

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Science版 - Quantum impurity problems and nano-contact, etc.
Re: 请问石油醚用英语怎么说.欧真是不明白--请大家讨论一下巴。
quantum computingQuantum paradox
quantum and speed of lightRe: 求教相速度和群速度
Re: who can talk something about NMR quantum computinQuantum Computing
大家来交流一下好书罢!Re: Anybody wanna talk about quantum computation?
Re: 统一场论有戏吗?One Hundred Years of Quantum Physics (from Sci)
Quantum求助!Typical Quantum Dot size.
Re: 放大了的霍? 不一点没扩大Quantum information processing and transport.
话题: quantum话题: transport话题: nano话题: impurity话题: electrons
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 72
Basically the electron transport through nano-wires or quantum dots doesn't
satisfy the quasi-free semi-classical Drude electron transport model, the
phase coherent length of the electrons is very large compared to the physical
dimension of the system and the impurities or contacts scatter strongly with
the individual electrons. Therefore, the physics of the quantum transport
becomes quite similar to the Kondo problem where the resistance at low
temperature shows the divergence behavior as a*ln(
1 (共1页)
Quantum information processing and transport.大家来交流一下好书罢!
The Universe as a Quantum Computer.Re: 统一场论有戏吗?
Re: 学量子力学要什么物理基础呢?Quantum求助!
Ask a quantum mechanics question of tunneling to physicist...Re: 放大了的霍? 不一点没扩大
Re: 请问石油醚用英语怎么说.欧真是不明白--请大家讨论一下巴。
quantum computingQuantum paradox
quantum and speed of lightRe: 求教相速度和群速度
Re: who can talk something about NMR quantum computinQuantum Computing
话题: quantum话题: transport话题: nano话题: impurity话题: electrons