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Seattle版 - 华盛顿邮报已经报道鸡毛事件了,看来主流媒体可以开始报道了。
刚刚给Jimmy Kimmel's office 打了电话。 (转载)转发华人的帖子:我的英语教授就Jimmy Kimmel事情的看法,以及(转载)
KIMMEL的原话: SHOULD WE ALLOW THE CHINESE TO LIVE (转载)我的英语教授就Jimmy Kimmel事情看法及措施「转载」
抗议ABC 还可以有一个思路 (转载)给买房子的兄弟个建议
请发信给Jimmy Kimmel show的赞助商抗议 有包子 (转载)10个包子发一下牢骚。。第一次遇到这样的美国人。。
加州 叫湿工会 要boycott microsoft (转载)Please recommend a CPA for tax purpose
【手机摄影】-North Cascades National Park (转载)msn space又改版了
【西雅图旖旎风光】山外仙山-West Mac SpirePDF editor
超市工要罢工了。 为啥To Ban Zhu
话题: kimmel话题: house话题: white话题: china话题: jimmy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 438
How Jimmy Kimmel’s China joke became an issue for the White House

It’s one thing for late-night comics to make jokes about the White House.
But Jimmy Kimmel managed to offend so many people with a joke about China
that the Obama administration is now officially compelled to respond.
On Oct. 16, Kimmel aired a segment of his Kids Table, where he asks small
children to address complex issues. The subject was China and how the U.S.
could solve the $1.3 trillion trade imbalance. “Kill everyone in
China,” answered one laughing 6-year-old.
Some viewers were so upset that they took their anger to the White House’s
“We the People” online initiative, where citizens petition the
administration to comment on various issues — and are promised a response
if at least 100,000 people sign on during a 30-day period.
“H.Z.” of Cedar Park, Texas started the Kimmel petition, asking for an
investigation of the show: “The kids might not know anything better,” it
read in part. “However, Jimmy Kimmel and ABC’s management are adults. They
had a choice not to air this racist program, which promotes racial hatred.
. . .This is the same rhetoric used in Nazi Germany against
Jewish people.” The petition reached 100,000 signatures by Thursday morning
, less than three weeks after the show aired, reports Deadline.
Of course, Kimmel manages to offend viewers on a regular basis. This week’s
outrage: Child psychologists are weighing in on his annual Halloween stunt
in which parents pretend to eat their children’s candy, then post the
tearful reactions on YouTube.
His China segment, however, really hit a nerve. A group of Asian Americans
picketed outside of Kimmel’s studio in L.A.; the host met with protestors
and issued an on-air apology. ABC pulled the clip from the website, edited
it out of any repeat broadcasts, and issued its own mea culpa: “We would
never purposefully broadcast anything to upset the Chinese community, Asian
community, anyone of Chinese descent or any community at large.”
We believe this is the first time the White House has been asked to respond
to a late-night comedy segment. Most petitions are more wonky: retire
daylight savings time, recognize acupuncturists as health-care providers,
prevent the FDA from regulating cigars.
The White House, as promised, will comment on the Kimmel flap — though it
may take awhile.
“Every petition that crosses the threshold will be reviewed by the
appropriate staff and receive a response,” White House spokesman Matt
Lehrich told us. “We do our best to respond to those petitions in a timely
fashion, but, depending on a variety of factors including the topic and the
overall volume of petitions, response times vary.” In other words — a few
weeks, maybe a few months.
发帖数: 742
it would be nice to mention 'intersting idea' in this report.
发帖数: 438
Los Angeles Times里面写的比较详细。还采访了华人联合会的主席。
发帖数: 1773
华人联合会的主席? 他参加洛杉矶的游行了吗?

【在 m*****y 的大作中提到】
: Los Angeles Times里面写的比较详细。还采访了华人联合会的主席。
发帖数: 1773
Agree. Should also include "shall we allow the Chinese to live" kind of
absurd words, to make it complete.

【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: it would be nice to mention 'intersting idea' in this report.
发帖数: 90
发帖数: 5987

【在 G******t 的大作中提到】
: 朱议员是唯一表态要去ABC交涉的议员,他需要我们的签名。
: 已经好几星期了才到5000个签名。根据规定如果能到1万朱议员才有资格亲自去ABC交涉
: 。这个比白宫签名还有效果
: http://www.change.org/petitions/abc-broadcasting-company-to-ter

1 (共1页)
To Ban Zhu加州 叫湿工会 要boycott microsoft (转载)
这房子太便宜了吧,怎么买到的啊【手机摄影】-North Cascades National Park (转载)
好心反而被人给告了 -- 再次更新【西雅图旖旎风光】山外仙山-West Mac Spire
有没有网站可以按zip code查犯罪率的? (转载)超市工要罢工了。 为啥
刚刚给Jimmy Kimmel's office 打了电话。 (转载)转发华人的帖子:我的英语教授就Jimmy Kimmel事情的看法,以及(转载)
KIMMEL的原话: SHOULD WE ALLOW THE CHINESE TO LIVE (转载)我的英语教授就Jimmy Kimmel事情看法及措施「转载」
抗议ABC 还可以有一个思路 (转载)给买房子的兄弟个建议
请发信给Jimmy Kimmel show的赞助商抗议 有包子 (转载)10个包子发一下牢骚。。第一次遇到这样的美国人。。
话题: kimmel话题: house话题: white话题: china话题: jimmy