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Soccer版 - 笑一笑,红脖战前总动员令是这样的
God's footballer看皇马1:0就和看中国队1:0一样
欧韩队赢了还盗版人家冰岛的viking clap ritual...美X杯应该允许几只老外队
Inter is very likely to be a seed team for next season这两个哪个漂亮?Gio的还是弗兰的?
支持蛋总通吃小秋盘Rhodri Giggs 'dumping his wife for eight-year affair with brother Ryan'
笑一笑, 重温韩尼大战Reminding you again: Messi has never scored against Chelsea.
达拉斯的球迷有福了 Free Match: FC Dallas vs. LA Galaxy (转载)申请足球版版主 (转载)
今晨的西甲比賽Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth
话题: team话题: hours话题: 34话题: game话题: come
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9616
72 hours til kickoff (reminders)
Golden Eagles Team Rules
1). No boozing or smoking 36 hours before kickoff
2). Team curfew Saturday Aug 26th at 10:30 PM
3). Drink up to 80 oz of water 24 hours before game
4). No choking the chicken more then once 24 hours before game
5). Come pumped up the day of the game
6). Prepare to be hazed if you are a new player
7). Getting half naked videos of Lewis in a tub full of rubber duckies is
normal on this team
8). Not drinking after games is frowned upon but will not get you kicked off
the team
9). Team prayers led by the holy triumphant is part of our ritual no matter
what religion or non religion you stand by
10). This is a fun ass team and don't get offended aka butt hurt
11). Make sure you come light to the game and take dumps in the women's
bathroom at Lincoln field if you have to
12). Establish a character or persona early in the season or one will be
given to you.
13). Pay team dues in single dollars and quarters. This is encouraged by
team management
14). It's ok to make teammates feel bad when they miss games with lame
excuses like "I have to do laundry" or "Wow I had an injury that
all of the sudden just snuck up on me this morning"
15). When in need of gas try to visit the gulf gas station in Lexington that
sponsors our shirt. That poor bastard got bamboozled by Nelson
16). We are a very smart team and come from different backgrounds. There is
no secrets here...asking to see players W2s and personal information is ok
17). Don't abuse Joe Dwyer's power. He usually pays for everything
and respect your elderlies
18). If you don't like Rage Against The Machine force yourself to listen
to it
19). Bringing girlfriends to the games is ok but absolutely no wives or
20). This is a championship team. Act like a champion
1 (共1页)
Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth笑一笑, 重温韩尼大战
Cat curfews in ACT!达拉斯的球迷有福了 Free Match: FC Dallas vs. LA Galaxy (转载)
英卫报: 美军方新软件用假ID网上亲美宣传今晨的西甲比賽
God's footballer看皇马1:0就和看中国队1:0一样
欧韩队赢了还盗版人家冰岛的viking clap ritual...美X杯应该允许几只老外队
Inter is very likely to be a seed team for next season这两个哪个漂亮?Gio的还是弗兰的?
支持蛋总通吃小秋盘Rhodri Giggs 'dumping his wife for eight-year affair with brother Ryan'
话题: team话题: hours话题: 34话题: game话题: come