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SciFiction版 - Children of Dune - 32 (end)
Dune Book 2 - 1Children of Dune - 4
Children of Dune - 26Children of Dune - 7
Dune Book 1 - 1Children of Dune - 20
Dune Book 1 - 5Children of Dune - 30
Dune Book 2 - 2Dune by Frank Herbert
Dune book 2 - 11Dune Book 1 - 2
Dune book 3 - 11Dune Book 1 - 11
Children of Dune by Frank HerbertDune book 3 - 5
话题: muad话题: lu话题: dib话题: dune话题: children
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 278
As with so many other religions, Muad'Dib's Golden Elixir of
Life degenerated into external wizardry. Its mystical signs
became mere symbols for deeper psychological processes, and
those processes, of course, ran wild. What they needed was a
living god, and they didn't have one, a situation which
Muad'Dib's son has corrected.
-Saying attributed to Lu Tung-pin, (Lu, The Guest of the
Leto sat on the Lion Throne to accept the homage of the
tribes. Ghanima stood beside him, one step down
1 (共1页)
Dune book 3 - 5Dune Book 2 - 2
Dune book 3 - 6Dune book 2 - 11
Dune Messiah by Frank HerbertDune book 3 - 11
Dune Messiah - 2Children of Dune by Frank Herbert
Dune Book 2 - 1Children of Dune - 4
Children of Dune - 26Children of Dune - 7
Dune Book 1 - 1Children of Dune - 20
Dune Book 1 - 5Children of Dune - 30
话题: muad话题: lu话题: dib话题: dune话题: children