdes Peninsula)
3460 Torrance Blvd., Suite 306, Torrance, CA 90503
Tel: (310) 316-2164 Fax: (310) 316-2480
Email: a***********************[email protected] & i**[email protected]
m*****[email protected]
Richard Bloom (West Los Angeles)
2800 28th Street, Suite 150, Santa Monica, CA 90405
Tel: (310) 450-0041 Fax: (310) 450-6090
Email: a******************[email protected] & r*****[email protected]
Toni Atkins (San Deigo)
1350 Front St., Room 6054, San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (619) 645-3090 Fax: (619) 645-3094
Email: a*******************[email protected] & toniatkinsforassembly2012@
下面是请愿文章的范例, 电子邮件标题要清楚简洁表达文章内容, 例如Please vote "
NO" on SCA-5!, 发文章时称呼对方用First Name就可以, 写自己的名字的时候最好是
First Name+Last Name, 这样看起来比较正式有力.
Dear XXX,
I strongly urge you to vote NO on SCA-5. This bill against our
constitutional belief that all men are created equal. In addition it against
the "American Dream". That dream of a land in which life should be better
and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to
ability or achievement.
The fundamental flaw in SCA-5 is racial preferences in college admissions
harm their intended beneficiaries. We refer to this problem as "mismatch".
It is a problem documented by a vast and growing array of research. It will
place students in environments where they can neither learn nor compete
effectively. As a result, students quit or drop out from schools. These same
students would thrive had they gone to less competitive schools. As such
racial preferences lead to devastated outcomes.
In addition, having underprepared students entering colleges would greatly
diminish the quality of education. This is a lose-lose scenario. No one
should be allowed to damage our elite University of California system. Once
it is damaged it is really difficult to rebuild. Going to college is a
privilege, not a right. You would have to work hard to earn a spot.
Therefore I'm asking you to vote NO on SCA5! It is the right thing to do.
Preferential treatment based on race in college admission is not the right
practice. The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential
treatment on the basis of race.
Yours truly,
Dear XXX,
I hereby urge you to vote NO to SCA-5! As SCA-5 will roll back the clock to
the days when students were discriminated against based on their race. SCA-5
hide under the disguise of equal opportunity. However SCA-5 is in fact the
antithesis of equal opportunity as it demands equal outcomes. But true
equity demands fair outcomes for all. The injustice of disparities in any
population is when equity is diminished. It is communism in essence since
resources are to be divided equally. It will destroy the incentive to excel
and compete and drag down U.S. competitiveness in the long run.
Lawmakers need to work on bills which applies to everyone regardless of
their race for improvements in the quality of education for poor communities
or for closing the gap where students have underachieved. What messages are
we sending to our children that they should be treated differently because
of their race, instead of their efforts and qualifications?
Therefore I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. I have a dream, do
you? Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this matter.
Thank you,
Dear XXX:
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. This bill is to include race as a factor to
provide preference in college admissions. I firmly believe that this is
against the fundamental principles of U.S. law and the American legal system
. All men are equal regardless of race.
Therefore, I strongly urge you to vote NO on this matter. Your vote is very
important to everyone in our community.
Thank you,
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. SCA-5 proposed using race as a factor in college
admissions. I urge you to fight against SCA-5. Just as Martin Luther King,
Jr. said 41 years ago, no children should be judged by the color of their
skin, but by the content of their character. Your child(ren) deserve this
dream. Every American child deserves this dream. Don't you agree? It is
about right or wrong. This is where the difference comes between a
politician and a statesman/woman.
It's your choice which side you're on. I have a dream, do you? The people
who shares the same dream as Martin Luther King, Jr. will remember your
choice. They will decide who they vote for, who they send money to, and who
they canvass for.
Best regards,
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. It is pure racism! My kids future is as important
as anyone's kids. Why two individuals at the same level of education might
differ in their college admissions? What century do we live in? This is
supposedly a country that believes in equality.
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Otherwise, no more votes and
donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats.
Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. Objection to any law that allow any
discrimination against, or granting preferential treatment to, any
individual or group on the basis of race in the operation of public
education. Racial discrimination is wrong, whichever way it goes, in
whatever name. If diversity is the point of preferences, why only in college
admissions? Why not in the recruitment process of government agencies? in
entertainment, in sports...
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. All men are equal regardless of
race. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives
and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay
close attention to this issue.
Best regards,
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. I am impressed that this clear violation of
constitutional law could even pass the senate! What are senators doing? How
do we explain to our children that what they've been taught on equal
opportunity is no longer true. It has been amended. Martin Luther King, Jr.
said I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a
nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the
content of their character. But it is no longer in accord with reality. Why
don't we amend the employment standards after college admissions? So those
who are entitled to privileges in admission could automatically get
government jobs?
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. All men are equal regardless of
race. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives
and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay
close attention to this issue.
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. This bill is total racism. What a degradation! It
's a waste of public money for those senators working on this nonsense. The
rational behind the bill is totally ridiculous. We believe in the right of
education for all Californians. California should not enrolled students
based on race rather than qualifications.
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Otherwise, no more votes and
donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats.
Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.
Sincerely yours,
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. "I have a dream that my four little children will
one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of
their skin, but by the content of their character."---Martin Luther King, Jr
. Do we helping Martin Luther King's dream(which is my dream too)? Do we
punish hard working students by racial preferences? Is this the right way to
promote better education for California?
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Otherwise, no more votes and
donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats.
Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.
Yours truly,
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. The only barrier for student of any colors for
higher education is their work enthusiasm. How about we do the same thing
for the State Assembly? Candidate must collect certain amount of votes (
scores in S.A.T.) to be qualified, then by using qualified candidates’ race
and ethnic background to decide if he/she can become a member of the
California State Assembly. Because "We need to ensure that the State
Assembly reflects our changing population".
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Students should be admitted
based on merits, not race! Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me
and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our
community will pay close attention to this issue.
Sincerely yours,
Dear XXX,
Please vote NO on SCA 5 as it is a racist bill. It promotes discrimination
by judging people based on their race. Admission to any school among other
things, should solely based on their own merit and not on their color, race,
and etc. I believe preferential treatment based on race in college
admission is not the right practice. In addition it violates the Equal
Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
I strongly urge you to vote "No" on SCA 5. Students deserve have an equal
opportunity in the college admission process regardless of their race. Thank
you for listening to the voice of your people.
Dear XXX,
Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. This is ridiculous and is so wrong! This is a
reverse discrimination. This proposition limits the opportunity of certain
kids to attend the University of California because of their races. Higher
education should be offered to those who can do it.
I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Students deserve have an equal
opportunity in the college admission process regardless of their race. I
always support Democrats. But if Democrats pass SCA-5 in the Assembly, I
will immediately switch my support to Republicans in future elections. Most
people in our community rank education as the most important policy issue.
Best regards,
最后可以再加上下面这些, 有些文章和一个影像是相当好的.
For more information on this topic, please refer to articles and video below.
The Painful Truth About Affirmative Action
Viewpoints: A step backward on higher education enrollment
UC proves Prop. 209's point
Elder vs. State Senator Ed Hernandez (D-CA) on Racial Preferences, Jan. 31,
如果要加文章连结可能要再修整一下, 如果在讨论区用copy & paste有可能贴成不完整
连结, 用nosca5.blogspot.com上的文章就没这个问题, 请注意一下这一点. 要确认一
这里有些反SCA-5的海报, 也可以考虑加在电子邮件中或传真都可以运用.
Step 4:
使用下面这个网站邮寄信件给你选区的加州众议员表达意见, 这个网站已经全部帮忙设
定好, 花不到几分钟就可以产生一篇非常完整详细的请愿信.
Step 5:
下面这些是其他加州民主党众议员的联络方式, 我觉得他们改变立场的机率低, 如果要
尝试的话用email再加上facebook的message扫一遍就好了, 应该也花不了太多时间.
Isadore Hall, III
Tel: (310) 223-1201 Fax: (310) 223-1202
Email: a*****************[email protected] & i*****[email protected]
i**[email protected]
http://www.isadorehall.com/ (选Contact Us)
Chris Holden
Tel: (626) 351-1917 Fax: (626) 351-6176
Email: a*******************[email protected] & i**[email protected]
Reggie Jones-Sawyer
Tel: (213) 744-2111 Fax: (213) 744-2122
Email: a*************************[email protected]
Bonnie Lowenthal
Tel: (562) 495-2915 Fax: (562) 495-2983
Email: a**********************[email protected] & Bonnie@
Steve Bradford
Tel: (310) 412-6400 Fax: (310) 412-6354
Email: a*********************[email protected]
Cheryl Brown
Tel: (909) 381-3238 Fax: (909) 885-8589
Email: a******************[email protected]
Adrin Nazarian
Tel: (818) 376-4246 Fax: (818) 376-4252
Email: a*********************[email protected] & adrinforassembly@gmail.
Bill Quirk
Tel: (510) 583-8818 Fax: (510) 583-8800
Email: a******************[email protected]
Matthew Dababneh
Tel: (818) 904-3840
Email: a*********************[email protected] & m**[email protected]
Tom Daly
Tel: (714) 939-8469 Fax: (714) 939-8986
Email: a*****************[email protected] & [email protected]
Roger Dickinson
(916) 324-4676 Fax: (916) 327-3338
Email: a**********************[email protected] & r***[email protected]
Sebastian Ridley-Thomas
Tel: (310) 342-1070 Fax: (310) 342-1078
Email: a**************************[email protected]
Steve Fox
Tel: (661) 267-7636 Fax: (661) 267-7736
Email: a****************[email protected]
Nancy Skinner
Tel: (510) 286-1400 Fax: (510) 286-1406
Email: a********************[email protected] & c*****[email protected]
Jim Frazier
Tel: (707) 399-3011 Fax: (707) 399-3030
Email: a********************[email protected]
Shirley Weber
Tel: (619) 531-7913 Fax: (619) 531-7924
Email: a******************[email protected] & i**[email protected]
Adam Gray
Tel: (209) 726-5465 Fax: (209) 726-5469
Email: a*****************[email protected] & a**[email protected]
Susan Bonilla
Tel: (925) 521-1511 Fax: (925) 602-1536
Email: a********************[email protected] & s***[email protected]
Luis Alejo
(831) 759-8676 Fax: (831) 759-2961
Email: a******************[email protected] & V***********[email protected]
Raul Bocanegra
Tel: (818) 504-3911 Fax: (818) 504-3912
Email: a**********************[email protected] & r**[email protected]
c*****[email protected]
Ian Calderon
Tel: (562) 692-5858 Fax: (562) 695-5852
Email: a*********************[email protected]
Nora Campos
Tel: (408) 277-1220 Fax: (408) 277-1036
Email: a*******************[email protected]
Susan Eggman
Tel: (209) 948-7479 Fax: (209) 465-5058
Email: a*******************[email protected] & i**[email protected]
Cristina Garcia
Tel: (562) 861-5803 Fax: (562) 861-5158
Email: a*******************[email protected]
Jimmy Gomez
Tel: (213) 483-5151 Fax: (213) 483-5166
Email: a******************[email protected]
Lorena Gonzalez
Tel: 619-338-8090 Fax: 619-338-8099
Email: a*********************[email protected] & V********[email protected]
Roger Hernandez
Tel: (626) 960-4457 Fax: (626) 960-1310
Email: a**********************[email protected]
Jose Medina
Tel: (951) 369-6644 Fax: (951) 369-0366
Email: a*******************[email protected]
Henry Perea
Tel: (559) 445-5532 Fax: (559) 445-6006
Email: a******************[email protected]
John A. Pérez
Tel: (213) 620-4646 Fax: (213) 620-6319
Email: A***********************[email protected] & HQ@perezforcontroller.
V. Manuel Perez
Tel: (760) 342-8047 Fax: (760) 347-8704
Email: A*************************[email protected]
Sharon Quirk-Silva
Tel: (714) 526-7272 Fax: (714) 526-7278
Email: a************************[email protected] & campaign@
Anthony Rendon
Tel: (562) 529-3250 Fax: (562) 529-3255
Email: a*******************[email protected] & assemblyman.arendon@gmail.
Freddie Rodriguez
Email: a**********************[email protected] & e**********[email protected]
r*****[email protected]
Rudy Salas
Email: A******************[email protected] & i**[email protected]
下面这个人是SCA-5提案人, 请大家让他知道种族歧视是不好的, 不要再继续提出这样
Ed Hernandez
Phone: (626) 430-2499 Fax: (916) 651-4924
Email: s***************[email protected]
http://www.edhernandez4senate.com/ (选Contact)
这三个人是华裔参议员, 对使用种族入学的法案投赞成票, 请大家告诉他们不要背叛他
Leland Yee (余胤良)
Phone: (415) 557-7857
Email: s*********[email protected]
Ted Lieu (刘云平)
Phone: (310) 318-6994 Fax: (310) 318-6733
Email: s**********[email protected] & i**[email protected]
Carol Liu (刘璇卿)
Phone: (818) 409-0400 Fax: (818) 409-1256
Email: s*********[email protected]
发帖数: 112
1 (共1页)
Stay Classy老中都错了,SCA5的问题根本就不是造成不公平竞争!!! (转载)
反对SCA5, 不要浪费时间, 要这样做才有帮助, 请转发3/2/2013反SCA5 Cupertino Townhall Meeting纪实与感想
亚裔要是再容忍那三个败类就不用混了我听到的版本事实Hernandez 暂时撤下,要放到16年大选时公投
炎黄子孙是不屑于SCA5的白人一看这图, 马上就醒了!
请大家马上联系这三位加州犹太政治家赤裸裸的舆论洗脑 - WSJ今天大幅报道:加州大学嫌最好的两个校区黑墨学生收得少
急需word/PDF专家一名,帮助产生给议员的信件。【NOTICE】 反对SCA5 汇总贴
话题: percent话题: california话题: email话题: fax话题: tel