

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
SciFiction版 - Children of Dune - 20
Dune Book 1 - 1Children of Dune - 7
Dune Book 1 - 5Children of Dune - 26
Dune Book 2 - 1Children of Dune - 30
Dune Book 2 - 2Children of Dune - 32 (end)
Dune book 2 - 11Dune Messiah - 6
Dune book 3 - 11Dune Messiah - 19
Children of Dune by Frank HerbertDune by Frank Herbert
Children of Dune - 4Dune Book 1 - 2
话题: children话题: dune话题: muad话题: dib话题: advisors
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 278
O Paul, thou Muad'Dib,
Mahdi of all men,
Thy breath exhaled
Sent forth the hurricane.
-Songs of Muad'Dib
"Never!" Ghanima said. "I'd kill him on our wedding
night." She spoke with a barbed stubbornness which thus far
had resisted all blandishments. Alia and her advisors had
been at it half the night, keeping the royal quarters in a
state of unrest, sending out for new advisors, for food and
drink. The entire Temple and its adjoining Keep seethed with
the frustrations of unmade decisions.
1 (共1页)
Dune Book 1 - 2Dune book 2 - 11
Dune Book 1 - 11Dune book 3 - 11
Dune book 3 - 5Children of Dune by Frank Herbert
Dune book 3 - 6Children of Dune - 4
Dune Book 1 - 1Children of Dune - 7
Dune Book 1 - 5Children of Dune - 26
Dune Book 2 - 1Children of Dune - 30
Dune Book 2 - 2Children of Dune - 32 (end)
话题: children话题: dune话题: muad话题: dib话题: advisors