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Seattle版 - 需不需要献血?
Re: 华人职业互助网 (转载)抗议ABC 还可以有一个思路 (转载)
seattle 市区的路面怎么样了?是不是化的差不多了?请问有立过遗嘱的吗?
今天开心,发20个包子。:)60K service for my car
Sign, 看看大家的反应, then everything comes to a truthGmail在VISTA上总是卡
ABC 于2013-11-08 就JK事件的书面声明 (转载)Studio on location,资生堂,想化妆的来.
话题: donors话题: blood话题: aubuchon话题: donor话题: community
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
好多年轻学生。 太可惜了。
发帖数: 132
Donor appeal draws huge outpouring of public support
Hundreds of donors go to donor centers, schedule appointments
Seattle, WA – The appeal for blood donors following the Aurora Bridge bus
accident yesterday drew a massive outpouring of community support as
emergency responders, healthcare providers and ordinary citizens came
together to respond to the tragedy.
“Hundreds of donors came to our centers, called us, or went online to
schedule an appointment,” said James P. AuBuchon, MD, president and chief
executive officer. “This is a community that truly cares.”
During some periods yesterday online scheduling and telephone lines could
not keep up with the number of donors trying to contact Bloodworks, while
walk-in donors patiently waited for hours into the night to donate. “We are
so grateful for this amazing show of support -- and our heartfelt thank you
to those who came,” he said.
“Donors who couldn’t reach us yesterday can still help our community
respond to this tragedy by scheduling a donation for today, tomorrow or
during the week ahead,” AuBuchon said. “This will help meet the needs of
bus accident victims receiving ongoing care, and help replenish the supply
to meet normal patient demand.”
There continues to be a special need for O-positive and O-negative blood
Bloodworks supports 90 hospitals in the Northwest, with an average inventory
of about 4,000 units -- enough for four days of normal demand. This
includes all eight different blood types. Blood is needed every day to meet
the needs of patients having surgery, organ transplants, receiving cancer
treatment, or therapies for blood disorders.
“We can never know when tragedies might happen, but our ability to respond
immediately when they do is made possible by dedicated blood donors and
strong community support,” said AuBuchon.
Donations can be made at any one of 12 donor centers, or at mobile drives in
communities close to where people live or work.
Information about locations and times can be found at bloodworksnw.org.
Appointments can be made online at schedule.bloodworksnw.org or by calling 1
-800-398-7888. Appointments are encouraged during this period, but walk-ins
are also welcome.
1 (共1页)
今天路况如何?大家有人出去过了么?Sign, 看看大家的反应, then everything comes to a truth
这里有单身的朋友么?ABC 于2013-11-08 就JK事件的书面声明 (转载)
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HP to fire CEO有人知道微软的非营利教育机构吗?
Re: 华人职业互助网 (转载)抗议ABC 还可以有一个思路 (转载)
seattle 市区的路面怎么样了?是不是化的差不多了?请问有立过遗嘱的吗?
今天开心,发20个包子。:)60K service for my car
话题: donors话题: blood话题: aubuchon话题: donor话题: community