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SanFrancisco版 - 湾区biotech startup招RA (转载)
湾区分子诊断公司寻人-Bioinformatics Scientist, NGS (转载)这个工作看起来不错呀。
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should I go for a cs or stats degree?蓓蓝舞蹈团2007年招生
话题: 8226话题: accuragen话题: ngs话题: skills
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 844
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: linden (说LP不对的参见第一条), 信区: Biology
标 题: 湾区biotech startup招RA
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 3 14:14:07 2015, 美东)
Research Associate, Assay Development
AccuraGen Inc. is a silicon valley based early-stage biotech startup
focusing on noninvasive diagnostics to facilitate personalized cancer
treatment. We are developing systems providing the most sensitive,accurate,
and robust NGS based ctDNA mutation detection, delivering unparalleled
accuracy from a minimal amount of patient blood samples.
AccuraGen is looking for an outstanding individual to join its Assay
Development team. This person will be responsible for QC and optimization of
AccuraGen’s NGS product for ctDNA detection.
Key Responsibilities
• Maintain lab supplies including consumables and reagents.
• Assist with the development of new products.
• Perform Quality control of AccuraGen’s NGS product
• Contribute to optimization and development of SOPs of AccuraGen’s
• Perform standard molecular biology analytical techniques such as PCR
qPCR, ddPCR, DNA quantitation, library preparation, NGS Sequencing.
• Maintain laboratory to a clean room standard.
• Record and document all experimental results.
Desired Skills and Background
• B.Sc. in one of the following disciplines: molecular biology,
biochemistry, chemistry and/or genetics.
• Ability to multi-task, as well as high-level of attention to detail
with accurate and consistent laboratory skills.
• > 1 year lab experience in an industrial or academic environment.
• Hands-on experience of DNA manipulation.
• Prior experiences with NGS workflow and technology development
• Excellent organizational and communication skills.
• Ability to work independently, as well as to work in a team.
If interested, please submit your resume to: [email protected]
/* */
1 (共1页)
蓓蓝舞蹈团2007年招生华大基因在UC Davis的基因组中心现招聘实验员 (转载)
重要!!! - 捐款以外我们还能做的事生物信息求内推(bioinformatics/genomics/NGS/algorithms/softw (转载)
COMCAST channel 9 KQED 2010 new year's celebration 2010 from Vinna@8:30PMshould I go for a cs or stats degree?
湾区分子诊断公司寻人-Bioinformatics Scientist, NGS (转载)这个工作看起来不错呀。
Amazon, CISCO or Bloomberg offerquant还是很赚钱的 (转载)
少了两万五有没有做quantitative finance的?
大家写performance review谦虚不?卡通版 - Quantitative Easing Explained (转载)
话题: 8226话题: accuragen话题: ngs话题: skills