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话题: his话题: cheung话题: he话题: miners
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发帖数: 3438
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: continental (飞), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 矿工被埋地下16年,生还!!!大家注意这个新闻了吗? (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 23 01:13:22 2014, 美东)
发信人: smileashes (Pb), 信区: Military
标 题: 矿工被埋地下16年,生还!!!大家注意这个新闻了吗?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 23 01:04:44 2014, 美东)
Ürümqui| A group of coal miners from the western province of Xinjiang,
had an unbelievable surprise when the gallery they were excavating opened
up on a section of an old mine, that was abandoned 17 years ago after an
earthquake that caused some large sections of the tunnels to collapse. While
they were exploring the galleries, they stumbled upon Cheung Wai, a 59-year
old survivor from the 1997 accident, obviously in a rather bad shape. He
was immediately taken to the hospital where a complete evaluation of his
physical and mental states will be done over the next weeks.
The poor man had remained trapped underground with the bodies of 78 of his
dead coworkers, after an earthquake of a magnitude of 7,8 hit the region and
caused the wooden support structure of the mine to crumble and collapse.
Somehow lucky in his misfortune, Mr. Cheung was saved by the fact that some
ventilation duct still connected his underground prison to the surface,
allowing him access to air that was sufficiently pure to keep him alive.
He managed to survive thanks to an emergency stash of rice and water, stored
in an underground depot, conceived especially for this kind of case. The
man complemented his diet by catching and eating the countless rats that
pullulate in the mine, as well as collecting large quantities of some sort
of phosphorescent moss, which constituted his only source of vitamins. Even
though he was suffering from great physical and mental stress, he managed to
give proper burials to all of his comrades, spending almost a year in this
great selfless act.
Mining accidents remain common in China despite growing measures by the
government to reduce the problem, which killed more than 4000 miners a year
at the beginning of the millenium. Over the last years, the authorities have
been cracking down on many unregulated mining operations, which account for
almost 80 percent of the country’s 16,000 mines. The closure of about 1,
000 dangerous small mines last year helped to cut in half the average number
of miners killed, to about six a day, in the first months of this year,
according to governmental statistics.
The case of Mr. Cheung remains unique however, and constitutes a world
record, according to the universally recognized authority on record-
breaking achievement, Guinness. The former record for surviving underground
was of 142 days and was held by a british man named Geoff Smith. He had been
voluntarily buried in the backyard of the Railway Inn, his favorite pub,
with the intention of breaking the record.
- See more at: http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/china-miner-found-alive-after-17-years-underground/#sthash.2MdyXWq4.dpuf
发帖数: 405
发帖数: 1721

【在 c*********l 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
: 发信人: continental (飞), 信区: WaterWorld
: 标 题: 矿工被埋地下16年,生还!!!大家注意这个新闻了吗? (转载)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 23 01:13:22 2014, 美东)
: 发信人: smileashes (Pb), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 矿工被埋地下16年,生还!!!大家注意这个新闻了吗?
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 23 01:04:44 2014, 美东)
: 问题是,我华文媒体,国内的媒体都没有报道这个超级牛逼的故事啊。
: http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/china-miner-found-alive-after-1
: Ürümqui| A group of coal miners from the western province of Xinjiang,

发帖数: 5103
World News Daily Report 跟那个什么洋葱新闻一样,都是娱乐性质的假新闻。他们的
1 (共1页)
矿工被埋地下16年,生还!!!大家注意这个新闻了吗? (转载)求hang out的idea
矿工被埋地下16年,生还!!!大家注意这个新闻了吗? (转载)明天去华大看非诚勿扰的,怎么停车。
4 Chinese miners rescued after 36 days underground我给他回信了,问他是男是女
找张国平做院子的闹心经历怎么查房子底下埋的transmission line是不是高压线?
八一八西雅图的旅游项目请问Boeing同事, which 2011 medical insurance plan is bette
周六下午足球换地方了?(转帖)lots of positions: MS & Non-MS positions
话题: his话题: cheung话题: he话题: miners