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Ski版 - Rocker demos: Some rocker works - and what doesn't (ZZ)
Volkl rtm 80/84Salomon X-Wing fire skis 如何
Blizzard Bonafide 2012[Update - Volkl it is] Volkl Bridge vs Elan Amphibio Waveflex 88 vs Rossignol S7
All mountain skis that handle bumps well?What skis do you use?
谁给普及一下ski的牌子,商店line prophet 100 vs volkl mantra
What is "Rocker" and why does it matter?买ski什么时候discount多呀
请问各位高手都用什么牌子和型号的Skis?K2 A.M.P. Charger Skis怎么样?
话题: rocker话题: skis话题: hardpack话题: ski话题: feel
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 17993
My experience with rocker had mostly centered around Volkl skis. Finally
got to demo a bunch of other brands the last 2 days and I came away very
unimpressed with most of them. I now see why some people have such a
negative reaction to rocker - some of these skis are crap in anything other
than powder.
Let's start at the top - feel free to disagree! All were tested on Snowbird
hardpack/bumps(no fresh snow)
Volkls ELP profile: No camber, very gradual rocker the full length of the
ski. I'm used to the feel of this and I still feel like its leagues ahead
of what everyone else is doing. The best examples here, Katana and Bridge,
are combine ski characteristics that almost defy physics (hyperbole I know).
They carve amazingly well when you want and yet you can smear and pivot on
demand. Stable, tips don't flap, and they have big sweet spots.
Even though they have zero camber and full rocker these actually ski the
most like traditional skis IMO. Doesn't make sense right?
Camber underfoot + rockered tip/tail (Rossi, Atomic, Dynastar, Salomon, etc)
shape of the ski (5 point or not, amount of sidecut, where it's distributed)
. The S7 and Super 7 were less versatile than I was expecting. They feel
like they have no tail, but it holds an OK edge on hardpack despite that.
The turn shape they make is extremely funky, it hooks up at the start of the
turn but it wants to just drop out the bottom (because theres no tail to
finish the turn). Despite feel like they had no tail on hardpack the tails
were constantly getting hung up in bumps. I'd probably adapt to them in
time, but ugh. The Salomon Shogun had a loose feel but it was about the
worst carver of the day with close to zero edge hold. The standout here was
actually the Rossi S3. It carves round turns and will still release and
smear pretty well. Stable, huge sweet spot. It deserves the hype that the
S7 gets.
I think approach works too, but it's a step down in versatility from the
Volkls. I don't really think that small section of camber underfoot is
really doing much because the Volkls were just as good if not better on
hardpack without it.
Early rise tip (K2, Dynastar, etc): Ugh. While this seems like the "safest
" and least extreme of all the new skis they actually felt the worst. The
Dynastar Sultan 94 and Salomon Sentinel skied like traditional skis with
mushy tips. That tiny bit of extra float that early rise tip generates in
powder isn't worth what it does to the skis. The Rossi S3 is a way more fun
ski in that width category anyway. The more extreme version of this class
- the K2 Obsethed - was downright scary at speed. The tips were flapping
about a foot off the snow.
I'm NOT a fan of early rise with the rest of the ski traditional. The whole
ski just doesn't feel balanced anymore. I have a feeling these skis are
one of the reasons why a lot of people got a bad initial impression of
发帖数: 23691
All were tested on Snowbird: hardpack/bumps(no fresh snow)............


【在 q*c 的大作中提到】
: http://www.epicski.com/forum/thread/101395/rocker-demos-some-ro
: 感兴趣的可以读一读:
: My experience with rocker had mostly centered around Volkl skis. Finally
: got to demo a bunch of other brands the last 2 days and I came away very
: unimpressed with most of them. I now see why some people have such a
: negative reaction to rocker - some of these skis are crap in anything other
: than powder.
: Let's start at the top - feel free to disagree! All were tested on Snowbird
: hardpack/bumps(no fresh snow)
: Volkls ELP profile: No camber, very gradual rocker the full length of the

发帖数: 17993
如果他在deep powder里再demo,会更全面。不过这个Snowbird: hardpack/bumps(no
fresh snow)并不影响对这些skis的性能评价

【在 m***h 的大作中提到】
: All were tested on Snowbird: hardpack/bumps(no fresh snow)............
: other
: Snowbird

发帖数: 229
另一方面由于有rocker,side-cut会变小些?比如shogun从130 / 101 / 120,变成了120
/101/110.所以carving initiation, edge hold 会难一些。
而Early rise tip (只有tip rocker, no tail rocker),可能会让ski “有效”
side cut变成tip比tail还窄。比如Salomon sentinel从129/95/121变成119/95/121?
我感觉一般ski都是先靠tip去bite雪,然后initiate carving turn,特别是需要
active steering的small turn.所以头如果窄的话不大容易卡住?
1 (共1页)
K2 A.M.P. Charger Skis怎么样?All mountain skis that handle bumps well?
问个新手器材的问题What is "Rocker" and why does it matter?
Demo skis 和 snowboards 现在都便宜请问各位高手都用什么牌子和型号的Skis?
Volkl rtm 80/84Salomon X-Wing fire skis 如何
Blizzard Bonafide 2012[Update - Volkl it is] Volkl Bridge vs Elan Amphibio Waveflex 88 vs Rossignol S7
话题: rocker话题: skis话题: hardpack话题: ski话题: feel