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SanFrancisco版 - 南加AD66区候选人David Hadley声明谴责Bob Beckel辱华言论及其(转载)
南加AD66区候选人David Hadley关于Bob Beckel事件的推特留言 (转载)
TOC(金橙俱乐部)的历史瞬间 (转载)
The Orang Club关于Fox News辱华事件的声明 (转载)
美国国会亚太裔党团主席赵美心(Judy Chu)发表声明要求Bob Beckel辞职
Change联署:Petitioning Fox News: Dismiss Bob Beckel for Hi (转载)
州参议员刘云平要求FOX News Channel主持人Bob Beckel辞职
FOX主持Bob Beckel发表针对华人的歧视言论
话题: beckel话题: hadley话题: chinese话题: david话题: bob
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 32
【 以下文字转载自 LosAngeles 讨论区 】
发信人: OrangeClub (TheOrangeClub), 信区: LosAngeles
标 题: 南加AD66区候选人David Hadley声明谴责Bob Beckel辱华言论及其伪道歉
关键字: The Orange Club,TOC,David Hadley,AD66,Bob Beckel
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 15 14:42:46 2014, 美东)
南加AD66区共和党候选人David Hadley (今天通过电邮发表正式
声明,谴责Bob Beckel的辱华言论及其伪“道歉”,并表示“Mr. Beckel is anything
but apologetic for the comments he made last week. I hope that the Chinese
people know that Mr. Beckel does not speak for all Americans. He surely
does not speak for me.”
July 15, 2014
Contact: Dylan Gray
(541) 380-1651
g********[email protected]
David Hadley Deplores Racist Comments About the Chinese People
Last Thursday, cable news host Bob Beckel made a racial slur when referring
to people who are Chinese. Beckel went on to accuse Chinese people of
criminal acts against Americans and labeled them as "the biggest single
threat to the national security of the U.S."
The public response to his comments was appropriately condemning with some
public figures calling for Beckel's resignation and still others demanding
an apology. Last night, Mr. Beckel apologized that "some people" were
offended by his comments but did not apologize for the comments themselves.
Instead, he claimed that "there are too many China apologists in this
David Hadley took to Twitter last night shortly after Beckel's televised non
-apology, saying "Bob Beckel's racist slurs against Chinese citizens
unacceptable, and his apology is nearly as bad. #bobbeckel #sorrynotsorry."
Hadley expanded on his criticism of Bob Beckel by stating, "Mr. Beckel is
anything but apologetic for the comments he made last week. I hope that the
Chinese people know that Mr. Beckel does not speak for all Americans. He
surely does not speak for me."
Paid for by David Hadley for Assembly 2014
2711 N. Sepulveda Boulevard, No. 521,
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
1 (共1页)
FOX主持Bob Beckel发表针对华人的歧视言论
Chuck Page关于Bob Beckel言论的回应
SVCA对Bob Beckel种族歧视性言论的回应
周一中午急招Cupertino附近工程师参加反对Bob Beckel活动
Bob Beckel, 另一个角度
彩图惊艳:老色狼Bob Beckel招妓 (转载)
夏乐柏参议员发表声明要求Bob Beckel道歉 (转载)
7月14日 UBC记者会谴责FOX电视台Bob Beckel反华裔言论
AAPA/AAV/SVCA Joint statement to denounce the racial slur from Fox News host Bob Beckel
话题: beckel话题: hadley话题: chinese话题: david话题: bob