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Sociology版 - 8-10 PhD-positions
Methodology Summer School in Slovenia世卫组织WHO的猪流感大骗局(2009-12-10 17:28:09)标签:
Family Research Consortium Summer Institute2010年诺贝尔医学奖被英国科学家Robert Edwards获得
这里有免费的云计算存储资源 (转载)药店拒绝给因低血糖晕倒的糖尿病人糖饮料
Master of Science in Environmental Governance at UNU-IASChina - Not Wall Street - Caused 2008 Crisis: Study
NYT: 中国的“优胜美地”:探索不为人知的攀岩新大陆 zz哈哈,没有话语权就是惨
我们的谎言是纯净的,不掺和一丝真相原来全是中国的错:China - Not Wall Street - Caused 2008 Crisis: Study
华人女为获身份假结婚 条件:可以爱一天他们拒绝继续洗脑, 辞职了
病毒现突变 专家:H7N9恐形成大流行病马云:天变了
话题: university话题: programme话题: fonaso话题: forest话题: nature
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 40
Dear colleagues,
8-10 PhD-positions are announced with in topics within Forest, Nature and
Society - deadline 1st of November 2011
Forest and Nature for Society (FONASO: http://www.fonaso.eu/ ) is a three-year world-class Joint Doctoral Programme. FONASO is part of the Erasmus Mundus programme initiated by the European Commission to enhance and promote European higher education throughout the world. The language of the programme is English. The main objective of the FONASO programme is to educate the leaders of the future generation of researchers, teachers and top management staff working with sustainable forest and nature management, in both tropical and temperate regions, to ensure wider societal benefits. Within forest and nature management, the programme is focused on the scientific fields of (i) economics and policy, and (ii) ecology and silviculture, each with two sub-groups, see www.fonaso.eu. The emphasis is on applied research.
The FONASO Consortium
The FONASO programme is offered by a Consortium that includes globally top
ranked universities and leading international research organisations. The
programme builds on existing research schools and environments, taking the
best from each to build up joint supervision, activities and doctoral
candidate courses. The Consortium consists of seven partner institutions and
five associate institutions:
University of Copenhagen, Denmark (coordinating partner)
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Bangor University, UK
Dresden University, Germany
University of Göttingen, Germany
AgroParisTech, France
University of Padova, Italy
Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia
Dalhoff Larsen & Hornemann, Denmark
James Cook University, Australia
University of British Columbia, Canada
World Agroforestry Centre, Kenya
Best regards,
1 (共1页)
马云:天变了NYT: 中国的“优胜美地”:探索不为人知的攀岩新大陆 zz
浙江禽流感来头不小: 2011年荷兰科学家研制禽流感变种 可成为我们的谎言是纯净的,不掺和一丝真相
Doors of Ivy League Wide Open for Jewish Students (link)华人女为获身份假结婚 条件:可以爱一天
世界大学就业能力排名病毒现突变 专家:H7N9恐形成大流行病
Methodology Summer School in Slovenia世卫组织WHO的猪流感大骗局(2009-12-10 17:28:09)标签:
Family Research Consortium Summer Institute2010年诺贝尔医学奖被英国科学家Robert Edwards获得
这里有免费的云计算存储资源 (转载)药店拒绝给因低血糖晕倒的糖尿病人糖饮料
Master of Science in Environmental Governance at UNU-IASChina - Not Wall Street - Caused 2008 Crisis: Study
话题: university话题: programme话题: fonaso话题: forest话题: nature