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Seattle版 - 09/14 Seattle Technical Forum Event: Legal Challenges of IT in a Globalized World
Test Lead positin at Microsoft有奖竞猜第一题
五年前一个叫Madhu的老印 (转载)need IP lawyer for contingency litigation (no win no fee)
玫瑰海谁知道AT&T的 Iphone 合同满后的解锁详细步骤? 谢谢。
UW LLM program懂的入求Seattle 附近的博士后工作机会
PSBJ: App 开发上的法律问题Bellevue的印度人公司居然拿下联邦大单
Windows Azure 这次糗大了烙印领袖摸底:图穷匕见,直指中国 (转载)
太搞笑 Google公司近日不断自摆乌龙今天下午西雅图会展中心举办创业成果展示联谊活动
80后围炉座谈录:为什么我们不想让孩子在美国上学(转载) (转载 (转载)Provide China Business and Law Consult service
话题: law话题: seattle话题: business话题: event话题: forum
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3464
This is a Seattle Technical Forum Event Announcement.
Your can stop reading if you are not interested in technical events around
Seattle area.
Sea-Tech Forum and International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (
IAOP) will co-host a special event about Legal.
Please feel free to forward this event announcement to your friends, team,
company and organization.
Event Details
What: Legal Challenges of IT in a Globalized World
When: Wed, September 14th, 2011 6:00 PM -- 9:00 PM
Where: Bellevue City Hall
Event style: Talks, Q&A and interactive discussion
Admission: Registration required
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Sea-Tech-Forum/events/15861678/
Parking: Free (but limited)
Food: Light snacks/drink provided at hallway (no food/drink allowed in the
conference room)
Gifts: Swags from our sponsors are available, including major door prize(s)
We are expecting 130+ people from local companies, organizations and start-
ups, not necessarily technical people, but also marketing professionals, PM,
recruiters, investors...
Besides the 7 senior speakers, there will be 30+ VIP guests from Amazon,
Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Zynga, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sony Ericsson, Samsung,
Hulu, Oracle, SAP, CA, UW, EMC, Expedia, Zillow, SEOmoz, Bungie, Intel, Dice
, IBM..
Come on time and print out the confirmation page to guarantee a seat.
Tentative Event Agenda, Speakers and Topics
6:00pm - 7:00pm, Snack & social (come early and meet interesting tech guru
and investors, besides food)
6:50pm - 7:00pm, Introduction
7:00pm - 7:25pm, Talk
Title: Inception through First Financing
Speaker: Adam Goldblatt, President of Fortitude Legal and Business Services
Abstract: How founders can work together to organize a new company and set
the stage for the future.
Bio: Adam holds a MBA from the University of Washington’s Foster School of
Business, JD from the City University of New York Law School, and a BA in
Law and Society from the American University, Washington, DC. He brings a
creative, business-centric approach in counseling companies and management,
honed through sixteen years of experience in legal, strategic and
operational roles in both public and start-up companies. He has negotiated a
variety of transactions including investment capital rounds (venture, angel
, and senior debt), mergers and acquisitions, business development
opportunities, and strategic business plans as well as counseled companies
on a variety of corporate issues. He also serves as the regional president
of the American Jewish Committee.
7:25pm - 7:50pm, Talk
Title: Growth Strategies and Stages of Financing for Start-ups
Speaker: Russell B. Weed, Attorney at Graham & Dunn PC
Abstract: Keeping it simple, one way to think about and plan the growth
strategy for your start-up is this: Buy; Build; License; Strategically
Execution of each of these growth strategies, in turn, involves
corresponding legal tools, including intellectual property, licensing,
commercial, corporate, employment and financing. Specific to financing,
there are multiple stages to financing a start-up that each entrepreneur
should learn about and understand, from boot-strapping, to friends and
family, to angel, to venture capital, to private equity, to bank financing.
Bio: Russ Weed is a business lawyer and counselor at Graham & Dunn, a mid-
sized law firm founded in 1890 with a dedicated Start-up Group. Russ has
broad experience as a law firm transaction attorney, company general counsel
, and business development VP at 2 companies, a mid-cap (Labtec with $100MM
in revenues) and a multi-national (GE). In his 19 years as a lawyer and
business development executive, Russ has led and teamed in the strategizing,
negotiation, closing, and execution of a wide range of deals and business
matters, from formations to financings to mergers and acquisitions, as well
as intellectual property, licensing, commercial, corporate, and employment
matters. In all matters, he emphasizes business counseling including
strategic advice and practical recommendations. Russ’ legal experience
also includes extensive international work, especially in Asia and Europe.
7:50pm - 8:15pm, Talk
Title: Social media and the Cloud the rise of new IP concerns
Speaker: Madhu Singh , Founder and Principal Attorney of MK SINGH LAW OFFICE
Abstract: What types of IP issues arise when using Social Media tools? Does
storing information in the "cloud" protect my trade secrets? How gray is
the law really in this area? What steps can you take to protect your IP even
when you are engaging in Social Media or using the cloud.
Bio: Madhu K. Singh is the founder and principal attorney at MK Singh Law
Office. Before starting her own business, she practiced law in both law firm
and in-house counsel environments. Madhu enjoys growing her firm by
empowering other start ups, entrepreneurs and small businesses to get
organized and protect their assets and intellectual property. In addition,
she educates her clientele by hosting brown bag events on various topics
such as “Social Media and the Law” and “How to Review a Contract” and is
a member of several community business organizations. She also spends time
volunteering and presenting at the State Bar on topics including "How to
Market a Law Firm" and "Cloud Computing Essentials." In her spare time, she
advises, and volunteers, at local non- profits. Madhu holds a JD and a MBA
from the University of Kansas. Follow her @MKSINGHLAW. Website: www.
8:15pm - 8:40pm, Talk
Title: Protecting Your Intellectual Property Internationally
Speaker: Dan Harris, Attorney at Harris & Moure
Abstract: Dan will be discussing what actually constitutes intellectual
property, what the common risks to intellectual property are when doing
business/outsourcing internationally, and what you need to do to protect
your intellectual property outside the United States.
Bio: Dan Harris is the founding member of Harris & Moure, an international
law boutique law firm based in Seattle. Dan writes and speaks extensively
on Chinese law, with a focus on protecting foreign businesses in their China
operations. He is also a prolific and widely-followed blogger, writing as
the co-author of the award-winning China Law Blog (www.chinalawblog.com).
Dan has been interviewed on China law issues by Fortune Magazine, The Wall
Street Journal, Fox News, CBC, BBC World, Forbes Magazine, and CNN, among
others. A number of his articles on China law have been published in
leading publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Law, Forbes
Magazine, and the National Law Journal.
8:40pm - 9:00pm, Q&A to all speakers, and interactive free discussion
9:00pm, Door prize draw
9:00pm - 9:30pm, Social
Intro of Sea-Tech Forum
Seattle Technical Forum is a loosely coupled Seattle-wide discussion forum
for technology (esp. IT, web, mobile, game, telecom ...). The forum is a
platform for professionals to:
· Collaborate with other professionals
· Share ideas
· Foster creative brainstorming
· Promote your company, products, and technical events
Its members cover all major IT companies in the Seattle area and many start-
ups and organizations.
Please join our discussion group at: http://groups.google.com/group/seattle-tech-forum & meetup at: http://www.meetup.com/Sea-Tech-Forum/ for event updates and, of course, lively discussion.
We also allow members to pre-register for events with a lowered registration
Also feel free to join our Facebook group and Linkedin group too:
fb: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_161613450548153
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/e/g1vxqt-ghfjupxt-h/vgh/3710277/
Intro of International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP)
IAOP is the global, standard-setting organization and advocate for the
outsourcing profession. With a global community of more than 110,000 members
and affiliates worldwide, IAOP is the leading professional association for
organizations and individuals involved in transforming the world of business
through outsourcing, offshoring, and shared services.
1 (共1页)
Provide China Business and Law Consult servicePSBJ: App 开发上的法律问题
亚马逊拒绝下架辱华商品,打压华裔员工申诉Windows Azure 这次糗大了
[合集] 讨论题:Dev,PM和Tester的比率太搞笑 Google公司近日不断自摆乌龙
美国的衰弱在于IT业的OUTSOURCE (转载)80后围炉座谈录:为什么我们不想让孩子在美国上学(转载) (转载 (转载)
Test Lead positin at Microsoft有奖竞猜第一题
五年前一个叫Madhu的老印 (转载)need IP lawyer for contingency litigation (no win no fee)
玫瑰海谁知道AT&T的 Iphone 合同满后的解锁详细步骤? 谢谢。
UW LLM program懂的入求Seattle 附近的博士后工作机会
话题: law话题: seattle话题: business话题: event话题: forum