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SciFiction版 - Review of Battlestar Galactica
BSGjesus, more twists
The 5th cylon!Aren't you excited???
Hirogen and Borg大家有什么科幻电视剧推荐么?
FoundationAndEmpire-1-2Battlestar Galatica - The Plan tonight on Scifi
闭上眼睛,世界上就没有悬崖(zz)[科幻版征文] 坑爹的Serenity (Firefly后传)
呵呵,来年的scifi channel狂想曲5(魔武双修) 2003.2.14 阴 小雨
Battlestar Galatica - slowww...Review: Earthquake Weather, by Tim Powers.
This coming weekend~科技发达还用子弹大炮导弹
话题: galactica话题: battlestar话题: hyperspace话题: review话题: tv
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4391
After part 1, I thought it was a darn good show. Not perfect, but
Part 2 was some of the best TV that I've seen in a long time. Very
powerfully scripted stuff.
Overall the mini-series was very, very good, and I would recommend it
to any science fiction fan except those few who feel quasi-religious
attachments to the original 1970s era Battlestar Galactica series.
This show wasn't merely good science fiction, it was good drama too,
and accessible even to people who aren't big science
发帖数: 2593
too bad i don't have sci-fi channel. sigh.

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: After part 1, I thought it was a darn good show. Not perfect, but
: enjoyable.
: Part 2 was some of the best TV that I've seen in a long time. Very
: powerfully scripted stuff.
: Overall the mini-series was very, very good, and I would recommend it
: to any science fiction fan except those few who feel quasi-religious
: attachments to the original 1970s era Battlestar Galactica series.
: This show wasn't merely good science fiction, it was good drama too,
: and accessible even to people who aren't big science

发帖数: 4391
The DVDs are coming next feburary, you definitely don't want to miss it. :)

【在 c**c 的大作中提到】
: too bad i don't have sci-fi channel. sigh.
发帖数: 83
It is a good Sci-fi show. Actually, haven't seen such a thing for quite
some time. However, it will be very hard for the future TV series(if there
is one) to keep the same high quality as this mini one. So I will stick to
my old goodie SG-1 for now.

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: After part 1, I thought it was a darn good show. Not perfect, but
: enjoyable.
: Part 2 was some of the best TV that I've seen in a long time. Very
: powerfully scripted stuff.
: Overall the mini-series was very, very good, and I would recommend it
: to any science fiction fan except those few who feel quasi-religious
: attachments to the original 1970s era Battlestar Galactica series.
: This show wasn't merely good science fiction, it was good drama too,
: and accessible even to people who aren't big science

发帖数: 6260
好像放完了这两个part就没了?这个mini series也太短了吧。

【在 z**t 的大作中提到】
: It is a good Sci-fi show. Actually, haven't seen such a thing for quite
: some time. However, it will be very hard for the future TV series(if there
: is one) to keep the same high quality as this mini one. So I will stick to
: my old goodie SG-1 for now.

发帖数: 83

【在 a*****s 的大作中提到】
: 好像放完了这两个part就没了?这个mini series也太短了吧。
发帖数: 6260

【在 z**t 的大作中提到】
: 其实这是一个类似pilot的东西,如果反响好的话,就会拍后续的TV系列。
发帖数: 4391
You like SG-1?
No offense... but I found it a little ridiculous... the whole idea of
carrying M16 rifles into alien world where they are equipped with laser
weapons and flying saucers is a little beyond my comprehension...
I do like the movie though...
Come to think of it, I had never really liked any of the scifi original series.
Farscape is too weird, and Lexx is even more weird...hmm, what more are there?
Yeah, I agree that maybe after 2 seasons, the story will become repetitive
and cylons wi

【在 z**t 的大作中提到】
: It is a good Sci-fi show. Actually, haven't seen such a thing for quite
: some time. However, it will be very hard for the future TV series(if there
: is one) to keep the same high quality as this mini one. So I will stick to
: my old goodie SG-1 for now.

发帖数: 4391
Dunes (also a mini-series) was also two parts IIRC.
Taken, backed by the powerful spielberg, got more screen time...

【在 a*****s 的大作中提到】
: 好像放完了这两个part就没了?这个mini series也太短了吧。
发帖数: 83
If you like the movie, then you should have the the same problem as TV series.
Most of the time, you just have to give human a chance if you wanna tell a
Sci-fi story about the war between human and superior Aliens.;-)
The things I like about SG-1 are the stargate and the "Gods are Aliens" idea.
However, it is the actors who make this show distinguished from its peers.

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: You like SG-1?
: No offense... but I found it a little ridiculous... the whole idea of
: carrying M16 rifles into alien world where they are equipped with laser
: weapons and flying saucers is a little beyond my comprehension...
: I do like the movie though...
: Come to think of it, I had never really liked any of the scifi original series.
: Farscape is too weird, and Lexx is even more weird...hmm, what more are there?
: Yeah, I agree that maybe after 2 seasons, the story will become repetitive
: and cylons wi

呵呵,来年的scifi channeljesus, more twists
Battlestar Galatica - slowww...Aren't you excited???
This coming weekend~大家有什么科幻电视剧推荐么?
发帖数: 83
Actually, I dislike Taken for its repeating, prolonged screen time.

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: Dunes (also a mini-series) was also two parts IIRC.
: Taken, backed by the powerful spielberg, got more screen time...

发帖数: 45
greate comments,
发帖数: 4391
reroute hyperspace to the middle of cylon fleet. :)

【在 d*****j 的大作中提到】
: greate comments,
发帖数: 45
final battle of the future TV serier could be won in that way

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: reroute hyperspace to the middle of cylon fleet. :)
发帖数: 83
There are definitely some limitations about this jump thing.
Actually, hyperspace jump is commonly used in US Scifi shows and some rules
have been set up. That is the maximum jump distance, certain limited locations
you can jump to, and certian limited circumstances you can make the jump.
As for the battle strategy, you can run away everytime but your home can't run
away. Just like "跑得了和尚,跑不了庙". Therefore, once your home or your base
is destroyed, you lose.


【在 d*****j 的大作中提到】
: final battle of the future TV serier could be won in that way
发帖数: 4391
It is actually called FTL (Faster Than Light), a little idiotic name. :)
Not as cool as "hyperspace jump", "worm hole"...

【在 z**t 的大作中提到】
: There are definitely some limitations about this jump thing.
: Actually, hyperspace jump is commonly used in US Scifi shows and some rules
: have been set up. That is the maximum jump distance, certain limited locations
: you can jump to, and certian limited circumstances you can make the jump.
: As for the battle strategy, you can run away everytime but your home can't run
: away. Just like "跑得了和尚,跑不了庙". Therefore, once your home or your base
: is destroyed, you lose.
: inhibitor

发帖数: 45
1.yes, i am aware that, exactly as you said, there are usually
some limitation for hyperspace travel. That's why the free (once outside the
and untrackable jump in BG looks so unreasonable.
2.in strategy, not so simple. first, base ship can also jump.
second, the weaker side could also attack the other's home and cargo
ships unless they are also heavily fortified.
and theoretically, if we human could invent some device to allow
some tricky things (such as hyperspace travel) to work, it co

【在 z**t 的大作中提到】
: There are definitely some limitations about this jump thing.
: Actually, hyperspace jump is commonly used in US Scifi shows and some rules
: have been set up. That is the maximum jump distance, certain limited locations
: you can jump to, and certian limited circumstances you can make the jump.
: As for the battle strategy, you can run away everytime but your home can't run
: away. Just like "跑得了和尚,跑不了庙". Therefore, once your home or your base
: is destroyed, you lose.
: inhibitor

发帖数: 45
maybe hyperspace is just used too much, 用滥了, hehe

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: It is actually called FTL (Faster Than Light), a little idiotic name. :)
: Not as cool as "hyperspace jump", "worm hole"...

1 (共1页)
说亚裔美女,Grace Park比较带劲呵呵,来年的scifi channel
灵魂是什么东东?Battlestar Galatica - slowww...
从哲学或者科学的角度,你们赞同人是机器的说法吗?This coming weekend~
BSGjesus, more twists
The 5th cylon!Aren't you excited???
Hirogen and Borg大家有什么科幻电视剧推荐么?
FoundationAndEmpire-1-2Battlestar Galatica - The Plan tonight on Scifi
话题: galactica话题: battlestar话题: hyperspace话题: review话题: tv