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Science版 - Invitation of 2007 conference for Environment &Public Health Network
ENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public healthInvitation of 2007 conference for Environment &Public Health Network
Ph.D. positions in Computer Science (with a focus on wireless, vehicular, and sensor networks)great oppotunity
Google introduces scholarly research toolgreat opportunity
不在学校了怎么在检索文献great opportunity
Whom I should ask to pay for a conference? -- Need help!great opportunity
paper reviewENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public health
今天忽然收到一个大出版商的邮件ENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public health
Invitation of 2007 conference for Environment &Public Health NetworkENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public health
话题: network话题: health话题: public话题: conference
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18
ENCSS( Environment &Public Health Network for Chinese Students and Scholars)
(www.encss.org) will hold annual conference on June 20-25, 2007 in Madison,
Wisconsin. You are sincerely invited. Please see attachment for more
This year we will have a very strong connection with professors/government
officers/people from industry from both China and the US. We are sure you
will get many things through attending our conference.
As from China, you will receive following benefits
from the s
发帖数: 100
You can post the conference infor on this site:
1 (共1页)
ENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public healthWhom I should ask to pay for a conference? -- Need help!
签经(1):准备材料paper review
Postdoc Position in Wireless Networking at Washington, DC USA今天忽然收到一个大出版商的邮件
Faculty Position in Environ. Eng.in China: Air Quality Eng.Invitation of 2007 conference for Environment &Public Health Network
ENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public healthInvitation of 2007 conference for Environment &Public Health Network
Ph.D. positions in Computer Science (with a focus on wireless, vehicular, and sensor networks)great oppotunity
Google introduces scholarly research toolgreat opportunity
不在学校了怎么在检索文献great opportunity
话题: network话题: health话题: public话题: conference