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Seattle版 - 创业协会1,2月活动通知 [请置顶]
Seattle Entrepreneurship Club: 2/22, 2/25, 2/28 events reminder【华大讲座】明天(9/9)下午3点 韩济生院士谈针灸与自闭症
Gist创始人TA McCann的问答(二月五日星期天)32进的MSFT这次终于可以出水了
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen tells all in new bookRide from Seattle to Vancouver (BC) and Party!
请问从西雅图可以直接开车去victoria吗9/19 New York Life Insurance Career Seminar
割草 (Bellevue, 98005)RSVP Oct 10th 6pm: Internet of Things Forum and Meeting with Wuxi Delegation
出售自己的几双新新的鞋子 家住REDMOND 有姐妹们感兴趣 来我SEC 11/15 (Tue) Event: Starting a Business in the E-Commerce Industry
话题: 8226话题: merrill话题: gardens话题: feb话题: business
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1251
Jan 15, Sourcing Innovation
Jan 26th, Opportunities in the Senior Care Industry
次我们非常荣幸的邀请到全美领先的老年公寓及护理服务提供商Merrill Gardens(魅力
花园)的主席和首席运营官Bill来给大家谈谈他在过去20年领导Merrill Gardens的经验
探讨我们关心的养老问题 http://www.merrillgardens.com/china
Feb 5, Q&A with T.A. McCann
T.A.是非常了不起的一位企业家也是一位很好的青年创业者导师. 他曾经成功的创办了
5家公司,最近的一家Gist于去年被Research In Motion收购。他还曾在微软担任移动服
务的总监和Exchange Server产品经理等职位。
我们很荣欣的邀请他来给SEC做一个Q&A. 大家可以现在把要问的问题提交到:
Feb 25, How to start a successful IT Outsourcing company
Dear SEC Members,
On behalf of the SEC Board, I'd like to wish you Happy New Year and have
an extraordinary 2012 (the Year of Dragon)!
Below is the announcements for Jan and Feb events:
Jan 15, Sourcing Innovation
These days, everybody is getting on the innovation bandwagon -
business schools, and even politicians, but where does innovation come
How can YOUR company identify these sources and use them to its
in an increasingly competitive and volatile global marketplace? If you
planning to build an innovative business from the ground up or boost
innovation within your existing venture, this event is for you!
Event details:
• Date: Jan 15, 2012 (Sun)
• Time: 3:15-4:45pm
• Place: Redmond Library Meeting Room 2
15990 Northeast 85th Street, Redmond, WA 98052
• Cost: Free for SEC members
• 3:13-3:30pm Check-in & Networking
• 3:30-4:30pm Presentation and Q&A
• 4:30-4:45 Close up & Networking
RSVP: http://sourcinginnovation.eventbrite.com/
Speakers’ Bios:
Andrei Guschin, PhD and CEO of AIGM
A lecturer on Innovation and Management at leading business schools in
Eastern Europe and North America, Dr. Guschin founded AIGM to help
from rapidly developing countries compete locally and globally. He has
educating entrepreneurs on how to build successful companies since 2004
serves as Chair of the MIT Venture Lab, a division of MIT Enterprise
of the Northwest. Dr. Guschin co-founded two companies, consulted with
Fortune 500 firms in strategy development, and advised 3M in selecting
products for mass production. He was a postdoctoral associate at MIT
Nobel Laureate and holds a Ph.D. from the Russian Academy of Sciences
and an
M.S. from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. He also
at the University of Michigan School of Management.
Jan 26th, Opportunities in the Senior Care Industry
We are very honored to invite Bill Pettit , President and COO of Merrill
Gardens to give us a presentation about the senior care industry. More
details of the topic will be updated.
Event details:
• Date: Jan 26th, 2012 (Thu)
• Time: 6pm-8pm
• Place: Room 1E-112, Bellevue City Hall
• Cost: Free for SEC members
• 6:00-6:30pm Check-in & Networking
• 6:30-7:30pm Presentation and Q&A
• 7:30-8:00pm Close up & Networking
RSVP: http://seniorcare2012.eventbrite.com/
Speaker’s Bio
Bill Pettit – President and COO, Merrill Gardens
Bill Pettit is the President and Chief Operating Officer of the R. D.
Merrill Co. and Merrill Gardens. After just 18 years in operation,
Gardens is one of the largest privately held assisted living companies
the country, and the largest in Washington State. The company, based in
Seattle, owns and operates 56 communities in 9 states. Merrill Gardens
has 2
,500 employees and the capacity to serve over 7,000 residents.
Pettit joined Merrill Gardens in 1992 after 18 years in the banking
. He was instrumental in the formation of the company, starting with one
community in 1993. He directed the rapid growth and timely execution of
acquisitions, and developed the policies that speak to the Merrill
commitment to quality.
Under Pettit's leadership, the Better Business Bureau named Merrill
the Business of the Year for the company's commitment to residents, team
members and community service. The Family Business Institute named
Gardens the Washington State Family Business of the Year for 2007. The
company was chosen based on innovative business strategies, company
performance, and contributions to the community. Merrill Gardens
received a
Finalist Award in the 2006 American Business Awards in the Innovative
Business Practices category. Pettit has a bachelor's degree from
in 1971 and a M.B.A. from the University of Oregon in 1973. He is a
of the Executive Board of the American Seniors Housing Association.
Feb 5, Q&A with T.A. McCann
It has been my great honor to have T.A. McCann, a very successful
entrepreneur and a great mentor in the Greater Seattle startup community
give a Q&A session to the SEC community. Great opportunity to learn from
Please read his bio below and submit your questions at the following
T.A. will answer the most relevant questions on Feb 5th.
Event details:
• Date: Feb 5th, 2012 (Thu)
• Time: 1:30pm-3:30pm
• Place: Meeting Room 1, Redmond Library
15990 Northeast 85th Street, Redmond, WA 98052
• Cost: Free for SEC members
• 1:30-2:00pm Check-in & Networking
• 2:00-3:00pm Q&A
• 3:00-3:30pm Close up & Networking
RSVP: http://tamccann.eventbrite.com/
Speaker’s Bio
T.A. McCann Vice President, Research In Motion
T.A. McCann was the founder and CEO of Seattle-based Gist, Inc. and is
now a
Vice President at Research In Motion, which acquired Gist in February
Previously T.A. was an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at both Vulcan Capital
Polaris Venture Partners. Prior to Polaris, he held senior positions at
Microsoft, leading product planning for the Exchange Server Group and
developing Service Delivery Platforms focused on mobile applications.
currently serves on the board of Zoopa and Wishpot. He is also an
mentor for Techstars/Seattle and Notary One. In addition to his deep
technology background, T.A. has won sailing's America's Cup and sailed
around the world.
There will be one more event in Feb and I will send it later.
You can RSVP to those events now and I look forward to meeting you at
coming events!
Best Regards,
Claire Ding
VP of Events, Seattle Entrepreneurship Club
Join Google Group | Join LinkedIn Group | Follow us on Twitter
发帖数: 184

【在 c******k 的大作中提到】
: Jan 15, Sourcing Innovation
: 我们邀请了现任2个公司CEO还曾是MIT访问学者的Andrei给大家讲(创业型)公司如何创
: 新及通过创新增加自身的竞争力。
: Jan 26th, Opportunities in the Senior Care Industry
: 养老越来越成为一个重要的话题,特别是对我们这些身在海外父母还在国内的中国人.此
: 次我们非常荣幸的邀请到全美领先的老年公寓及护理服务提供商Merrill Gardens(魅力
: 花园)的主席和首席运营官Bill来给大家谈谈他在过去20年领导Merrill Gardens的经验
: ,对美中养老产业的看法以及分享他们去年进入中国市场的心得.大家可以来和Bill一起
: 探讨我们关心的养老问题 http://www.merrillgardens.com/china
: Feb 5, Q&A with T.A. McCann

发帖数: 1251
You can join our google group to receive further events info. Currently we
do not charge membership fee. Just come and attend our events.

【在 h****t 的大作中提到】
: 请问如何加入这个协会?
: 多谢。

发帖数: 152

【在 c******k 的大作中提到】
: Jan 15, Sourcing Innovation
: 我们邀请了现任2个公司CEO还曾是MIT访问学者的Andrei给大家讲(创业型)公司如何创
: 新及通过创新增加自身的竞争力。
: Jan 26th, Opportunities in the Senior Care Industry
: 养老越来越成为一个重要的话题,特别是对我们这些身在海外父母还在国内的中国人.此
: 次我们非常荣幸的邀请到全美领先的老年公寓及护理服务提供商Merrill Gardens(魅力
: 花园)的主席和首席运营官Bill来给大家谈谈他在过去20年领导Merrill Gardens的经验
: ,对美中养老产业的看法以及分享他们去年进入中国市场的心得.大家可以来和Bill一起
: 探讨我们关心的养老问题 http://www.merrillgardens.com/china
: Feb 5, Q&A with T.A. McCann

发帖数: 152
和Gist创始人TA McCann的问答在二月五号下午。
地技术炙星(TechStars)和创业者学院(Founders Institute)的导师。好机会

【在 c******k 的大作中提到】
: Jan 15, Sourcing Innovation
: 我们邀请了现任2个公司CEO还曾是MIT访问学者的Andrei给大家讲(创业型)公司如何创
: 新及通过创新增加自身的竞争力。
: Jan 26th, Opportunities in the Senior Care Industry
: 养老越来越成为一个重要的话题,特别是对我们这些身在海外父母还在国内的中国人.此
: 次我们非常荣幸的邀请到全美领先的老年公寓及护理服务提供商Merrill Gardens(魅力
: 花园)的主席和首席运营官Bill来给大家谈谈他在过去20年领导Merrill Gardens的经验
: ,对美中养老产业的看法以及分享他们去年进入中国市场的心得.大家可以来和Bill一起
: 探讨我们关心的养老问题 http://www.merrillgardens.com/china
: Feb 5, Q&A with T.A. McCann

发帖数: 1251
Thanks, SQL.
T.A.'s event is this Sun at 2pm:
• 2:00-2:30pm Check-in & Networking
• 2:30-3:30pm Q&A
• 3:30-3:45pm Close up & Networking
RSVP: http://tamccann.eventbrite.com/
发帖数: 1251
two upcoming events:
Feb 22 (Wed), Sourcing Innovation [rescheduled]
These days, everybody is getting on the innovation bandwagon - companies,
business schools, and even politicians, but where does innovation come from?
How can YOUR company identify these sources and use them to its advantage
in an increasingly competitive and volatile global marketplace? If you are
planning to build an innovative business from the ground up or boost
innovation within your existing venture, this event is for you!
Event details:
• Date: Feb 22, 2012 (Wed)
• Time: 6:30-8:30pm
• Place: Bellevue City Hall, Bellevue
• Cost: Free for SEC members
• 6:30-7pm Check-in & Networking
• 7-8pm Presentation and Q&A
• 8-8:30pm Close up & Networking
RSVP: http://sourcing_innovation.eventbrite.com/
Speakers’ Bios:
Andrei Guschin, PhD and CEO of AIGM
A lecturer on Innovation and Management at leading business schools in
Eastern Europe and North America, Dr. Guschin founded AIGM to help companies
from rapidly developing countries compete locally and globally. He has been
educating entrepreneurs on how to build successful companies since 2004 and
serves as Chair of the MIT Venture Lab, a division of MIT Enterprise Forum
of the Northwest. Dr. Guschin co-founded two companies, consulted with
Fortune 500 firms in strategy development, and advised 3M in selecting
products for mass production. He was a postdoctoral associate at MIT with
Nobel Laureate and holds a Ph.D. from the Russian Academy of Sciences and an
M.S. from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. He also studied
at the University of Michigan School of Management.
Feb 25 (Sat), Starting an IT Outsourcing Company: Case Study of iConnect
Dealing with toughest client (Microsoft) in the world, and head to head
competing with industry giants like InfoSys and TCS, it seems mission
impossible to start up an outsourcing company, and with no funding in such
environment. How iConnect was started, and how it survived, and how it grew
to 120 employees and four subsidiaries (Redmond, Silicon Valley, Shanghai
and Nanjing) globally, major clients including Microsoft, Huawei华为, and
Ping An Insurance 平安保险, in only three years? Through this full cycle of
a startup, you will learn valuable the lessons and experiences in business
operations, business development, government (China) engagement, M&A, and
Event details:
• Date: Feb 25, 2012 (Sat)
• Time: 2-4pm
• Place: 4042 148th Ave. NE, Suite K1A, Redmond, WA 98052
• Cost: Free for SEC members
• 2-2:30pm Check-in & Networking
• 2:30-3:30pm Presentation and Q&A
• 3:30-4:00pm Close up & Networking
RSVP: http://outsroucing.eventbrite.com/
Speakers’ Bios:
Jeff Wang, Vice President of strategic client, hiSoft Technology
International Limited
Jeff Wang was a co-founder and CEO of iConnect, Inc. and is now a Vice
President at hiSoft, which acquired iConnect in February 2011. Jeff Co-
founded iConnect in 2007 as a Seattle based IT consulting and outsourcing
company. Within three years, iConnect grew to 120 employees and four
subsidiaries (Redmond, Silicon Valley, Shanghai and Nanjing) globally, major
clients including Microsoft, Huawei华为, and Ping An Insurance 平安保险.
Prior to iConnect, Jeff held senior positions at Microsoft, leading product
design and development in Server and Tools division, and shipped multiple
versions of BizTalk Server and Visual Studio Team System. Before 8 years
working in Microsoft, Jeff was a senior software application developer in
Dell Computer. Prior entering US, Jeff also had many years of working
experience in China government and industry.
As a top speaker, Jeff Wang was invited to give speeches to Microsoft China
TechEd event, one of the largest IT events in China, in 2004, 2005 and 2006.
As a Microsoft MSF expert, Jeff Wang gave many talks to China IT industry
leaders and their delegates, including Digital China Chairman郭为, Langchao
board chairman and CEO孙丕恕,VanceInfo chairman 陈淑宁, Chinasoft
president陈宇红, Neosoft 方发和。
Jeff Wang was a founder and executive board member of Microsoft China IT
clue in 2004-2006.
Jeff Wang has Master of computer science degree in Texas State Univ, and
Bachelor of city and urban planning degree from Nanjing Univ.
发帖数: 1251
Seattle Entrepreneurship Club, 3 coming events in Feb!
Feb 22 (Wed), Sourcing Innovation
RSVP: http://sourcing_innovation.eventbrite.com/
Feb 25 (Sat), Starting an IT Outsourcing Company: Case Study of iConnect
RSVP: http://outsroucing.eventbrite.com/
Feb 28 (Tue), Switching between Entrepreneur and Professional Manager
RSVP http://ypchan1.eventbrite.com/
发帖数: 1251
今天的talk非常精彩, 学到不少东西! 谢谢Jeff!
Join SEC Google group to receive future events info:
Feb 25 (Sat), Starting an IT Outsourcing Company: Case Study of iConnect
RSVP: http://outsroucing.eventbrite.com/
1 (共1页)
【西创会活动】《白银帝国》导演谈拍摄过程割草 (Bellevue, 98005)
SEC 12/11 (Sun) Holiday Celebration Event今天的税法咨询讲座
喜欢创业的板友请赶快报名,华人创业协会的节日大庆典就在本周末出售自己的几双新新的鞋子 家住REDMOND 有姐妹们感兴趣 来我
3/11 (Sun) NAAAP-Seattle Bowling event!版聚吧!
Seattle Entrepreneurship Club: 2/22, 2/25, 2/28 events reminder【华大讲座】明天(9/9)下午3点 韩济生院士谈针灸与自闭症
Gist创始人TA McCann的问答(二月五日星期天)32进的MSFT这次终于可以出水了
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen tells all in new bookRide from Seattle to Vancouver (BC) and Party!
请问从西雅图可以直接开车去victoria吗9/19 New York Life Insurance Career Seminar
话题: 8226话题: merrill话题: gardens话题: feb话题: business