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Seattle版 - 请问Boeing同事, which 2011 medical insurance plan is bette
万恶的医疗保险版上有哪位知道home improvement tax deduction 的信息吗
微软的Premera怎么看病这么贵[合集] 问问汽车注册费减税的问题
Hi-Tech Company in Downtown Seattle is Hiring周末想去温哥华玩两天 打算住一晚 大家有推荐的酒店吗?
亚麻vs微软: 云中之战 (2) 中国战场求温哥华维多利亚行程表,包子答谢
上下班用的油钱可以算tax-deductable job expenses吗?请问家具开销可以算进sales tax deduction吗(WA州). (转载)
a question about tax return for home improvement30年fixed home loan points 要分成30年来deductible 吗?
今天才知道sales tax不能做deduction哪里买医保呀? IT recruiter公司不提供医保.谢谢
话题: plan话题: boeing话题: year话题: my话题: health
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发帖数: 282
请问Boeing同事, which 2011 medical insurance plan is better? My situation is
both me and my husband work, have one 3 year old kid. My husband's health
care plan is not good, $1000+ deductible for him alone per year. So I add
him and my kid to my plan through Boeing every year. I am using Regence-
Select Network Plan EPO this year (not very sure why I chose it, it was
always a pain for me every year to pick a plan.)
After reviewing our options for 2011, I think our health care plan for 2011
is much worse than 2010, right? All "thanks to" Obama's health care reform :
( The cost will be pass on to employees. That sucks!
I did compare the 3 options we have, seems the traditional plan is much
worse than last year, because it has 10% co-insurance that can be up to
$2000 per person. But if one does not spend that much, for example, only
spend $3300 per year, then the co-insurance is not that bad, only $300 ((3300-300deductible) * 10%) besides the $300 deductible, right? Although it is hard to estimate the medical cost in the future. I am a pessimist and tend to prepare for the worst if I can so I think this might not fit me.
I am leaning toward to choosing between HMO and select network EPO, which one is better? Our family are generally healthy with miner health problems like
慢性鼻炎. No serious health issues. From the Boeing's plan comparison tool,
seems those two are almost the same, but HMO has higher paycheck deductible
than EPO, I wonder why? Anyone has insights?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!
发帖数: 282
版上几位在Boeing工作的大侠 说说看? 谢谢!
我一看到 Traditional plan out of pocket expense could be up to $2000 per person on top of the deductible 就晕了, 资本家真狠毒 , some of the provisions of obama's health plan reform won't take effect until several years later but they already start charging employees.
发帖数: 9224
boeing is not bad anyway, better than a lot of smaller companies.
1 (共1页)
哪里买医保呀? IT recruiter公司不提供医保.谢谢亚麻vs微软: 云中之战 (2) 中国战场
請問有試過在regence Blueshield報銷奶泵的媽媽嗎?上下班用的油钱可以算tax-deductable job expenses吗?
【SCE Partnter Event】西雅图科技商贸高峰会a question about tax return for home improvement
包子问--FACEBOOK 打算生孩子的应该选哪种医疗保险?今天才知道sales tax不能做deduction
万恶的医疗保险版上有哪位知道home improvement tax deduction 的信息吗
微软的Premera怎么看病这么贵[合集] 问问汽车注册费减税的问题
Hi-Tech Company in Downtown Seattle is Hiring周末想去温哥华玩两天 打算住一晚 大家有推荐的酒店吗?
话题: plan话题: boeing话题: year话题: my话题: health