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SanFrancisco版 - SJ垃圾场, 目前臭的半径9英里,到Saratoga近13英里。
!!!反垃圾场扩建的,给这些官员发电邮!!Milpitas 的垃圾场合同要延期30年
好消息!Milpitas Newby垃圾场通过扩张许可很难!!4票全部赞成才会通过!详解湾区垃圾掩埋场
Mipitas/Sanjose 垃圾场臭气问题Need 1200 more signatures by Dec 16
垃圾场这臭味浓的不说不行,飘过大半个san jose了!我和SJ市雇员的辩论, SJ不肯搬垃圾场的真正原因。
Please call 1-800-334-6367 to complain odor这么重要的消息没人发?Milpitas的垃圾场要搬到South San Jose了!!!
Attention please! Resident in Milpitas, South Fremont, North San JoseJan 27th, public hearing on landfill expansion in Sacramento
实在是味道太大了Milpitas: Dec 17th Weekly Meeting Notice
brief update on tonight's SJC public hearingodor complain 有 investigation 了,大家继续加油
话题: protected话题: 160话题: email话题: sj话题: odor
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 480
到evergreen12英里。 就是说, 很快会臭及整个南湾和东湾。
如果不想silicon valley变成stincky valley,请take action!
2月7号和11号之前,state 和 SJ city会决定州和city的permit。
1, Email to following critical officers of SJ city and CalRecycle state
agency : Title: Stop Newby landfill New Permit!
Say your rough location, how far from dump site, how often you smell it,
how bad for you
[email protected]
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[email protected]
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2: Sign petition online: http://tinyurl.com/stoplandfill
3: Every Time you smell the odor, call bay air quality control immediately:
(800) 334-ODOR or (800) 334-6367. Ask for confirmation #. They can advise
state block permit.
4: CAll Paul B. Tavares, Supervisor, Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) City of
San Jose Planning, Building & Code Enforcement,Phone: (408) 535-7945, paul
.[email protected]
/* */
5: Get your friends to do the same thing! The more the better!!
We only have 2 weeks to block the permits. The odor is spreading to bigger
area every year. It’s a cancer for whole south/east bay area!
更多细节, 看 tinyurl.com/stoptrash
发帖数: 47
Everybody please take action! Especially residents in San Jose. Because the
landfill is in the land of San Jose.
The odor threat is real. We have to do something to protect ourselves!

/* */,[email protected]
/* */,[email protected]
/* */,kline@

【在 C**********y 的大作中提到】
: 到evergreen12英里。 就是说, 很快会臭及整个南湾和东湾。
: 如果不想silicon valley变成stincky valley,请take action!
: 2月7号和11号之前,state 和 SJ city会决定州和city的permit。
: 如果不想被熏30年,请马上行动!
: 1, Email to following critical officers of SJ city and CalRecycle state
: agency : Title: Stop Newby landfill New Permit!
: Say your rough location, how far from dump site, how often you smell it,
: how bad for you
: [email protected]
: /* */,[email protected]

发帖数: 1183

/* */,[email protected]
/* */,[email protected]
/* */,kline@

【在 C**********y 的大作中提到】
: 到evergreen12英里。 就是说, 很快会臭及整个南湾和东湾。
: 如果不想silicon valley变成stincky valley,请take action!
: 2月7号和11号之前,state 和 SJ city会决定州和city的permit。
: 如果不想被熏30年,请马上行动!
: 1, Email to following critical officers of SJ city and CalRecycle state
: agency : Title: Stop Newby landfill New Permit!
: Say your rough location, how far from dump site, how often you smell it,
: how bad for you
: [email protected]
: /* */,[email protected]

1 (共1页)
odor complain 有 investigation 了,大家继续加油Please call 1-800-334-6367 to complain odor
Milpitas的大酱味道到底是什么原因啊?Attention please! Resident in Milpitas, South Fremont, North San Jose
95120的垃圾场 (转载)实在是味道太大了
老话题,说说来说说Milpitas,880附近的味道吧brief update on tonight's SJC public hearing
!!!反垃圾场扩建的,给这些官员发电邮!!Milpitas 的垃圾场合同要延期30年
好消息!Milpitas Newby垃圾场通过扩张许可很难!!4票全部赞成才会通过!详解湾区垃圾掩埋场
Mipitas/Sanjose 垃圾场臭气问题Need 1200 more signatures by Dec 16
垃圾场这臭味浓的不说不行,飘过大半个san jose了!我和SJ市雇员的辩论, SJ不肯搬垃圾场的真正原因。
话题: protected话题: 160话题: email话题: sj话题: odor