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Science版 - 问个统计问题 (转载)
Re: 问个组合数学问题Re: how to define "life"
Re: who can tell me how to do multi varialbes interpolation---math problemquestions
Re: 请问uniformly bounded/convergent的意思Help: what is the integral of delta(t)^2?
Re: 请 教 统 计 专 家(solution)这个题怎么作?(数学)
Re: 有人用Maltlab么?请教一个问题。Discussion on Galerkin projection
Re: A small queation in LaTeX 出两道数学分析题目给大家做做
是否永动机并不重要Re: 怎么理解四维以上的空间
A math problemcupbaby gave a few interesting questions
话题: what话题: varialbes话题: wed
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 47
【 以下文字转载自 Statistics 讨论区 】
发信人: waiting (让生命去等候), 信区: Statistics
标 题: 问个统计问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 28 12:34:26 2007), 站内
发信人: waiting (让生命去等候), 信区: Mathematics
标 题: 问个统计问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 28 12:32:41 2007), 转信
Two independently and uniformly distributed varialbes:
X1~U(a, a+1), X2~U(b,b+1), where a+1>b>=a>=0
Define X=max{X_1, X_2}.
What is the distribution of X?
What is the conditional distribution of X, on X What is the mean of X, conditional on X Thanks!
1 (共1页)
cupbaby gave a few interesting questionsRe: 有人用Maltlab么?请教一个问题。
Re: 哪位给讲讲percolationRe: A small queation in LaTeX
discussion on SVD是否永动机并不重要
求助,这样的问题怎么处理 (转载)A math problem
Re: 问个组合数学问题Re: how to define "life"
Re: who can tell me how to do multi varialbes interpolation---math problemquestions
Re: 请问uniformly bounded/convergent的意思Help: what is the integral of delta(t)^2?
Re: 请 教 统 计 专 家(solution)这个题怎么作?(数学)
话题: what话题: varialbes话题: wed