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SanFrancisco版 - Re: 移民二代吐槽 (转载)
Re: 移民二代吐槽 (转载)去你的吧,三星!抄袭 (转载)
收到ABC network email reply印度人说吹牛是他们的文化 (转载)
抗议 Disney/ABC/Jimmy 的英文传单马上路考,帮推荐一个教练
从保护儿童角度写了一封抗议ABC的公开信 (转载)头疼,review 怎么写。。。
请大家把这封信 广为转发吧,美国人才能理解我们的游行Brown proposes big cuts to higher education
写给disney和abc的公开信Is glassdoor data accurate?
系列2.2:和报社联系发press release范文,请大家踊跃参与Bragging making 40K year(ZT) (转载)
Kimmel and ABC APOLOGIZE TO THE CHILD AND HIS PARENTS!!!最近这个将军小三小四事件中真正令人震惊的细节
话题: china话题: parents话题: chinese话题: america话题: abcs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3226
【 以下文字转载自 Returnee 讨论区 】
发信人: capcase (gotmail), 信区: Returnee
标 题: Re: 移民二代吐槽
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 19 20:28:22 2017, 美东)
Chinese parents purposely blind themselves to the reality of what Western
world and white people think about Asians. They are so deluded by their old
view that "America is the land of opportunity"
I feel that a large # of parents come to the USA b/c of their own selfish
reasons, and just use "it's good for the kids" as an excuse.
I think it is the Chinese parents who have roots in China who have the best
of both worlds - they can go back to China anytime and do whatever they
want back there, or they can stay in the USA, enjoy the environment and air,
and avoid discriminating by never stepping outside their Chinese circle.
If you are poor, you can struggle and one day you may be rich.
But if you forget your roots, you can never be rich. Even your own people
won't give a damn about you.
Chinese parents need to realize, hopefully sooner than later, that in
America you can learn about the most advanced technology and thoughts, but
you have to go back to China to be able to put those things in full use.
Being an ABC is just an empty shell. Parents get bragging rights. ABCs get
fresh air, little less work in grade school, but not much else.
If you are poor, you can struggle and one day you may be rich.
But if you forget your roots, you can never be rich. Even your own people
won't give a damn about you.
Chinese parents need to realize, hopefully sooner than later, that in
America you can learn about the most advanced technology and thoughts, but
you have to go back to China to be able to put those things in full use.
Being an ABC is just an empty shell. Parents get bragging rights. ABCs get
fresh air, little less work in grade school, but not much else.
I used to think the ABC community needed to fight against white privilege,
and that we should be focusing on fighting against whites.
But now, I think the real issue is that we can't even get our parents to see
our views. That's a real problem. The problem with ABCs is that we don't
really have a strong network of our own. So we have to rely on the power and
influence of China, that's all we really have. But the very people who are
willing to help us, to understand us, to perhaps help us better communicate
with people in China, to better unite, to better understand what the real
struggle is in America for a Chinese-American, are our parents - the same
people who have only seen the bad elements of China but who have no idea
about the darker side of America. They literally believe going to America is
a panacea which cures
1 (共1页)
最近这个将军小三小四事件中真正令人震惊的细节请大家把这封信 广为转发吧,美国人才能理解我们的游行
棒子高层在美疯狂犯罪米国不管却刻意针对华人钓鱼执法系列2.2:和报社联系发press release范文,请大家踊跃参与
Re: 移民二代吐槽 (转载)去你的吧,三星!抄袭 (转载)
收到ABC network email reply印度人说吹牛是他们的文化 (转载)
抗议 Disney/ABC/Jimmy 的英文传单马上路考,帮推荐一个教练
从保护儿童角度写了一封抗议ABC的公开信 (转载)头疼,review 怎么写。。。
话题: china话题: parents话题: chinese话题: america话题: abcs