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Seattle版 - 有没有兴趣打电话抱怨我软新CXO的性别歧视的言论
微软必应成第二大搜索引擎又一个阿三占据重要位置!微软新CEO为阿三 (转载)
傻气牙:Office Web Apps是有局限性的看来10年内lenovo必将收购微软。
微软要大reorg了我软要完蛋了。 (转载)
微软7月1日公司重组微软下一个 CEO 是印度人 (转载)
听说7月初的微软要有大动作,陆琪危险了再怎么说Satya Nadella要比Steven Sinofsky强吧
Microsoft Board Said to Lean to Mulally, Nadella in CEO Search微软新CEO员工见面会:有人高喊“伙计好好干”
Microsoft has narrowed its CEO candidates down to twoGATES SPENDS ENTIRE FIRST DAY BACK IN OFFICE TRYING TO INS
又一个阿三占据重要位置!微软新CEO为阿三 (转载)陆奇应该辞职抗议董事会的歧视性决定
话题: microsoft话题: nadella话题: satya话题: october话题: pay
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 620
(202) 530-4509
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's telling women not to ask for raises, the media
around this story has BLOWN UP. From Time to the Huffington Post, reporters
everywhere are writing about gender pay discrimination and calling for a
But while Satya Nadella has apologized, he's yet to take any concrete
actions to close the pay gap at Microsoft--a big corporation with one of
worst track records when it comes to women.2
Now that we've got his attention, it's time to force Microsoft to do the
right--and influence the way all corporations treat their women employees.
Under pressure, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and other tech giants have released
diversity data about their employees.3 But Microsoft is lagging behind. By
releasing pay data, Microsoft could play a significant role in leveling the
tech industry playing field.
Can you take a minute to call Microsoft's public policy manager and demand
Microsoft fire Nadella unless he agrees to pay transparency?
Here's the number to call: (202) 530-4509
After you call, click here to let us know how it went, so we can track our
progress together.
It's always best to speak in your own words, but here are some bullet points
that can guide you:
On average, women make $.78 to every dollar men are paid, and are vastly
underrepresented in the tech industry.4
Microsoft is part of the problem--only 29% of employees are women and
senior leadership is overwhelmingly male.5
Satya Nadella should be fired unless he takes concrete action to right
his mistake.
The first step to ending pay discrimination is to commit to pay
transparency by releasing data about demographics and pay at Microsoft.
Will you make the call now? It takes only a minute.
Thanks for speaking out.
--Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Gabriela, Holly, Kaili, Kathy, Onyi,
Susan, and Clarise, the UltraViolet team
1. An Open Letter to Satya Nadella: You Are the Industry. You Must Be the
Change, Time, October 10, 2014
Thank You, Mr. Satya Nadella, For Telling Us What You Really Think,
Huffington Post, October 13, 2014
2. Microsoft's gender gap narrows (but just a little), Fortune, October 3,
3. When It Comes to Diversity in Tech, Companies Find Safety in Numbers,
Salon, June 27, 2014
4. Pay Equity & Discrimination, Institute for Women's Policy Research
5. Microsoft's gender gap narrows (but just a little), Fortune, October 3,
发帖数: 7021
Also, please give him bad review in glassdoor.com
发帖数: 18403
key question: what's 18000 laid off worker's karma?
not good enough?
1 (共1页)
果然阿三都是一个德行,以后吹牛抢功劳都有都可以明着来了 (转载)Microsoft Board Said to Lean to Mulally, Nadella in CEO Search
微软大裁员:据说87%员工支持Microsoft has narrowed its CEO candidates down to two
Microsoft employee files discrimination lawsuit (ZT)又一个阿三占据重要位置!微软新CEO为阿三 (转载)
微软必应成第二大搜索引擎又一个阿三占据重要位置!微软新CEO为阿三 (转载)
傻气牙:Office Web Apps是有局限性的看来10年内lenovo必将收购微软。
微软要大reorg了我软要完蛋了。 (转载)
微软7月1日公司重组微软下一个 CEO 是印度人 (转载)
话题: microsoft话题: nadella话题: satya话题: october话题: pay