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Science版 - Re: plasma 一问
Re: plasma怎么翻译?Re: A Question on Group Velocity
Re: what's the difference between plasma and plasmon?[转载] Urgent: A simple problem. Thanks!
Re: APS article about recent "superluminal light" experimentA simple problem updated version
偶的看法--顺流而下playing golf
再求助Re: 另外一道高中物理题-征解
Re: [转载] 超光速得到证实爱因斯坦被指“欺世盗名”求 三篇文章 已经给出了url
My commens on the Superluminal ... paper[转载] 数学简史[1]
话题: velocity话题: plasma话题: plasmas话题: flow话题: very
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7
Plasmas are considered cold when the flow velocity is much larger
than the thermal velocity, warm when the two velocities are roughly
the same, and hot when thermal velocity dominates over the flow velocity.
Concerning your second question, what is the mass of plasmas? Very very little,
right? ( you can estimated it based on ionization rate, flow rate, the volume
of plasma zone, the pressure of your chamber),the degree of heat transfer
not only depends on temperature difference, but on its mass
1 (共1页)
[转载] 数学简史[1]再求助
Re: 请教一道概率题Re: [转载] 超光速得到证实爱因斯坦被指“欺世盗名”
Re: matlab 一问[转]不要误解王利军“超光速”实验的意义
latex问题--关于winedt5.0--新手一问My commens on the Superluminal ... paper
Re: plasma怎么翻译?Re: A Question on Group Velocity
Re: what's the difference between plasma and plasmon?[转载] Urgent: A simple problem. Thanks!
Re: APS article about recent "superluminal light" experimentA simple problem updated version
偶的看法--顺流而下playing golf
话题: velocity话题: plasma话题: plasmas话题: flow话题: very