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Sociology版 - 读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(2) (转载)
读书笔记: Humphrey, 以葬礼为背景理解社会主义蒙古的私人财产读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(2) (转载)
读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(1) (转载)读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(2) (转载)
Gorski——加尔文教与现代民族国家的建立(Chapter1)读书笔记: Humphrey, 以葬礼为背景理解社会主义蒙古的私人财产
Chp2 and Chp3读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(1) (转载)
Chp10 and Chp11读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(1) (转载)
Chp14 and Chp15读书笔记: Humphrey, 以葬礼为背景理解社会主义蒙古的私人财产
z著名社會學家費孝通逝世读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(1) (转载)
读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(2) (转载)To My Dear Socialist Friends
话题: 財產话题: property话题: 主義话题: 社會话题: socialist
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 473
【 以下文字转载自 AnthroLing 讨论区 】
发信人: banzimian (板子面), 信区: AnthroLing
标 题: 读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(2)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 17 08:48:51 2011, 美东)
In the long history of Mongolia, funeral rites have changed, especially with the
advent of Buddhism from the seventeenth century and its brutal, though incomplete,
suppression under Russian Soviet influence (see B...).
Practices regarding property have also changed over the centuries, in somewhat the
same rhythm, the main transformation occurring between the 1920s and 1950s, with
the elimination of feudal relations and the drastic limitation of familial
property as Soviet-style collectivism was imposed.
If Buddhism deprecated the individual accumulation of property, the socialist
regime (for different reasons) more or less forbade it, and it is not surprising
therefore that the standard binary distinction between private and collective
property is not very informative for Mongolia.
Private property as a legal category could be said hardly to have existed during
socialist times, while collective property comprised a vast, diversified, and
multi-stranded sphere. Yet relatively little is known about actual behaviour in
relation to broad brush-stroke characterizations of state, public, or socialist
property in this region, as Mongolian ethnographers had small interest in such a
topic and the country was more or less closed to foreign anthropologists.
It is in this context that I advance my study of death rituals and personal
property in the late socialist period of the mid-1980s. That historical context
has now vanished, for Mongolia in the 1990s abandoned Communism, promoted
privatization, and encouraged revivals of both Buddhism and shamanism.
But I hope that my investigation of how people in those days dealt with
significant 'things' at the time of death may be of more general import by helping
us to re-think our 'common sense metaphors' of property and possession (S) and
hence to imagine alternative epistemology of people-object relations.
发帖数: 473
【 以下文字转载自 AnthroLing 讨论区 】
发信人: banzimian (板子面), 信区: AnthroLing
标 题: 读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(2)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 17 08:48:51 2011, 美东)
In the long history of Mongolia, funeral rites have changed, especially with the
advent of Buddhism from the seventeenth century and its brutal, though incomplete,
suppression under Russian Soviet influence (see B...).
Practices regarding property have also changed over the centuries, in somewhat the
same rhythm, the main transformation occurring between the 1920s and 1950s, with
the elimination of feudal relations and the drastic limitation of familial
property as Soviet-style collectivism was imposed.
If Buddhism deprecated the individual accumulation of property, the socialist
regime (for different reasons) more or less forbade it, and it is not surprising
therefore that the standard binary distinction between private and collective
property is not very informative for Mongolia.
Private property as a legal category could be said hardly to have existed during
socialist times, while collective property comprised a vast, diversified, and
multi-stranded sphere. Yet relatively little is known about actual behaviour in
relation to broad brush-stroke characterizations of state, public, or socialist
property in this region, as Mongolian ethnographers had small interest in such a
topic and the country was more or less closed to foreign anthropologists.
It is in this context that I advance my study of death rituals and personal
property in the late socialist period of the mid-1980s. That historical context
has now vanished, for Mongolia in the 1990s abandoned Communism, promoted
privatization, and encouraged revivals of both Buddhism and shamanism.
But I hope that my investigation of how people in those days dealt with
significant 'things' at the time of death may be of more general import by helping
us to re-think our 'common sense metaphors' of property and possession (S) and
hence to imagine alternative epistemology of people-object relations.
1 (共1页)
To My Dear Socialist FriendsChp10 and Chp11
葛兰素史克行贿案:中国区总经理性爱录像曝光Chp14 and Chp15
佛州男子上班驾车自带手机干扰器 蛰伏2年终被抓 (转载)z著名社會學家費孝通逝世
OED Update + Metaphor + reCaptcha读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(2) (转载)
读书笔记: Humphrey, 以葬礼为背景理解社会主义蒙古的私人财产读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(2) (转载)
读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(1) (转载)读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(2) (转载)
Gorski——加尔文教与现代民族国家的建立(Chapter1)读书笔记: Humphrey, 以葬礼为背景理解社会主义蒙古的私人财产
Chp2 and Chp3读书笔记: Humphrey, 蒙古葬禮, 私人財產(1) (转载)
话题: 財產话题: property话题: 主義话题: 社會话题: socialist