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Seattle版 - 华人家长遇到小孩被白人群殴如何处理 (转载)
美国国会亚太裔党团主席赵美心(Judy Chu)发表声明要求Bob Becke (转载)Panhandlers beat man for not giving them money
Motorist shot in head during road rage in Federal WayCash-less man allegedly maced, robbed by prostitute
Police: Computer tech installed peeping softwareMicrosoft的三哥rape 清洁工ZT (转载)
A 30-year-old man was stabbed in Seattle downtown撒剔牙想做什么?
今天唐人街目击抢劫 (转载)孕妇事件:是WSN的试金石 (转载)
Man wanted for sexual assault of 80-year-old woman三哥这个国家没发展起来实在是比较意外 (转载)
Sandy Hook Shooting: 26 or 27 Victims?被老印挤成这样到底是不是该走人了,怎么走 (转载)
话题: percent话题: students话题: asian话题: bullied话题: american
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1109
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: MaryL (Mary), 信区: Military
标 题: 华人家长遇到小孩被白人群殴如何处理
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 17 00:58:36 2012, 美东)
如果这种事情发生在你们小孩身上, 如何处理. 大家想想看.
发帖数: 9977

【在 f********a 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: MaryL (Mary), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 华人家长遇到小孩被白人群殴如何处理
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 17 00:58:36 2012, 美东)
: 如果这种事情发生在你们小孩身上, 如何处理. 大家想想看.

发帖数: 12995
发帖数: 14950
发帖数: 748
Please don't give such a stupid title!
Take a look at the comments of the video and don't say "被白人群殴".
tweet this video to @foxchicago and @Chicago_Police
names of the 7 posted below:
WESLEY WU - grey hoodie, main kid attacking the man, deleted
EASLEY WU - big puffy jackey with fur hood, blue striped adidas pants
RAYMOND PALOMINO - white guy with no mask
TODD RAMOS - grey and black hoodie
JOHNNY LI - blue hoodie and blue snap back on
DANNY HUI - dressed in all black
发帖数: 2942

【在 f********a 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: MaryL (Mary), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 华人家长遇到小孩被白人群殴如何处理
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 17 00:58:36 2012, 美东)
: 如果这种事情发生在你们小孩身上, 如何处理. 大家想想看.

发帖数: 12995
发帖数: 10182
尼玛被七个人打了两分钟, 结果还能站起来
发帖数: 11
Nothing much a parent can do when most Asian kids look too nerdy and over
pampered.. Asian in the US especially the Chinese are the most bullied
whether it is in school or in a workplace like military.
NCES Reports, Asian Students Most Bullied
For the most part, the instance of student victimization in schools has
fallen since 1995, according to a new report by the National Center for
Educational Statistics. But the problem persists.
Based on data analyses of information from the School Crime Supplement to
the National Crime Victimization Survey administered by the U.S. Department
of Justice, the NCES found that there was a drop in the proportion of
students reporting criminal victimization at school -- to 4.3 percent of
students aged 12-18 in 2005, down from 9.5 percent in 1995. Criminal
victimizations can range from "serious violent," like sexual assault, to "
theft," like attempted and completed pickpocketing.
In the 2008-2009 school year, about 3.9 percent of students aged 12 to 18
reported being victims of a crime at school, while 2.8 percent said they
were victims of theft, 1.4 percent reported violent victimization, and 0.3
percent reported serious violent victimization. More males than females said
they had been victimized.
Worse, more students who said they were criminally victimized were also more
likely to be targeted electronically -- 19.8 percent of those students
reported online bullying, versus 5.5 percent of students who were not
criminally victimized.
Overall, 64 percent of students who said they had been victimized were
bullied by traditional means at school, and 20 percent said they were
bullied by electronic means anywhere.
In a separate report released last week by AAPI Nexus, findings show that
Asian American students are bullied in American schools much more than
students belonging to any other ethnic group.
Research shows that 54 percent of Asian American teenagers said they were
bullied in the classroom, compared with 31.3 percent of white students who
reported being bullied in school, 38.4 percent for black students and 34.3
percent for Hispanics. The results come from a 2009 survey by the U.S.
Justice and Education departments that interviewed 6,500 students aged 12 to
18 cross the country. The numbers come from a report by Agence France-
Presse, who acquired preliminary access to the study from an anonymous
government researcher.
"This data is absolutely unacceptable and it must change. Our children have
to be able to go to school free of fear," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne
Duncan said at a Center for American Progress forum last week. AAPI Nexus
released their findings Saturday as part of President Barack Obama's White
House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
(Watch Duncan's keynote address here)
Even more alarming are the figures for cyber bullying: 62 percent of Asian
American students reported being bullied online up to twice a month,
compared with 18.1 percent of white students.
1 (共1页)
被老印挤成这样到底是不是该走人了,怎么走 (转载)A 30-year-old man was stabbed in Seattle downtown
最有可能成为美国总统的华人今天唐人街目击抢劫 (转载)
Housing Crash Is Hitting Cities Once Thought to Be Stable (转载)Man wanted for sexual assault of 80-year-old woman
有 San Juan Island 行程 & lodging 的推荐吗?Sandy Hook Shooting: 26 or 27 Victims?
美国国会亚太裔党团主席赵美心(Judy Chu)发表声明要求Bob Becke (转载)Panhandlers beat man for not giving them money
Motorist shot in head during road rage in Federal WayCash-less man allegedly maced, robbed by prostitute
Police: Computer tech installed peeping softwareMicrosoft的三哥rape 清洁工ZT (转载)
话题: percent话题: students话题: asian话题: bullied话题: american