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Shanghai版 - CNN 上对上海男人的看法
uncle dc俨然成了上海版的大明星Almost cheated by a guy from Vietnam
今天教会里午饭时旁边弟兄问我最想吃的上海菜是什么Jazzy's CV
秀下我的新式武器 (转载)Bao Dao
你们以后在版上和爷叔吵架, 都小心点fwd sonicjet's CV
We Shanghainese have a born economic brainOk, Guys, Let's do this!
有关6。7发生的事any Shanghainese living in San Fransisco?
You guys新宁报到,格得多少宁是米孔书刀炕 Me Shanghainese 阿拉上海拧 group 啊?
Re: Is this true?Shanghainese Say No to A 2nd Child; Officials Disappointed
话题: shanghai话题: husbands话题: man话题: men
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China surpasses the world in yet another category: Quality husbands
Shanghainese husbands are renowned as the best in China, and maybe the world
. Here are five reasons why
By Helen He 25 February, 2011
new Shanghainese husband after his wedding photos? The kitchen to make
Lung Ying-tai once published an essay called, “Oh, Shanghainese men.”
The Taiwanese writer, who claimed to have seen it all, praised the
Shanghainese husband as “a rare species in this world” and “the most
valuable type of man.”
What on earth do these relatively tame-looking guys do to seduce Chinese
women so completely? Let me, a born-and-raised Shanghainese woman, explain
to the lure of the Shangainese man.
1. The versatile ma da sao
Ma da dao is Shanghainese slang meaning, “shop, wash, cook.”
Because sao (cook) has the same pronunciation as the word for an older woman
, when Chinese hear the term “ma da sao,” they usually picture a housewife.
The exception is when the term is used to describe men in Shanghai -- guys
who don’t just shop, wash and cook, but famously do so without complaint.
This is why on any Shanghai-based TV show, men are pictured wearing aprons,
mopping floors and picking up the kid from school.
The superpowers of local husbands allow them to actually have fun in malls,
salons and even the world’s first-ever flagship Barbie store.
While Western wives may spend their lives waiting to taste their husbands’
cooking, the Shanghai man presents his woman with a banquet of delicious
home-cooked food with ease.
Braised meatballs, fried fish or chicken soup … what do you fancy today,
2. The professional 'bag carrier'
Pop quiz: Which brand of bag will you most often find a Shanghai man
a. Hello Kitty
b. Dunhill
The answer is, of course, Hello Kitty, because that’s his wife’s bag.
When shopping with her Shanghainese boyfriend or husband (yes, Shanghai men
shop, remember “ma” from point number one?) the Shanghai female doesn’t
need to carry any bags, including her own petite purse.
That’s a chore Shanghai men gladly take care of.
Shanghainese men also often carry a packet of tissue with them in case their
partner should need it.
What’s more, they even remember their wife’s period cycle, to know when to
behave with more tenderness.
This might be considered “whipped” by outsiders, but a Shanghainese man
will tell you proudly that it’s their pleasure.
More on CNNGo: Chinese men wear handbags to be masculine
3. Family pride
Chatting with a married Western man, you may need to wait hours before he
mentions his wife. Chatting with a married Shanghainese man, you may need to
wait hours before he stops talking about his wife.
When a Shanghainese man begins dating, gets engaged or is having a baby, he
blasts out the news to every single contact on his cell phone.
For Shanghai men, enjoying life with family is far better than going it
Proud Shanghainese husbands take their wives to every event they attend,
from school reunions to team-building exercises at work.
n Shanghai, giving these flowers to your wife makes you more of a man -- and
an average Shanghainese husband.
4. Tolerance
The relationship between mother and daughter-in-law is like an active
volcano in the Middle Marriage Kingdom. But the Shanghai husband’s
legendary tolerance can single-handedly turn a lava flow into a pile of dead
ashes, or a volcano to be enjoyed and admired like Mt. Fuji.
For the Shanghainese husband, tolerance is a must.
“Three-plywood” is a Shanghainese slang term used when a person is stuck
between two parties.
Being a good “three-plywood,” “four-plywood” or even “five-plywood”
man is a serious obligation in Shanghai. The ultimate goal is to make the
wife and mother-in-law happy and to unite the whole family.
5. Masculinity in disguise
OK, stop thinking that all Shanghainese husbands are submissive, girlie or
wimpy. Believe me, these great guys have the flag of masculinity flying in
their hearts.
Shanghainese men simply see it as their responsibility to provide their
families with a wealthy life. Their outlook is, “I’ll make all the money
and deal with all the 'bei ju,'" a trendy Internet phrase in China meaning
“everything tragic.”
So, yes, they are tough. But always thoughtful.
Shanghai husbands almost always give their wives their entire salaries (
receiving an allowance in return), but not before hiding some “si fang qian
” (secret money) for personal use.
Yet even with their “si fang qian,” Shanghai husbands are likely to buy
their wife a gift to make her laugh.
That’s called being a man in Shanghai.
Article translated by Debbie Yong. Click to see the original article in
More on CNNGo: Shanghai's ultimate matchmaker -- Gong Haiyun
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Shanghainese Say No to A 2nd Child; Officials DisappointedWe Shanghainese have a born economic brain
突然之间, 灰常想念有关6。7发生的事
节约和守财奴的区别在哪里???You guys
NYU丑化上海Re: Is this true?
uncle dc俨然成了上海版的大明星Almost cheated by a guy from Vietnam
今天教会里午饭时旁边弟兄问我最想吃的上海菜是什么Jazzy's CV
秀下我的新式武器 (转载)Bao Dao
你们以后在版上和爷叔吵架, 都小心点fwd sonicjet's CV
话题: shanghai话题: husbands话题: man话题: men