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话题: trump话题: campaign话题: promise话题: he话题: obama
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7021
This is a running list of the promises President Trump made on the campaign
trail, and has kept in his 73 days in office, 1/41 of his presidency. Barely
any of them have been reported on because of this bullshit Russia
conspiracy theory that is swallowing the MSM. He has literally "Done more in
73 days than Obama did in 8 years." This is not only a running list of
promises he has kept so far, but also things he has done that weren't even
promised on the campaign trail. MAGA. (I will be updating this daily,
whenever a new initiative comes to light.)
Campaign Promise 1: To replace Antonin Scalia with a like-minded justice
from a list of 20
The Nomination of Neil Gorsuch who is one of the most qualified people ever
nominated to the SCOTUS whose nomination to the 10th Circuit Court was
unanimously approved by Republicans, and Democrats including Cuck Schumer,
Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden in 2006. And before the opposition says "but,
Merrick Garland" tell them to look up up the Biden Rule
Campaign Promise 2: To suspend immigration from terror-prone countries
Trump has attempted to enact a Travel Ban that is 100% CONSTITUTIONAL AND is
made from the seven (six, now) "countries of concern" outlined by the
Hussein Administration. This has been blocked by an extremely liberal
Hawaiian judge who was appointed by Obama. (The blocking of this travel ban
might piss me off more than anything that has happened during his presidency
, because judges should be blind to politics, but that is proving to be
false.) Hopefully this will go to the Supreme Court and be overturned
Campaign Promise 3: To defund and crack down on sanctuary cities
Trump has implemented a YUGE crackdown on sanctuary cities, threatening to
defund them
Campaign Promise 4: To revive the Keystone Pipeline and Dakota Access
The revival of the Dakota and Keystone XL Pipelines creating American jobs
Campaign Promise 5: To pull the US out of the TPP, an Obama-era trade deal
detrimental to the US
Trump pulled us out of the TPP which would have been absolutely disastrous
for the US
Trump has signed an Executive Order promoting women in STEM jobs (careers
real feminists strive for, not "dance therapy" feminists)
Trump has Launched a Council empowering female leaders and female
Campaign Promise 7: To renegotiate, or pull out of Bill Clinton's terrible
trade deal, NAFTA
Trump met with Justin Trudeau (what a joke) to discuss the tweaking of NAFTA
to benefit the US more, after he threatens to leave it
Campaign Promise 8: To undo ridiculous Obama-era federal agency regulations
Trump ordered a two-for-one repeal for all new regulations enacted by
federal agencies
Campaign Promise 9: To rollback Obama-era regulations on small businesses
Trump has rolled back ridiculous Obama-era regulations that have made it
nearly impossible for small businesses to hire employees
Campaign Promise 10: To help America's inner-cities deeply in need of
Trump has signed an Executive Order to give major funding to "Historically
Black Colleges and Universities," helping out inner-cities immensely
Campaign Promise 11: To protect our policemen, the true everyday heroes
Trump signed an Executive Order protecting our police
Campaign Promise 12: To crackdown on illegal immigration and to BUILD A WALL
Trump has implemented a YUGE crackdown on illegal immigration and he has
started the WALL initiative
Campaign Promise 13: To bolster our depleted military
Trump has increased our military budget because we don't want to use our
military, but want to be prepared to use it
Campaign Promise 14: To enact a five year lobbying ban on government
Officials after they leave office
Trump has placed a five year and lifetime lobbying ban on government
officials for when they leave office
Campaign Promise 15: To crackdown on drug cartels and illegal drugs crossing
the border
Trump signed an Executive Order cracking down on drug cartels
Campaign Promise 16: To revitalize the dying coal industry in the US
Trump has enacted Joint Resolution 38 putting thousands of coal miners back
to work
Campaign Promise 17: To create American JOBS and bring companies back to
Trump negotiated a deal with Carrier promising to bring manufacturing and
jobs back to the US.
Trump has met with CEOs from huge companies to work on bringing jobs back to
There was an increase of 298,000 jobs in February alone (liberals will say
that counts in Obama's fiscal year, but we know the truth)
Trump met with Intel CEO who promised $7 Billion investment and over 3,000
high paying (not "shovel ready" bullshit jobs) in America
Trump met with the CEO of Softbank who has promised 50,000 more American
jobs and has already fulfilled 3,000 of those jobs
Kroger has promised over 10,000 new jobs in the era of Trump
The month of March yielded 263,000 new jobs, which passes the month's
estimated 185,000 Big League
Campaign Promise 18: Pushing NATO allies to pay their fair share or face the
reality of the US possibly leaving
Trump has put major pressure on the members of NATO to pay their fair and
equal share because there are only a handful of countries in NATO who
currently pay as much as agreed upon
Campaign Promise 19: To make America energy independent, relieving us from
our dependence on foreign entities, such as OPEC
Trump has taken major steps towards America's energy independence
Campaign Promise 20: To enact a hiring freeze on government employees to
help stop corruption
Trump enacted a hiring freeze to all federal employees, cutting down on the
over-bloated bureaucracy
Campaign Promise 21: Trump could be the president that takes us to Mars!
Trump signed a Bill allowing NASA funding, including an exploration to Mars
Campaign Promise 22: To undo many of Obama's unconstitutional Executive
Rescinding (one of) Obama's incredibly unconstitutional actions regarding
transgender bathrooms in schools
Campaign Promise 23: The repeal and replacement of Obamacare. The recent GOP
fallout of AHCA Plan was no fault of Trump's. The blame solely belongs to
Speaker Ryan. He created a shit bill and couldn't even capitalize to get
enough votes. Obamacare will crash in 2017 when individual mandates kick in
and Democrats will be to blame. That is when Trump will truly work to Repeal
and Replace it with a plan he promised us.
Trump got rid of the idiotic penalty in Obamacare that fines you if you
choose not to participate in the program
Campaign Promise 24: To "Bomb the shit out of ISIS"
He called for a drone strike in Afghanistan killing Qari Yasin, a Pakistani
Al-Qaeda leader
Campaign Promise 25: To not take a salary as President
He donated his first quarterly salary to the National Park Service
(Even though it was Mike Pence) The defunding of clinics that perform
abortions. Because no matter whether you are pro-choice/pro-life, the
government should not be funding abortions. (Also, if people bring up the
Hyde Amendment which is supposed to not let any federal funding go towards
abortions, LET THEM KNOW that US taxpayers pay for about 24% of abortions
despite of that "amendment")
Huge spikes in the NASDAQ average index and the DOW average index starting
November 8th. (This will count for Obama unfortunately, but we know where
the real credit belongs.)
He has placed sanctions on Iran after they tested ballistic missiles
He has met with/talked to over 30 foreign leaders.
Trump has moved on to tax reform, lowering taxes for Americans
He negotiated down the Price of the new Air Force One one billion dollars in
a meeting that lasted just one hour
He issued major cuts to the costs of the F-35 saving billions
He has opened the eyes of the American public to just how unbelievably
corrupt (pretty believable to most) the Hussein Administration was.
All edits will be: More examples of MAGAing
1 (共1页)
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看了这个,你才知道选举作弊有多YUGE!(视频) (转载)Re: 柴大妈口语还是相当可以的 (转载)
Obama本来可能选Goodwin Liu做大法官 (转载)买把能突突的机关枪也就几百块么
急问, 关于abortion有同学在温哥华机场申请过TN吗? 求助
要开车去温哥华,在那里,接,打手机算国际长途吗? ATT 网手机, 美国内服务。 谢谢。哈哈哈,GOOG ER miss了
话题: trump话题: campaign话题: promise话题: he话题: obama