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Seattle版 - 70 $ 工作和美女recruiter
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$5 for $10 gift card deal on amazonlocalEastside 附近的钓鱼地图
第一章 梦断西雅图浮桥[找室友] 一月份来Amazon工作
亚马逊附近的租房,麻烦大家指点【JOBS】招多个Software Engineer and QA at San Francisco
话题: experience话题: quality话题: wa话题: testing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 109
Bill Rate: $48.00 - $70.00 -- 24% Burden
Quality Assurance Tech II / Seattle, WA (3 Month Contract) – 4 Openings
Address: SEA28 (Ruby) – 333 Boren Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109
AmazonLocal requires a quality assurance engineer with hands-on
experience testing customer-facing systems that are complex, highly scalable
, and reliable services. AmazonLocal is a Daily Deals website that is
looking to Scale up and broaden their international releases and needs
Quality Assurance testers to help improve the scalability of the website.
You will work on creating test cases for AmazonLocal features, and
contribute towards building an automated regression test solution using
Selenium. Our product requirements include compatibility with both internal
and external interfaces, so knowledge of existing and emerging client
technologies are a plus.
We expect the ideal candidate to work both independently as well as in
collaboration with the rest of the development and testing team.
We write high quality, well-tested code and maintain a very low
operational overhead that allows us to focus continuously on delivering
exciting new functionality for our users.
This division applies the latest in agile and test-driven development
methods and tools at large scale.
Our testing practices emphasize performance, scalability, and rapid
iteration at a scale not seen by many other companies.
Basic Qualifications:
Must be able to pass a 7 year criminal background check
3+ years experience in creating, managing and implementing test plans
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field, or 4+ year
relevant work experience
Programming experience in Java
Understanding of SQL, experience working with RDBMS including MySQL or
Preferred Qualifications:
Demonstrated ability to identify real-world user problems
Familiarity with testing of mobile platforms, e.g. iPhone, Android and
mobile web.
Experience in communicating with technical teams, and management to
collect requirements, describe software product features, and technical
Experience with Amazon Web Services
Experience with Unix/Linux-based systems
Experience in agile software development methodologies
Lindsey Fleishman RECRUITER
3025 112TH AVENUE NE SUITE 200, BELLEVUE, WA 98004
877.287.9526 T 425.636.6466
F 425.636.6390 M 206.234.2702
1 (共1页)
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招人啦招人啦(海龟)第一章 梦断西雅图浮桥
60 $ + per hour QA Engineer ; Sunnyvale,​CA ; YAHOO2011西板第一聚
Job openings: IT SDE / Sr. UI Software Engineer (转载)亚马逊附近的租房,麻烦大家指点
Zen Garden 又降价喽,25 for $50西雅图人民没见过雪怎么着
$5 for $10 gift card deal on amazonlocalEastside 附近的钓鱼地图
话题: experience话题: quality话题: wa话题: testing