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Security版 - Is the adminstrator watching over me?
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欢迎来零点BBS讨论security and hack专题。这样有多危险?
要去睡了,这是我今天的战果  zhuan from honker拨号都会被hacker袭击??
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话题: watching话题: over话题: me话题: linux
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发帖数: 3
I just started working at a startup company. I suspect the
adminstrator is watching over emploees.
How can I find out whether if someone is watching over me?
How can I make make operations, like, file transfer, without
leaving any trace?
发帖数: 258
If you are using unix systems, you basically have no chance, since
all command are recorded. The only chance is to become a super user and
change the log settings, but that may expose you even faster.

【在 j**m 的大作中提到】
: I just started working at a startup company. I suspect the
: adminstrator is watching over emploees.
: How can I find out whether if someone is watching over me?
: How can I make make operations, like, file transfer, without
: leaving any trace?

发帖数: 3

The system is not unix. It's Windows NT4.0. Any chance? Are
there some software that can deal with that?

【在 s*****d 的大作中提到】
: If you are using unix systems, you basically have no chance, since
: all command are recorded. The only chance is to become a super user and
: change the log settings, but that may expose you even faster.

发帖数: 29
How about linux? I heard that one lab's linux machines are all hacked and
no one can log in, even the superuser.

【在 s*****d 的大作中提到】
: If you are using unix systems, you basically have no chance, since
: all command are recorded. The only chance is to become a super user and
: change the log settings, but that may expose you even faster.

发帖数: 258
This is a different story. If you hacked in a system, it's pretty easy to
make no one be able to login, for example, you just delete all the users.
But if you want the whole system to be still functioning properly (not to
alert the system admin) and hide your actions is almost hopeless.
Linux is basically unix.

【在 x*x 的大作中提到】
: How about linux? I heard that one lab's linux machines are all hacked and
: no one can log in, even the superuser.

发帖数: 258

sorry, don't know much about NT adminastration. Guess you are still watched
all the time.

【在 j**m 的大作中提到】
: The system is not unix. It's Windows NT4.0. Any chance? Are
: there some software that can deal with that?

1 (共1页)
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keylogger and email hacking求助:新装vista不能更改IE主页
HAPPY new year, is it easy to be hacked?小笼包子求助:家有小孩痴迷上网
Need "Steal" the Adminstrator's pwdwho can recommend?
欢迎来零点BBS讨论security and hack专题。这样有多危险?
话题: watching话题: over话题: me话题: linux