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Seattle版 - How Twitter Can Save $50 Million
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话题: twitter话题: path话题: api话题: media话题: company
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 168
I’ve been puzzling over Twitter’s recent tactical moves around their API,
Ubermedia and Tweetdeck, for a few months
now, and it just doesn’t add up. In fact I think Twitter’s current
strategy may take them in a direction where they end up
missing out on their biggest potential win.
If Twitter continues to go down the media company path, without
incorporating their API into the plan, that could not
only force a large part of their ecosystem to go elsewhere, but it could
deprive them of a much larger potential
infrastructure revenue opportunity, and could even end up costing them the
After all, Silicon Valley is littered with the  burned out
wreckage of once-great media companies that failed create and
keep third-party app ecosystems: AOL, Friendster, MySpace, Yahoo – to name
a few. It’s very hard to maintain
leadership as an online media company without an ecosystem of outside apps
increasing reach, innovation, and
In light of this, I’ve been exploring an alternate path for Twitter that
leverages their API in a much bigger way, and this
path appears to be a better strategy. According to my own experimental
revenue  projections for Twitter, this alternative
path is not only a good tactical move, but it’s a good business move
because it increases Twitter’s reach, number of
active users, and revenues massively.
This path fulfills the promise of Twitter as an infrastructure, without
sacrificing the media company play. A media
company + an infrastructure is a much stronger strategic position to be in
than either on their own.
发帖数: 480
50m? twitter does not care...

【在 D***s 的大作中提到】
: I’ve been puzzling over Twitter’s recent tactical moves around their API,
: Ubermedia and Tweetdeck, for a few months
: now, and it just doesn’t add up. In fact I think Twitter’s current
: strategy may take them in a direction where they end up
: missing out on their biggest potential win.
: If Twitter continues to go down the media company path, without
: incorporating their API into the plan, that could not
: only force a large part of their ecosystem to go elsewhere, but it could
: deprive them of a much larger potential
: infrastructure revenue opportunity, and could even end up costing them the

1 (共1页)
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话题: twitter话题: path话题: api话题: media话题: company