

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Science版 - String Theory Basics 1
Re: 请问哪儿能找到一个关于代数几何的软件“LASA“Re: linear algebra/matrix analysis textbook recommendation -- thanks.
Re: A linear Algebra questionRe: 谁能告诉我“双连通区域”的英语怎么说呀?急!!!
Re: A linear Algebra question(矩阵范数简介)那位大虾请讲讲李群和李代数!
Re: 幂之平方和问题Re: 请教central charge
Re: ? on algebra[转载] A question for string/CFT guys
Re: Help me about this Linear AlgebraRe: 数学与物理,再论专业
Re: Help needed on Galois FieldDoes anyone know Grassmann ring?
Re: A problem in Abstract Algebra (urgent!)中国科学院理论物理所
话题: newton话题: theory话题: string话题: basics
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 99
What is theoretical physics?

Algebra and geometry were good for describing size, but not for
describing motion, so Newton invented calculus.
Theoretical physicists use mathematics to describe certain aspects of
Nature. Sir Isaac Newton was the first theoretical physicist, although
in his own time his profession was called "natural philosophy".
By Newton's era people had already used algebra and geometry to build
marvelous works of architecture, including the great cathedrals of
Europe, but alg
1 (共1页)
中国科学院理论物理所Re: ? on algebra
有 人 会 设 计 透 镜 吗?Re: Help me about this Linear Algebra
Re: 请教高手:测量相似度Re: Help needed on Galois Field
Re: [转载] 职业取向自我测试 zzRe: A problem in Abstract Algebra (urgent!)
Re: 请问哪儿能找到一个关于代数几何的软件“LASA“Re: linear algebra/matrix analysis textbook recommendation -- thanks.
Re: A linear Algebra questionRe: 谁能告诉我“双连通区域”的英语怎么说呀?急!!!
Re: A linear Algebra question(矩阵范数简介)那位大虾请讲讲李群和李代数!
Re: 幂之平方和问题Re: 请教central charge
话题: newton话题: theory话题: string话题: basics